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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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I confronted a pensioner in the street yesterday. I asked him to explain Brexit. "Nothing to do with me, I voted Remain." A mealy mouthed reply.

Brilliant! Proof that all pensioners voted leave is as much poppycock as the idea all teenagers voted remain. Likewise lets dispel the myth that a great turnout, especially among the 18-24, could have changed the result. Given the sample size, statistically the margin of error is something really stupid like 0.000001% (I forget the exact decimal place).


I keep using the phrase from the film Four Lions - "we've bombed the mosque"

For those who don't know, that's a metaphor for hitting yourself in the face when you're in a fight so that you get so angry you win.

Writing it aloud, it's not even close to the stupidest thing that's been said in the last few days...

However strongly they bitch now, I'm suspecting a LOT of revisionism by this time next year in relation to those who voted Leave.

Namely, you go into a bar and 95% of the people you speak to will swear blind they voted Remain.

Thats on condition we actually do Leave. If we Remain I imagine in the same bar, you'll actually get a genuine 52% saying 'Yeah I voted Leave but typically Government didn't listen eh'!!! (*Internally they wipe brow*)


Oh Oh

my Dozens of us Gif is getting closer

Now Me, Boris, That MEP (forgot his name) and now Hunt beleive we can restrict freedon of movement whilst being in the single market!

there are now 4 of us!

Mr Hunt said the UK should negotiate a "Norway plus" option for the UK with Brussels, which would see "full access to the single market with a sensible compromise on free movement rules".


if Philip Hammond gets in we will be staying in the EU, as what possible incentive is there to actually get a good exit deal...

Secretly they will be wanting the EU to screw us to the floor for the second referendum.... of course the danger is if leave won again we would be on a shitty deal plus out of the EU
Wouldn't a shitty deal not matter as long as we stop mmigration?


Brilliant! Proof that all pensioners voted leave is as much poppycock as the idea all teenagers voted remain. Likewise lets dispel the myth that a great turnout, especially among the 18-24, could have changed the result. Given the sample size, statistically the margin of error is something really stupid like 0.000001% (I forget the exact decimal place).
I don't think a simple meme deserves that much snark
Is this a reference to something?
Yes, yes it is


Even if by some miracle we do end up staying in, there's no chance we have it as good as we did before. We've pissed off too many people for that to happen.
Is this true? I would have thought that trade deals etc. Are already in place and therefore can't be changed just because other nations are "pissed off".

If we have to do any negotiating at all then I agreed we are screwed at that point.

I confronted a pensioner in the street yesterday. I asked him to explain Brexit. "Nothing to do with me, I voted Remain." A mealy mouthed reply.
Is this a reference to something?
Oh Oh

my Dozens of us Gif is getting closer

Now Me, Boris, That MEP (forgot his name) and now Hunt beleive we can restrict freedon of movement whilst being in the single market!

there are now 4 of us!

Unfortunately what you kind of need is people on the EU side to think that to actually detail. Right now, you only have people on the UK side, and uh, the general response is "yeah no chance".
Oh Oh

my Dozens of us Gif is getting closer

Now Me, Boris, That MEP (forgot his name) and now Hunt beleive we can restrict freedon of movement whilst being in the single market!

there are now 4 of us!

Except without EU environmental legislation, I lose my job and my education is worth nothing. And without freedom of movement within the EU, I'm also being told "fuck you, no you can't leave this shit hole we've forced you into to go do your job in Europe."

So kindly fuck off, remember free movement works both ways, and this is the livelihoods of 1.3 million Brits already working in the EU today, and god knows how many more like myself who are going to be screwed over by this outcome, all because of your misguided "I'm not racist, but..." view of free movement.
Oh Oh

my Dozens of us Gif is getting closer

Now Me, Boris, That MEP (forgot his name) and now Hunt beleive we can restrict freedon of movement whilst being in the single market!

there are now 4 of us!

Do you understand a compromise already existed on freedom of movement for the UK?
I have seen someone argue that they (MPs) have to respect the vote or it'll be the death of democracy. Then someone points out that after a near-decade of brutal austerity it'd get worse and for longer and we wouldn't get close to the heights for decades would they still feel so protective of democracy..."Of course not, but we won't know until we leave".

Maybe i'll get involved in politics more on a local level and at Uni and then start a UK GAF Party and rise to (tyrannical) power in 2030.


Oh Oh

my Dozens of us Gif is getting closer

Now Me, Boris, That MEP (forgot his name) and now Hunt beleive we can restrict freedon of movement whilst being in the single market!

there are now 4 of us!

I want to ride Emilia Clarke like My Little Pony, I understand how this is difficult bro



There was definitely "I fucking told you so" about Osborne today, quite right too, you were all warned so you cannot all start moaning about the harm caused, well except the 16m who didn't want to damage the country.
I think the 17m aren't moaning, they're still celebrating that we "took back control"

"Project fear" was still just scaremongering to most of them
I am sure everyone here wants to understand the thinking behind those pro and con, at least not the stupid ones, even if they are in total disagreement by the end.

Ny times brings Mme Le Pens column:

Marine Le Pen: After Brexit, the People's Spring is Inevitable - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/28/o...-brexit-the-peoples-spring-is-inevitable.html

...only one question, at once simple and fundamental, was being asked: Do we want an undemocratic authority ruling our lives, or would we rather regain control over our destiny?
I see this a lot, and it makes me realize the politicians STILL don't have a clue about the people who voted Leave. Immigration was the key issue, driven by a strong undercurrent of racism that's now been allowed to rise to the surface. Hiding behind the "devolution of power" claim is bollocks, and that's going to become very apparent when we end up in a deal that still involves free movement with the EU and leaves the NHS poorer now that our economy is screwed, but Boris still tries claiming the Leave camp got what they want because we "took back control" from Brussels, and that was apparently the main reason the Leave vote won.


Except without EU environmental legislation, I lose my job and my education is worth nothing. And without freedom of movement within the EU, I'm also being told "fuck you, no you can't leave this shit hole we've forced you into to go do your job in Europe."

So kindly fuck off, remember free movement works both ways, and this is the livelihoods of 1.3 million Brits already working in the EU today, and god knows how many more like myself who are going to be screwed over by this outcome, all because of your misguided "I'm not racist, but..." view of free movement.

Ok, I can see people are still raw, I was just trying to lighten the mood a little....

I am sure you will have a idea, but I read last night that it is highly likely that the UK will port all of the laws over from the EU (as no chance to do new laws in time) and then go through them after we left to remove the ones we don't like...

So it might be that law just carries over


Marine Le Pen: After Brexit, the People's Spring is Inevitable - http://www.nytimes.com/2016/06/28/o...-brexit-the-peoples-spring-is-inevitable.html

Yeah Marine, let's all follow UK's example. We can't wait to share more of what they're getting. -_-
I wonder if the current situation makes her optimistic or pessimistic for her own agenda. If her voters realize the real consequences of leaving Europe, her popularity could really plummet. Also she couldn't even pretend that having your own currency will magically protect you from all bad things in the world.


Ok, I can see people are still raw, I was just trying to lighten the mood a little....

I am sure you will have a idea, but I read last night that it is highly likely that the UK will port all of the laws over from the EU (as no chance to do new laws in time) and then go through them after we left to remove the ones we don't like...

So it might be that law just carries over

If we have a free trade agreement with the EU. We won't be able to pick and choose which laws.to remove.


There was definitely "I fucking told you so" about Osborne today, quite right too, you were all warned so you cannot all start moaning about the harm caused, well except the 16m who didn't want to damage the country.

The higher taxes he will implement won't affect those that voted leave either. Most of them were pensioners or on the dole.


Oh Oh

my Dozens of us Gif is getting closer

Now Me, Boris, That MEP (forgot his name) and now Hunt beleive we can restrict freedon of movement whilst being in the single market!

there are now 4 of us!

And if you don't think it's utter bullshit to placate the majority while this shit is sorted out, then you have less of a clue than anyone actually believed you did before all this shit (which might have been as high as half a clue). 'Norway plus'. Delusional.
Ok, I can see people are still raw, I was just trying to lighten the mood a little....

I am sure you will have a idea, but I read last night that it is highly likely that the UK will port all of the laws over from the EU (as no chance to do new laws in time) and then go through them after we left to remove the ones we don't like...

So it might be that law just carries over

Yeah, it MIGHT get carried over. The NHS MIGHT get more funding (it will get less if anything). Science and education funding MIGHT remain. Farming subsidies MIGHT continue. Scotland MIGHT remain part of the UK.

How many of those things will work out fine, when we've committed to a weaker economy? People ARE going to suffer in the long term, and everyone is suffering in the short term. Jobs are being lost right now, and will continue to be lost long term. Apparently that's something to celebrate.
Was at the pub yesterday, in a sleepy village in Mid Sussex (which voted to remain). The overwhelming sentiment from everyone that we're fucked was pretty insane. Morale couldn't have sunk much lower there
until we lost in the football of course

I hope today's activity will bring some movement and optimism in some way.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
Morning BritGAF, where's the postivity-o-meter this morning?, still in the red? or.......

Turning mildly positive actually.

Speaking as a fervent Remain campaigner I am trying hard to build bridges now. And there are good things that can come out of this, even though it is not the way I would have chosen and even though there is a lot of turmoil around.

I was heartened by the performance of the Commons yesterday. It had a sort of end-of-term feel about it, but it is clear that there is no appetite in Parliament for denying the referendum result and it is clear that there is going to be no immediate invocation of Article 50. It was on the whole a grown-up performance on all sides.

So, we are going to leave the EU. Or at least we are going to "leave" the "EU".

It's important I think to recognise that there are genuine arguments on the other side. I don't need to reiterate those from the Remain side as we can see the consequences all around us right now. For the Leave side, it is not so easily dismissed as the Remainers made out. First of all it had a *lot* of voters for whatever reason. Second, the centralising tendencies of the EU that go way beyond what is necessary for free trade - remember the Maastricht Treaty and Black Friday? The In/out Euro thing that bedevilled Blair's first term? The Constitution that Ireland had to vote on twice so they got it "right", that was also rejected in a few other countries and was anyhow shovelled in through the back door? The crises in Greece and Italy? All triggered by EU overreaching.

None of these reflected in the Leave campaign much, and it is sad that it has triggered so much racism - or in part been triggered by it. It is even sadder that to some extent everyone is seeking someone else to blame, be it Corbyn or Cameron or old people or young people - everybody but the Scots. We have somehow to deal with that.

The political turmoil we have in the UK has been long needed. Our political alignments are based on and ossified in the industrial relations of the immediate post-war era and it is about time they had a bloody big shake-up. There's going to be some serious thinking in other Euro countries as well.

I'm glad that we have not been kneejerked into invoking Art 50, I'm glad that Chancellor Merkel is being calm and playing the long game, I'm glad that Tak3n hung around this thread despite brickbats (and being from Boston does help understand his views). I'm glad I can still talk sensibly to my customers about what is going on - unless there are Remainers and Leavers in the shop at the same time, in which case I divert the conversation!).

And I'm getting more politically involved and I hope a lot of other people are too.

Mildly positive.

That's a lot better than the immediate shock and despair of, what, only four days ago.


It has to be mandatory for every UK citizen to have economic lessons, basically all the fears are becoming reality. Common sense should tell you that the UK will be trying hard to spend all they have to prevent the economy from overcontracting, all this means is more austerity, tax raises, inflation, more borrowing or a combination of those. In the end, the government can't raise tax for companies because it's trying to give them a reason to stay not reallocate. The last thing it wants is more job losses which then makes it harder to even get any tax.. I mean just simple economics, simple economics


Good speech. Can we keep her?

Hilarious that the only politicians with a clue about what we're facing are the SNP and EU.


At the EU parliament juncker just said we must respect UK democracy, only farage clapped and juncker replied "that's the last time you'll be applauding here"

Why the fuck is farage there anyway.


I think the 17m aren't moaning, they're still celebrating that we "took back control"

"Project fear" was still just scaremongering to most of them

The most annoying thing about the Project Fear label is that it shows that the wrong people learned the right lessons about the Scottish Independence Referendum. That referendum started with a clear win in sight for the No campaign and then they came stupidly close to losing.

At some point MPs need to learn that Positive spins on things resonate better than Negative ones. Even though most of us would consider the Leave campaign to be negative, remember that most of their messages were "We'll get rid of the immigrants", "There'll be more money", "We'll have more of a say" etc etc which was all positive. (to their target demographic at least.)

They learned from the SNP's massively successful Yes campaign in a way that Cameron and his lot refused to (down to the reuse of the Project Fear name), their take away from it instead being "Well we won, so clearly it works." rather than "Oh shit, that was a close call maybe we should rethink this tactic in the future?" and as a result the official Remain campaign was filled with the negatives. It's certainly harder to put a positive spin on the status quo than it is on change but it's certainly not impossible.
Turning mildly positive actually.


That's a lot better than the immediate shock and despair of, what, only four days ago.

Yeah but only if you ignore the football :p

lol farage is there picking up his pay check, fucking twat.

I wonder if at this stage Farage will start trying to provoke the EU - effectively trying to negotiate on their side, to make it a harsher deal on us, so that we don't try and get free movement in that.


Ok, I can see people are still raw, I was just trying to lighten the mood a little....

I am sure you will have a idea, but I read last night that it is highly likely that the UK will port all of the laws over from the EU (as no chance to do new laws in time) and then go through them after we left to remove the ones we don't like...

So it might be that law just carries over
Don't worry Darkstorne, your career "might" not be over. And look on the bright side! We... er... ah...

...took back control?

So don't be raw. Play nice with the people that voted to screw over thousands of people they don't know in the name of "Great" Britain.
lol farage is there picking up his pay check, fucking twat.

HAHAHA! For those who missed it, Farage was the only guy in the crowd who applauded when the speaker said "British democracy has to be respected". The speaker turned to him and said "That is the last time you applaud in this room. Why are you even here? You led the campaign to Leave, you got your vote, what are you even doing here!?" To incredible applause.


Ok, I can see people are still raw, I was just trying to lighten the mood a little....

I am sure you will have a idea, but I read last night that it is highly likely that the UK will port all of the laws over from the EU (as no chance to do new laws in time) and then go through them after we left to remove the ones we don't like...

So it might be that law just carries over

I thought last night it would be the only practical solution...not exactly "taking your country back", though, is it?

The reasons to leave unravel after more than five minutes' thought...


I think the 17m aren't moaning, they're still celebrating that we "took back control"

"Project fear" was still just scaremongering to most of them

And that will probably continue for a while as they won't feel anything to do with the markets right now. Then imports in shops, including foods, will go up and some people will feel it... Then the budget to balance this mess will really hurt. It'll be slower, but unfortunately, they're going to feel it.


Don't worry Darkstorne, your career "might" not be over. And look on the bright side! We... er... ah...

...took back control?

So don't be raw. Play nice with the people that voted to screw over thousands of people they don't know in the name of "Great" Britain.

Yeah, those of us whose family have seen job losses and destruction of their pension in the last few days should just get over it and be happy
HAHAHA! For those who missed it, Farage was the only guy in the crowd who applauded when the speaker said "British democracy has to be respected". The speaker turned to him and said "That is the last time you applaud in this room. Why are you even here? You led the campaign to Leave, you got your vote, what are you even doing here!?" To incredible applause.



never left the stone age
Yeah, those of us whose family have seen job losses and destruction of their pension in the last few days should just get over it and be happy

It's time to unite together to build a better future.

Yeah people losing jobs over this temper tantrum fucking sucks :/
I'm Welsh.

That explains the optimism, I still reckon economy is in severe trouble and Osborne today pretty much confirmed more austerity and tax rises as we expected aren't far away. However I have a smile on my face due to the footy, being Scottish I know my team are shit, but after watching last night I realise we aren't alone in being shit.


HAHAHA! For those who missed it, Farage was the only guy in the crowd who applauded when the speaker said "British democracy has to be respected". The speaker turned to him and said "That is the last time you applaud in this room. Why are you even here? You led the campaign to Leave, you got your vote, what are you even doing here!?" To incredible applause.

Holy fuck I need a link.
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