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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Austerity was a temporary solution for us to recover, and now we're heading into recession. Every Leave voter made a huge mistake.


I see myself as British, but am mostly English and was born here and as a result support England and identify (if pushed) as being English.

This is among the worst weeks of my life.


Most of UK money come from London... after the Leave... who gonna pay the UK bill? Which one get the bigger share of the pie... decisions decisions.
Delighted that England lost so embarrassingly tonight. You know it is going to have upset all the little Englanders who voted Leave. Fuck them.



My neighbours hate me now. Laughed way too loud.
The English football team are a team of bottlers. Been this way for decades.

Delusionally thinking they will win anything of note is just a national pastime at this point.


How much of this rating stuff is just short term collywobbles? We're still a big economy so I don't see why we'd be downgraded so much. These sorts of things can cause a vicious circle if not careful

Ratings do not impact the cost of borrowing for a Sovreign in reality. We have control over our currency (despite how much it's falling which is another issue entirely....).

UK cost of borrowing fell below 1% today (historic low), due to flight to safety to UK treasuries since UK equities are banana republic levels of volatile now.

What this does do however is give those who say leaving Europe is a terrible idea an excellent marketing tool. Osborne and Cameron used the need to protect our AAA rating as the foundation for their austerity plans, which is of course total bullshit, but it works.


I really have a huge dislike for people who always think they voted strategically or protest vote. We have shitload of such people here in Holland, hopefully these people do not get a referendum.


My aunt was walking with her teenage child today when she suffered the most horrific abuse. Bear in mind she never had even the slightest bit of xenophbia living in the UK for years.

Honestly i am speechless. I expected racism in barnsley. Not sheffield of all places


I'm sure it maybe didn't have a massive impact, but the right wing press has been eating away at Europe for 20+ years, painting it as a nanny state controlling everything we do. Eventually that seeps into people's minds and gets accepted as fact. That surely has some impact on how people perceive Europe and their desire to 'take back control'
Delighted that England lost so embarrassingly tonight. You know it is going to have upset all the little Englanders who voted Leave. Fuck them.

Didn't upset me, I guess its good to vent but it won't fix anything. Just gotta get on with life and it will sort itself out eventually.

Didn't watch the match, Game of Thrones way more important but I did expect it from England, they suck at football (you can probably tell I'm not a football fan)
I'm sure it maybe didn't have a massive impact, but the right wing press has been eating away at Europe for 20+ years, painting it as a nanny state controlling everything we do. Eventually that seeps into people's minds and gets accepted as fact. That surely has some impact on how people perceive Europe and their desire to 'take back control'

I don't think the impact of the media can possibly be overstated.


Ughhh, what have we done as a country to deserve th...

oh well apart from all the stuff last week

and over the last 300 years

apart from that
I see myself as British, but am mostly English and was born here and as a result support England and identify (if pushed) as being English.

This is among the worst weeks of my life.

I was born in Essex. I have always lived in the East of England. I've always considered myself European first, British second, English third.

After the events of the past 6 years in England, I don't feel happy with considering myself English at all any more. I'm determined to adopt my grans native nationality and consider myself Scottish.

As a proud Scot I am happy to announce myself as Pro Leave, we need our independence so we can remain with our European cousins.


TBF I am on personal terms with Henry, and I tell you what he is a excellent MP, that is why he continues to get voted in

His only downfall is he is a yes boy in public, but privately he hates immigration, but he works bloody hard for local issues

In my area we have had no investment at all to cope with the immigration, since 1994 when the doors were opened....

No new schools
No new doctors
no expansion to hospital
no new housing (this is now changing, but to little too late)
no new infrastructure (roads etc)

Seems useless to me, ditch him at the next GE. Talk is cheap, actions are worth more.
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