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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Considering the impact of leaving the EU, you'd think the EU could bump that 350 billion fee to 400 at least, seems cheap after all.


Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan (i.e. the cosmopolitan, multicultural bits) voted to stay.

The rest of Wales which consists of a few mountains, some sheep, and a load of insular communities up the valleys (who benefit from a shit ton of EU funding) voted to lead.

I'm glad to say I'm from Cardiff.

Gwynedd here mofo, we voted yellow too.


A little anecdote from the Welsh valleys - it's the only place where I've encountered someone who didn't understand what mixed-race was. I was introduced to my aunt's friend and she just thought I had a good tan. She was dumbfounded.

I think with racism in this country... we just have to accept that there are a hell of a lot more of them than we'd like to admit. Maybe they're not raging neo-nazis, but we can't excuse the latent racism many of our grandparents and even parents still exhibit just because they're family.

There are *millions* of racists in England. Let's not delude ourselves otherwise.

It's a combination of casual racism, which when combined with our innate sense of superiority and rich history, creates a clusterfucker where we constantly look to the outside for the cause of our problems.


Here's what leave voters can look forward to if they get a Norway deal:

It won't be a Norway deal, it will be a British deal, with compromises on both sides. With the way that Switzerland recently voted, they may wish to apply for the "British deal" too.
Just backing down should be sufficient for the EU. They know they've got us by the balls and will never have to offer another concession again.

The thing is though, do you trust the government of the UK to not use the EU as a scapegoat anymore? Because that's what's really at the foundation of this whole thing. It's them negotiating together with other EU countries about certain regulations or whatever, and going back to their country and saying "don't look at me, it's brussels that's telling us what to do!".


A little anecdote from the Welsh valleys - it's the only place where I've encountered someone who didn't understand what mixed-race was. I was introduced to my aunt's friend and she just thought I had a good tan. She was dumbfounded.

"The only race mixing i'll have is a triathlon, boyo."
Why would the EU even entertain the idea of giving the UK a special deal? It's in the EU's interest to make things as difficult and unfavourable (for the UK) as possible in order to discourage other members from leaving.

Special deal is maybe too much said, but if "Brussels" goes unreasonably yet possibly difficult about it, instead of just being serious, the end results could be people fearing EU using the same tricks for a completely different reason, which could have absolutely disastrous results from viewpoint of "Brussels". They aren't in the phase where they want everyone to just fear them [yet?]. If they stupidly do and go slam UK as much as possible, the results could be absolutely unpredictable. Suffice to say this could paradoxically make more countries leave, or at least more people willing to leave.
A little anecdote from the Welsh valleys - it's the only place where I've encountered someone who didn't understand what mixed-race was. I was introduced to my aunt's friend and she just thought I had a good tan. She was dumbfounded.

But maybe she only saw one race? The human race.

Nope, I'm from the bit with people and shops.

Enjoy 'em while you can, there won't be that many around when the economy dies on its arse.

Thanks for voting Remain, though, for what good it done.


They saw Scotland, Northern Ireland and London demanding independence, and now Wales wants to jump on the independence bandwagon too, even though Wales voted Leave.

Cardiff City and Swansea City can go and play in the Welsh Premier League.

Nah, not happening.


Unconfirmed Member
Talk about shooting yourself in the foot. ¬_¬;
Yeah, but I was wrongfully generalising based on what this town did:
“What’s the EU ever done for us?” Zak Kelly, 21, asks me this standing next to a brand new complex of buildings and facilities that wouldn’t look out of place in Canary Wharf. It’s not Canary Wharf, though, it’s Ebbw Vale, a former steel town of 18,000 people in the heart of the Welsh valleys, where 62% of the population – the highest proportion in Wales – voted Leave.


Wales isn’t just a net EU beneficiary, EU capital funding has been an essential part of attracting firms to come here. All around town are signs marked with the EU flag for the Ebbw Vale enterprise zone. The website notes that as an EU tier 1 area, “companies can benefit from the highest level of grant aid in the UK”.

The rest of Wales leaned to remain.


Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan (i.e. the cosmopolitan, multicultural bits) voted to stay.

The rest of Wales which consists of a few mountains, some sheep, and a load of insular communities up the valleys (who benefit from a shit ton of EU funding) voted to lead.

I'm glad to say I'm from Cardiff.

Sadly swansea voted to leave. The young failed to get out and vote and the oldies did. I was pretty disgusted with my city as it's been helped loads by the EU. Having said that the Gower is pretty tory due to lots of money.


I live in the Caerphilly area and voted remain. Too many people thought the vote was about sticking it to the man. Next GE they'll return the same MP though and the chronic impoverishment will continue.


It won't be a Norway deal, it will be a British deal, with compromises on both sides. With the way that Switzerland recently voted, they may wish to apply for the "British deal" too.

What exactly will the EU compromise? They have us over a barrel.
Sadly swansea voted to leave. The young failed to get out and vote and the oldies did. I was pretty disgusted with my city as it's been helped loads by the EU. Having said that the Gower is pretty tory due to lots of money.

Shit happens. You've still got Gylfi Sigurdsson and Premier League football, so it ain't all that bad.


This propaganda is becoming accurate

With that all being said, why hasn't Norway joined the EU like its neigbours? What benefit did Norway see in going through the EEA route?
It had a referendum on joining in 94 and no won. As for the EEA, the deal exempts Norway's farming and fishing sectors, which were seen as very vulnerable to direct competition from EU companies and a big part of the resistance to membership.


"hello?" "this is vagina"
Another fun Brexit implication:

My girlfriend works at a gaming studio, and they outsource a lot of their work to various contractors around the world. Some of them are now talking about how working for them will no longer be worth it if the sterling loses its value.

I had never considered the impact to the current ease and value of international outsourcing.

On my end (totally unrelated), two of my clients are currently worried for their business. I hope they keep thinking I'm work the cost!


I live in the Caerphilly area and voted remain. Too many people thought the vote was about sticking it to the man. Next GE they'll return the same MP though and the chronic impoverishment will continue.

They should have been actually voting for something, Hannan and his free trade low regulation stuff for example. It's this bloody vacuum that lets people believe anything they like, from Corbynistas to Nazi twats.


I am a mixed race student who works at Sainsbury's during spare time.

Anyway, some dude comes in telling me how he wanted his country back and is finally getting it and how I was 'wrong' to vote in and what will happen all because I am young. Apparently I WAS THE ONE voting to screw up the country.

He proceeds to tell me that jobs will pay more money and when I mentioned the sterling crash he backtracked and stated such pay jumps will be seen'in two years' - as if we have barely begun the removal process.

He rounded it off perfectly stating how he finally 'took back what is his'.


It won't be a Norway deal, it will be a British deal, with compromises on both sides. With the way that Switzerland recently voted, they may wish to apply for the "British deal" too.

I agree the deal will likely be different, but other than maybe a free-movement concession what will the EU actually be able to compromise on? You can't logically trade on the common market without adhering to EU regulation and you know surely they're going to have to contribute to gain access. It would not surprise me if the UK is faced with even less favorable conditions from the EU given the UK essentially handed them all of the power in negotiations.


I agree the deal will likely be different, but other than maybe a free-movement concession what will the EU actually be able to compromise on? You can't logically trade on the common market without adhering to EU regulation and you know surely they're going to have to contribute to gain access. It would not surprise me if the UK is faced with even less favorable conditions from the EU given the UK essentially handed them all of the power in negotiations.

The EU would never compromise on free movement. That is a crack inspired fantasy.
Another fun Brexit implication:

My girlfriend works at a gaming studio, and they outsource a lot of their work to various contractors around the world. Some of them are now talking about how working for them will no longer be worth it if the sterling loses its value.

I had never considered the impact to the current ease and value of international outsourcing.

On my end (totally unrelated), two of my clients are currently worried for their business. I hope they keep thinking I'm work the cost!

Presumably the games are sold round the world?
Preaumably that means the games cost less to develop in terms of UK salaries and for the same game, less outsourcing and more local hires can be found ? Because the sterling revenue is higher ?

There are not eu Tarrifs on game software: normally exporters welcome a drop in currency value it's a boon for their international competitiveness.

John Dunbar

correct about everything
by the way, being in the mood for some wishful thinking, is there any chance this debacle will result in monarchy being abolished in britain? i think we can all agree that monarchy is disgusting, so if this mess somehow could result in charles never becoming king, well that would just be swell.


Do you have any timelines for the when the outlook is poor enough for the govt to fudge this?

I mean the ratings downgrades are already dynamite politically but in reality we will have to wait for this to hit people on the high street. Give it 3-4 weeks, prices will rise at shops, fuel will go up etc.

After that job losses will accelerate as we go for negative growth in Q3/Q4.

Mediamacro will do the rest, the 24/7 doom-cycle will be enough, tabloids won't be able to fight that.

I can not believe I am wishing for negative growth for my own country.


They saw Scotland, Northern Ireland and London demanding independence, and now Wales wants to jump on the independence bandwagon too, even though they voted Leave.

When I see these sorts of comments, I must assume that I'm replying to a foreigner. In the UK we believe in the right of self-determination. If Wales, Scotland, Gibraltar, Falkland Islands etc want to be independent countries then they are free to do so.

I first became aware that different countires don't share the same point of view when I saw a comment by a Chinese person after the UK prime-minister met the dalai-lama. They said that Tibet was a part of China, how would we like it if China said that the UK should separate? Well, that was just after the SNP had gained a majority in the Scottish parliament. I have then seen how the Spanish goverment has repeatedly refused independance referendums in the Spanish regions.

Democracy, accountability, and the right to self-determination are rights that the British (including Scottish) hold dear. But in the EU, nobody seems directly accountable. If somebody does something that you don't like, you're not at liberty to vote them out. Indeed, many EU countires consider the right to self-determination to be at direct odds with their rights to exist as a country. Take Gibraltar, Spain still claims the right to govern these people who haven't been governed by Spain for over three hundred years. It's ludicrous, and most people in the UK trust the Bristish way (rule of law etc) to at least be fair to them, but have little reason to trust the EU rule of law. Good luck to the Catalans or Basques being allowed to vote for their own independence.
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