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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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UK gaf help me understand the Corbyn situation. From what I gather many felt like he didn't do enough during the campaign, and he had more of a hands off approach. Leave won so now many are asking him to step down. He's trying to paint it now as those people have always wanted him out, and he still remains the best choice. Is that about right? Or am I missing something?


Unconfirmed Member
On every john oliver video now you have a swarm of alt-right posters who are circlejerking, celebrating their distribution of bloody noses and calling of course that everybody except them are liars. That's your voter demographic ladies and gents
He's become some kind of progressive symbol, it's pretty interesting. He's not really doing anything differently than what Jon Stewart or Colbert did, but he's hated by a whole new audience.

So, not sure if this has been posted before, but this tweet thread suggests what a Nightmare this will be for Northern Ireland. Basically, NI will now not be Europe, but the rest of Ireland will, so that means checkpoints or some form of gate, which means the peace will be disturbed and the troubles will restart....

The good friday agreement also lets all NI citizens have an Irish aka EU passport. Not sure how this is going to work now.
What a surprise not a labour banner in sight at the pro Corbyn rally, communists, SWP, momentum and a few anarchists thrown in. What a fucking rabble.


UK gaf help me understand the Corbyn situation. From what I gather many felt like he didn't do enough during the campaign, and he had more of a hands off approach. Leave won so now many are asking him to step down. He's trying to paint it now as those people have always wanted him out, and he still remains the best choice. Is that about right? Or am I missing something?

He is like Sanders but worse. He probably also likely voted Leave.

He is not electable and only the purity test fanatics like him, they are not interested in governing.
No it was the reason for the US downgrade.

The US didn't face any big dangers or risks at the time. Moreover, S&P got the irrelevant math they did wrong on top of that. And anyone can easily go to the US treasury department's website and see the numbers before, immediately after, and multiple years later and judge if S&P got their assessment right.


Gold Member
Why do they keep saying with hard work and resolve we can get through this? To where, will this hard work and resolve be directed? What initiatives have been started - I honestly can't believe there are so many people just calm about this fluff.

The pressure that needs exerting is from the 'Leave' side of the split. There are plenty having doubts and second thoughts. They need to make their voices heard. If nothing, just to show that they've voiced their dissent and realise how catastrophic this is going to be.
UK gaf help me understand the Corbyn situation. From what I gather many felt like he didn't do enough during the campaign, and he had more of a hands off approach. Leave won so now many are asking him to step down. He's trying to paint it now as those people have always wanted him out, and he still remains the best choice. Is that about right? Or am I missing something?

There are suspicions/suggestions that he was actually for Leaving and his office acted to sabotage the Remain campaign.



Remain did a shit job pointing out we've invested trillions to get where we are today and effectively we've chosen to write off a decent chunk of that investment and now need to invest again to get where Leave want us to be.
I'm getting mixed messages here.

Germany (and Europe) want clarity, putting your application in would be that. Beating around the bush, talking about needing a new PM and a parliamentary approval after that is not helping with that.

Unless something miraculous happens with an early election we are out, no mixed messages there. Preliminary talks is nothing but good diplomacy, lay the ground work. As far as Europe should be concerned, the whole needing a new PM thing is an internal formality. The current guy isn't going to formally tell you anything, that's the next guys job - simple. None of that has anything to do with the usefulness of beginning preliminary talks now. Seriously informal talks will do more to end the uncertainty than waiting 3 months for a new PM. This is nothing more than a bullying tactic my Markel,


He is like Sanders but worse. He probably also likely voted Leave.

He is not electable and only the purity test fanatics like him, they are not interested in governing.

This sounds horrific. As a person who really does not like Sanders. This is nightmare fuel.

There are suspicions/suggestions that he was actually for Leaving and his office acted to sabotage the Remain campaign.

Yea I have heard them talk about that on Sky news, but I thought it sounded so outlandish as to be bullshit. Man that is crazy.


Why do they keep saying with hard work and resolve we can get through this? To where, will this hard work and resolve be directed? What initiatives have been started - I honestly can't believe there are so many people just calm about this fluff.

The pressure that needs exerting is from the 'Leave' side of the split. There are plenty having doubts and second thoughts. They need to make their voices heard. If nothing, just to show that they've voiced their dissent and realise how catastrophic this is going to be.
Its what rich folk say to everyone else in lieu of social security or initiatives that actually cost money.


The thing that gets me is that all of this bullshit was entirely self inflicted. It wasn't global terrorism or a natural disaster, it was millions of thick British people who voted for the destruction of their own nation. I feel powerless, my future in this country has been fucked up by people who want to regress and take their country back to some nostalgic bullshit vision where everyone was white/ English and Britain ruled. They have voted to destroy themselves and take everybody else down with them because they don't like foreigners and want to "stick it" to the establishment. What good has come out of all this? We now look like a moronic nation on the world stage, we won't be getting any "special" deals from the EU (why the fuck would they do that?), vote to leave has fuelled nationalism and racial tensions - making anyone who isn't English feel unwelcome, and on top of all that we've got to endure the side effects of economic suicide for an unknown amount of years. It's an absolute mess and we're going ahead with it because 17 million dumb people said so. We have to uphold our democratic values even if it takes us down. It's utter bollocks imo.

David Cameron loves his country so much that he recklessly gave people the opportunity to destroy it with a simple yes/no vote. I can't understand how he thought reducing our complex relationship with the EU to a simple binary choice and allowing the "people" to decide the UK's financial future was a good idea. This guy doesn't give a shit about what he has done because it won't ruin his life . He opened his statement in parliament today by having a pop at the opposition triggering a roar of laughter. None of these people give a shit about how this ridiculous result will affect everyone. It's all a point scoring game.
They divided the country with a needless referendum that millions utilised to demostrate their dislike for anyone who looks "foreign" and now politicians are calling for "unity". How does that even work? I don't see the emerging societal disharmony going away anytime soon now that people feel empowered to say what they really think because of the vote to leave.

I cannot see a single positive that has emerged from this. We will be far worse off outside the EU. I don't see how we will ever return to the state we were in before the referendum. Only sensible thing to do imo is to leave this country to rot and regress along with the people who have "taken their country back".

Lego Boss

S¡mon;208495893 said:
Dutch government is talking about Brexit as we speak. For what it's worth: the government wants to continue to trade with the UK.
Also the realisation that there are other EU countries which are taking a 'hostile' approach and want the UK to leave the EU on bad terms. The Netherlands is, however, going to urge for a 'nice' break-up with the UK. They want the best possible outcome for both the Dutch and British population.

I like the Dutch.

Can l have some of what they are smoking?



He only has appeal to his base. No one else. I am staunchly Labour and I would never vote for him in a million years. He is a professional protest candidate, not a party leader.

Knowing he sabotaged remain as well he is anathema to me.

Like it or not you have to have a media face and political nous to win an election. This is the reality. Pretending otherwise is meaningless.
UK gaf help me understand the Corbyn situation. From what I gather many felt like he didn't do enough during the campaign, and he had more of a hands off approach. Leave won so now many are asking him to step down. He's trying to paint it now as those people have always wanted him out, and he still remains the best choice. Is that about right? Or am I missing something?

He's support is with the grassroot Labour membership, not the largely Blairite parliamentary party.
Unless something miraculous happens with an early election we are out, no mixed messages there. Preliminary talks is nothing but good diplomacy, lay the ground work. As far as Europe should be concerned, the whole needing a new PM thing is an internal formality. The current guy isn't going to formally tell you anything, that's the next guys job - simple. None of that has anything to do with the usefulness of beginning preliminary talks now. Seriously informal talks will do more to end the uncertainty than waiting 3 months for a new PM. This is nothing more than a bullying tactic my Markel,
Well, it would be nice to officially hear from the UK if leaving is actually happening or not. Until then, what is the use in talking? It's on the UK to make a move now. Nobody is being bullied here, Europe is waiting for clarity about what the UK is actually going to do and what their process is for getting out of the EU.


Corbyn is like Sanders if he was even less charismatic and even less willing to work with people whom he disagreed. Corbyn is what happens if you elect your high school's most boring teacher as leader of a major political party. He hasn't had a new thought enter his brain since 1983.

Pancake Mix

Copied someone else's pancake recipe
While England, Wales, and the UK as a whole voted for this, the situation in Scotland and Gibraltar might cause some Nationalists to take pause.


If you want to keep the country together, you might not be able to act on the non-binding referendum. It was indeed a show of support for the idea from a majority of voters UK-wide, but keeping Scotland in the UK and not crippling the overseas territory of Gibraltar/causing chaos there should win over some of the more rational and logical leave voters.


UK gaf help me understand the Corbyn situation. From what I gather many felt like he didn't do enough during the campaign, and he had more of a hands off approach. Leave won so now many are asking him to step down. He's trying to paint it now as those people have always wanted him out, and he still remains the best choice. Is that about right? Or am I missing something?

Pretty much. Those people did always want him out though, that's a bonus. He was voted leader by a large margin by much of the labour party membership (i.e. the public, anyone who pays a couple quid to join and have a say), but a pretty large proportion of the career politicians in the Labour party didn't want him as leader in the first place (they were trying to stop him even being nominated). Now they have another excuse to try to get rid of him.
He only has appeal to his base. No one else. I am staunchly Labour and I would never vote for him in a million years. He is a professional protest candidate, not a party leader.

Knowing he sabotaged remain as well he is anathema to me.

Like it or not you have to have a media face and political nous to win an election. This is the reality. Pretending otherwise is meaningless.

He was the final straw for me and the reason I let my labour membership lapse, and joined the SNP today after 20 odd years as a Labour member it wasn't a tough choice sadly. He is utterly useless and will idly sit by as Labour becomes no more than a protest party.


What does it take for a general election to happen immediately? If it's possible that's what I would be wanting rather than a 2nd referendum. The current players on either side of the Brexit have no credibility remaining. Nothing any of them have had to say since Friday has been impressive in the least. They're not going to be effective in dealing with the EU, anyway. They're all tainted.


No country takes the credit rating companies seriously anyway, unless you are Greece :p.

All the big countries just ignore their ramblings

Bold One

The Leave campaign and everyone who voted for it, regardless of the reasons, fucked us, they fucked themselves and they fucked the future generations yet unborn.

I for one will never let them forget it.

This is your legacy Leavers, the most spectacular own-goal in recorded history.


All 26 hours. Multiple times.
anybody seen the pres conference of merkel, Hollande and Renzi? Man, Renzi is surely the most laid back, smug faced statesman ever :D


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
“No-one on the leave side doesn’t want free trade with Europe,” prominent pro-leave MEP Daniel Hannan just said on BBC News.

"As far as Europe goes, it should be possible to stay inside an arrangement with the EU with bilateral deals, which would allow for free movement, but what we will not have are foreign courts deciding who can come into the UK."

The brass neck on these cunts is quite spectacular, if only we could will Malcolm Tucker into being and unleash him on them.
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