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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Pretty soon then, thanks.

Holy shit /dead
England's football performance is a good analogy for our government, everyone is just looking at each other wondering what the fuck is going on and what to do next.
Yeah, that's what pretty much everyone has been commenting on.

I'm genuinely amazed that out of a country of 300,000 people, 30,000 supporters came for the Euro.


The BBC's formalised lack of bias (hold the laughter) isn't helpful in situations where campaigns are going off the deep end. You had BBC reporters stating that they knew that the £350m stuff was an utter fabrication but they can't report that, they can only couch in "leave say this, remain say that" where a number of them felt when a lie is so blatantly and demonstrably untrue, they should be able to approach the reporting of that far more factually rather than the two sides nonsense.

There's a lot of truth in this. False equivalency is dangerous - presenting two opinions as equal when they aren't. I remember seeing a lot of this in US media around climate change: here is an expert backed by the vast majority of scientific opinion, and here is an industry spokesman. And they both just have equal opinions.


I agree. I don't like him right now and wish he would go, but since his vote is private, if he said he voted remain, he voted remain as far as I'm concerned.

I don't see what evidence they could produce to the contrary without doing something illegal.

Not possible without illegality - but it wouldn't actually be hard if a poll worker wanted to do it. if someone stole or took a photo of the ballot and then passed it to the press...


Wales relies on EU funding.
Votes Leave.
Realises they are now stuck with England, getting nothing.
Now want independence so they can join EU again.

It ain't happening Wales. I'm so sorry.

The United Kingdom is no more.
All because one Prime Minister gambled and lost.

Not an army did this, not a pandemic did this. A stupid, needless gamble did this.

Deleted member 1235

Unconfirmed Member
2 mins till 2nd brexit, this time iceland with deciding vote shocker


I think the most telling thing in this now is that stuff on both sides has failed to come to fruition, ok Leave's lies were greater but both sides lied, that is unfortunatly what politicians do here.

Now everyone needs to work together for the best deal for Europe, so it can continue unhindered going forward, whilst trying to maintain as much exposure to the single market as we can negotiate, if it means things going up 10% so be it.

As Cameron said today,

Optimism is all very nice but we are in middle of the talks to demolish a perfectly good house that had 40 years of improvement and then build a new one, brick by brick without even knowing who our suppliers or builders are.

The way I see it, there should be not 1 but 2 more referendums. First one after a new deal has proposed by the EU and we know the details of our new potential standings. We can then vote to either accept the terms to decline them. In this case another referendum should take place to ask whether we really want to leave the EU or not.

Of course the above is insanely unrealistic. First because we won't be able to workout a deal with EU until after we triggered Article 50. Secondly, EU won't allow us to hold them hostage while we keep holding potentially multiple referendums, if say the public declined the deal but then voted to leave the EU again. Thirdly, EU countries are tired of UK being a special snowflake getting all the good deals. We had the best deals in the EU, no amount of negotiating will bring that back. No chance. Zero. Absolutely no way.

All that Cameron said today, was just him trying to salvage whatever remains of his reputation with millions of people who voted to Remain. If he really and truly felt like this was it, he would have triggered Article 50 himself. Instead he chose a cowards way out and threw the mantle on the floor, washed his hands of the tough decision and walked away. He won't be alone responsible for potentially ruining the country's economic position in the world or driving anither wedge in the United Kingdom's unity just a few years after Scotland voted to stay in. No someone else had to take the blame too and that will have to be the next PM.

There's nothing inherently undemocratic about holding another or a series of referendums about the one most important decision that the country, the public could vote for in the past 40 years. It's not about joining something new, it's about leaving something we've been part of for many decades. It's like you are tearing your arm off and hoping nothing will change. Sure the miracle of science might grow you a new one but it will probably take you as long as you had your old one to get back where you have started. Or perhaps a prosthetic will be much superior to flesh and bone but nobody actually built one, not even a prototype.

It's unknown waters, it's dark, there's a storm coming and all you have to navigate in these waters is a shovel and a flashlight. None of the things are suitable for a marine journey on a boat called UK. And that's the thing Leave campaign had no plan. No one really expected then to win, not even themselves. They all smiled and lied through their teeth, spouting whatever nonsense they could come up with. Was Remain any better? They talked of maybe, worst case scenario created over after tea on a napkin using a pencil. Using fear to try to make people vote Remain, instead of debunking what Leave said and stating the clear benefits of today's EU membership. Not strawberry milk rivers and fountains of chocolate that Leave was promising but the actual benefits we receive today. They both lied but Remain lied far more shamelessly fuiling the hate in this (maybe not so) tolerant country.

This is not general elections. Where the best clown wins. This a referendum that should have been handled by an independent committee without direct involvement of the political parties. Democracy only works when the public voting on the issue have all the facts. They did not, neither of the sides. People would have had to think much further ahead than they did to truly understand what their choice could potentially do to this country. Remain just such a poor job at communicating this that they've made people lose confidence in their campaign making them choose the other guys' arguments, at least they sound right!

I thought I've calmed myself after Friday's result but apparently not! The thought of my potential children living in the country weakened by lies and short-sightness does not sound like something I would want to accept right now.

Everyone cannot work together to overcome this. This would require the general public to be united and it will not after this, we could drift apart further and further as the time goes on. And it would require our efforts to actually mean anything politically and economically. This isn't world war 2, where we can a band together and make more equipment at the factories to strengthen our forces. Nobody is going to do anything. There's nothing to unite behind, the consequences of the vote we took on Thursday may only be felt in 10-20. By that time some of those Leave voters might have perished due to an old age. Ha! Thanks guys. Not to mention, for me, there's no one left to vote in this country. Labour is a sham with Jeremy burying them deeper and deeper into the sand. Lib-dems committed a mass political sekuppu during the "coalition" government by basically being useless, losing the support of many people. Tories got us into this mess almost entirely on their own. And UKIP with their far right and xenophobic undertones is a no go, even if Farage would promise 100% to rejoin the EU, that's because he'll be 100% lying at the same time.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I am interested in what they plan to report, but do you think you've accurately summarized what's behind your link? Because it seems to me that a summary is that a journalist claims he's fairly certain Corbyn voted leave, and your summary is that Corbyn definitely voted leave, and it seems like you don't understand the conceptual slippage there.

Apologies. Fixed it now.


It's sad to see centuries of shared history between England and Scotland end like this. And this time, it wasn't Scottish nationalism that ended the United Kingdom, but it was arrogant English nationalism that ended the United Kingdom.

Yup. And a large number of the Leave voters don't even see it. That they have destroyed the very thing they claimed they were trying to make 'great' by utter selfishness and fear. 'Great' Britain, pah. Little Britain is more like it.

Genuine question guys.

We live in a block of flats. There's a nice Polish couple who I've spoken to a few times over the last couple of years and always say hi to me when I see them.

Our area was 61-39 Leave. Would it be stupid to maybe, I don't know, buy them a little gift or write them a card or something just to say that we're thinking of them?

I think that's a lovely idea. As long as the gift and card can't in any way be seen as creepy and stalkerish. I mean there's numerous ways you can take the phrase 'I'm thinking of you', not all of them good ... ;p

But sure, a box of chocolates, a card saying 'there's a good chance you think all Brits are racist cockwombles right now, and sadly it appears that a sizeable number of us are, but please have friendship and chocolate from us because we don't hate you'.

Edit: Really loving the football result. Karma and all that, especially given how disgracefully some England fans have behaved. I do hope that English anger isn't taken out on EU immigrants back here though, given how brazen the far right have felt comfortable with being over the last few days :/

Edit 2: Just seen on twitter: Iceland 2, Poundland 1. Hahhhhhaaaa, marvellous. Seriously, the humour here, on twitter, buzzfeed etc are making this whole shitshow slightly less unbearable.


Prime Minister said: "Iceland’s interests are better served outside the European Union " when they withdrew their application.

You can say all what you want in the media, you still have to actually withdraw which they had actually not done at that point. The EU stated quite fast that the foreign minister calling to say that without Althing support wasn't actually doing that. Maybe they did silently since then, but the last known public word is that they didn't. It is like Article 50. Britain technically isn't leaving until that is put into action.


Holy crap! Today's real megaton is that more than two people can have the same first name.
I'm actually pleased because given the current climate, an England win would be disastrous.


Wales relies on EU funding.
Votes Leave.
Realises they are now stuck with England, getting nothing.
Now want independence so they can join EU again.

It ain't happening Wales. I'm so sorry.

There was just 80k people between the votes...

I voted remain in Wales, and my area was one of the few that was mostly remain. That is the problem with this situation, no one was in agreement. The difference doesn't even amount to the population of a city.
So what is the most likely course of action here?

Invoking Article 50 without a plan would be disastrous for the UK.

Not invoking Article 50 for a prolonged period of time is also disastrous for the UK.

I find it very unlikely that anyone on your government is going to take up responsibility and tell the public they will be ignoring the referendum, so that's out as well.

Lose/Lose/Lose, take your pick.


Great result. No bullshit nationalistic football tribalism for the public to use to bury their heads in the sand with. Time to face the music!


In all seriousness, I hope minorities and immigrants avoid pubs and the streets in general tonight. Things might get nasty.


not tag worthy
How much of this rating stuff is just short term collywobbles? We're still a big economy so I don't see why we'd be downgraded so much. These sorts of things can cause a vicious circle if not careful

I guess until we start negotiating. Once it is in place a clear EU massegw of support to help us exit smoothly in place should bring a bit of stability.

UK bleeding everywhere spill onto other nations they need to seal the wound bring clam then negotiate
So what is the most likely course of action here?

Invoking Article 50 without a plan would be disastrous for the UK.

Not invoking Article 50 for a prolonged period of time is also disastrous for the UK.

I find it very unlikely that anyone on your government is going to take up responsibility and tell the public they will be ignoring the referendum, so that's out as well.

Lose/Lose/Lose, take your pick.

Most likely scenario at the moment is Article 50 getting invoked in 3-4 months time. But who knows what financial and political turmoil lies ahead so that could change.


So what is the most likely course of action here?

Invoking Article 50 without a plan would be disastrous for the UK.

Not invoking Article 50 for a prolonged period of time is also disastrous for the UK.

I find it very unlikely that anyone on your government is going to take up responsibility and tell the public they will be ignoring the referendum, so that's out as well.

Lose/Lose/Lose, take your pick.

Everything considered since there's definitely no possibility of avoiding the Brexit, I still think option 1 is the best one. Or the "less worst". At least it gives you 2 years of breathing time, even if there's no plan there is a little time to improvise one, and start convincing other EU members to be patient. There's no way we can see any progress if we can't even start talking to each other.
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