Honestly, there's always been a far right racist percentage in the UK, just look at the BNP. I don't think that they ever got even anywhere near to 5% in a national election. It's far less than mainland Europe. It's obviously higher in some areas than others, and I feel sorry for those that live in such areas. But really, the vast majority of people aren't like that, at least not where I live.
And no, it really isn't a race issue, if you try to run it into one then you're falling into those racists groups hands. Groups that have a tiny support, but a big voice. Every time you counter-protest them, you give them a platform, you make it an issue. Trump and Farage have used this to gain huge publicity for free.
It's like the recent graffiti attack on a Polish community centre in London. Absolutely disgusting, but the nationwide media has given a voice to one mindless idiot. One individual has managed to scare a whole population of millions. Just the other day I had to convince my local Hungarian barmaid that she wouldn't get deported. It's silly season!