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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Can someone explain to me why I'm seeing Leavers say "of course there will be some economic troubles at first, but it'll all be fine"?

Because this is a little bit bigger than just "growing pains"

Because now we can actually sign deals with other countries...
French far-right leader Marine Le Pen was - as perhaps could have been expected given the result - the quickest off the blocks to react to the referendum result in the UK.

The far-right national front leader hailed Britain's decision to leave the European Union and called for a similar referendum in France.

"Victory for Freedom! As I have been asking for years we must now have the same referendum in France and EU countries," the National Front (FN) leader tweeted.
I'm off to sleep. I wonder how this'll affect south american markets, but I guess I'll find out in a few hours.

This. The reactionary venting in this thread is a little too much.
You don't have to wait a few years. You can see markets tanking right now.

If you don't like reactions, you don't even need to come into the thread. Bail like you always do.


'Daddy, will you tell me the story of how Great Britain was destroyed?'

'Well, son, it all started when David Cameron stuck his cock in a severed pig's head'


Jesus this is all worst case scenario come to life.

Exit then Cameron resigns, won't invoke article 50 himself so everything is up in the air until at least Oct. crazy.


Can someone explain to me why I'm seeing Leavers say "of course there will be some economic troubles at first, but it'll all be fine"?

Because this is a little bit bigger than just "growing pains"

Cause otherwise they might have to actually confront the idea that they were wrong and they can't have that.


So sorry.

I was saying to my GF this morning: "the only good thing to come of this is that we're OK no matter how much they Americanise the nation. We've got our health, got jobs, got prospects. Nothing will change for us with the current outlook."

And that sort of selfish thinking is exactly what the Right want.

Thinking about anyone living under the bread line is enough to make me cry. Millions having their lives fucked over by, frankly, bad rhetoric and yellow journalism.

The very people that voted to leave will be the ones most likely to be fucked over by it

- new recession? Lots of job losses which will impact working classes heavily
- reduction in working protections that come significantly from the EU. Less maternity/paternity cover, less protection against redundancy etc.


His resignation is going to rattle the economy even more. Leave has no plan in place for anything so were hoping to keep Cameron around to stabilize the boat while they try to develop a plan.

He just told them to basically fuck off

What a mess.


Seen this image floating around on twitter, don't know how likely its ever to happen, but honestly wouldn't surprise me if this was what it turned out to end up like within the next 10 or 20 years.


Just annex the north and have done with it.
The North cannot be held not by an outsider. It's too big and too wild


Sadly he's probably the best person currently to oversee the mess. He's at least got a modicum of experience. We're fucked.

I agree, as much as I do not agree with Tory policy or philosophy, I wouldn't mind Cameron for a while more when he's already in some sort of swing of things. I dont really get how his last year was any worse than his first.
Cameron out too? Ugh, could he not stay to try push it being rejected in Parliament, even if that would be very tough.

Very depressing day for all of Europe.


So my 8 year old just asked what all this means on the TV.

I said basically it's like you are in a class with 27 other people, we've decided we want to go into our own class, his response; who wants to be in a class on their own.

Heartbreaking that we've fucked future generations.

You didn't tell your son that you are now saving on very high tuition fees that you can spend on all new toys? And that you are no longer being harassed by the bad boys in class? /s


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We've had years of the news media pushing down our throats how shit the EU is for us and now we have voted to leave.

The prolonged anti EU headlines have finally had there affect. I blame the newspapers for this vote.


As bad as this is I hope some good comes out of it and that it will remind the lobbyists in EU that a lot of Europeans still care about our nations sovereignty and don't want decisions about our future made in a foreign city.

I thought Cameron was pretty good at doing that even inside the EU but seems for the British people it was too little too late.
Borderline apocalyptic.

Does anybody trust Bumbling Boris to handle things now? I'm not sure even he does.

All along Leave hoped Cameron would stick around to do the dirty work and now he's flipped them off.

The country is a shambles and every individual who voted Leave should feel exceedingly foolish.
Can someone explain to me why I'm seeing Leavers say "of course there will be some economic troubles at first, but it'll all be fine"?

Because this is a little bit bigger than just "growing pains"
Because they refuse to see reason about how this impact the economy. They pretty much don't trust experts and politicians anymore and brush aside every argument made by them.

Mr. Sam

What's the over/under on a general election this year or next? I know it doesn't have to happen, but surely the new Tory leader doesn't want to follow in Gordon Brown's footsteps.


How is he going to start his speech by talking about maintaining stability and then say buy I'm out by October?

The EU wanted the process to begin today and now UK is trying to delay that until at least October?


Gordon Brown must be so happy he's not considered the worst recent pm anymore.

Cameron can also be happy, the twatshit they get to replace him will likely be even worse

Hooray! We set fire to everything because Muslims and The Polish are a bit scary
Hey Britain before you turn completely far-right in your spiral towards economic disaster, poisonous news media, racist policies, and severe austerity measures gutting your education and healthcare, could you please disarm all of your nuclear weapons? Thanks in advance.
But Britain is the lone white wolf with the finger on the trigger, so it will be excused.
Lol. What other countries? Ones to exploit your dirt shit currency?

Solid plan.

Happy independence day.

Don't worry, we'll upend a bunch of hugely successful trade deals and establish new ones, cos we care about sovereignty and don't like bargaining bits of it away on things like trade deals!!!!!
I think this is about right. And sadly, the crucifixion of the as a warning to others will be necesary. The EU is more important than this, horrbile as it is to say.
I agree.

I'm genuinely sorry for the people who will suffer, but the worst thing that could happen right now is a prosperous Britain.

It can't be overstated how important the EU is to eat at the table of the big guys (US, China, Russia).


Subete no aware
There's a small part of me that feels sad for Cameron, because he'll be known as the guy who destroyed the UK. But then there's another part of me that just wants to dance on his political grave.


You'll be signing deals with the EU mostly... I mean seriously do any of you people even know anything before you voted out?

Well, we will definitely be signing deals with the EU...but now...we can ALSO sign deals with India, Canada, Australia...etc.
So "Project Fear" is all unfolding infront of eyes within hours of the vote. Project Fact more like it, we've literally set fire to our own economy.

It's true, we will be living like cavemen within a year! First we didn't listen to people talking shit about not joining the EU and look what happened, the £ became absolutely worthless whilst € became much stronger than it.

Throwing my BDS degree in the bin and learning how to hunt and shit, game over.
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