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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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It will be interesting to see what happens with London. I don't know specifics,but I do know that none of my chums in the city were particularly concerned. Furthermore it's often been said that Wall Street is the financial capital of the US, and London is the financial capital of everywhere else. Obviously a lot of it involved the EU, but a lot of it doesn't, too, yet it competes against the likes of Hong Kong, Singapore etc. This obviously won't help, but will it kill it? I dunnooooo.

Is that why 75% voted to remain in the city? Cause they weren't particularly concerned?
Where have you been? It's barely been a year since there was a referendum on Scotland's membership of the EU.
I know, and I assume there will be another given the circumstances. I guess your implication is that such referendums wouldn't be blocked in any way by the government or any governing bodies.
Yes but only a basic ID was needed to cross the border, from now on it's all about passports, custom duty etc.

Spain is going to make it hell for Gibraltar unless the UK concedes to a joint sovereignty. They're going to impose border controls (they've already done that quite strongly for a few years), going to tax the shit out of goods going through the Spanish border, etc.

It's "only" 30,000 people, but they're going to get fucked hard by the Spaniards.

And there's absolutely NOTHING they can do to stop Spain from bullying them. The EU mostly protected them, but with that gone, there's only 3 options:
- Stay with the UK and get fucked a lot.
- Go independent and probably get fucked a lot.
- Accept Spanish (joint) sovereignty so Spain stops.

This is going to be diplomatic and political hell down there on the Rock.


Sure I studied Politics at university. I know exactly what I'm talking about. The EU is a big pile of shit. It's just a matter of time until it dies.

Again, please explain this. Why is the EU a big pile of shit? Why is the UK better off without the EU? Saying you studied politics means nothing to me or anyone else for that matter.
How is it ridiculous? old people who will die soon are ruining the lives of young people, they don't have to deal with it long term, young people do.
Except it's entirely the young people's fault because of their turnout numbers.

Older folks used their vote smartly. Younger people threw it away.
Everyone just needs to calm the fuck down. It;'s not exactly shocking that the pound has dropped and stocks have taken a hit in the immediate wake of this.

People who never normally follow the stock market seeing this and calling it the end of days.

You're simply wrong. A company stock dropping 7-10%? Yeah, they had a really bad day, but they can bounce back. On the other hand, an affluent nation's currency simply dropping 1% is a time for concern. But a 7% drop against the US Dollar? It's a grave situation not seen since the 2008 economic crisis. And this is before the U.S. stock market has even opened, which won't be kind to this outcome.

And I just read that the pound has fallen so far that France has now overtaken Britain as the world's 5th largest economy.


Sure I studied Politics at university. I know exactly what I'm talking about. The EU is a big pile of shit. It's just a matter of time until it dies.

lol, what an argument. I studied politics as well and have a different opinion. Now what? Compare final grades to see who's right? smh


Under different circumstances. Scotland was told they'd no longer be part of the EU when leaving the UK. That is happening now. They deserve a new referendum over it.

I'm not really a fan of referendums, though if I lived in Scotland I'd have voted out so I wouldn't object to another in principle, despite being stuck in England
Sure I studied Politics at university. I know exactly what I'm talking about. The EU is a big pile of shit. It's just a matter of time until it dies.

You know that right wing parties want to end the EU right? And do you know that we are all fucked when this happens right?

We don't want hateful and homophoboc politicians and parties.
We need open minded ones.

It's a sad day for Europe and the whole world.


This may be a terrible analogy, but are we looking at a Soviet Union situation where once one nation leaves, everything falls apart?

Maybe? Sort of? Who knows. Since Cornwall and Wales voted in favor of Leave I would think they have no reason to secede, so this would sort of be more like if the Eastern European states broke off but the Central Asian states stuck with Russia and they kept the USSR title.


This may be a terrible analogy, but are we looking at a Soviet Union situation where once one nation leaves, everything falls apart?

I doubt that. UK will suffer for Brexit and it will get shitty deals, which will demotivate others from leaving. So it should be ok. Of course, this is assuming EU will learn from this diseaster and drop the ridiculous United States of Europe push, as well as start listning to voters on stuff like curbing the migration. If they will still blindly push in the same direction then other countries will start leaving too.
Sure I studied Politics at university. I know exactly what I'm talking about. The EU is a big pile of shit. It's just a matter of time until it dies.

Okay, I have no words.

Either people are too emotional to speak rationally about the matter, or (like you) are intentionally attempting to antagonize.

I, for one, hope that Netherlands won't listen to Wilbers and do a referendum as well. Based on what happened at the EU Constitution referendum, I fear nothing good would come of it.


Looking at the demographics of this election once again, I get the feeling that us younger people, the ones who actually will have to deal with all this mess in the future, are overruled by the majority which consists of old-ass backwards idiots. I'm getting more and more afraid that our senior citizens are fucking us over.

Once our generation becomes the majority we'll have our hands full with turning all of this around instead of making the actual progress we could have done instead. Thanks, old people!

The most cynical of approaches i like to take is waiting until they have rotted out of existence. I know people are angry that these old farts won't be around for the problems the youth will face but at least i will rejoice once they are gone forever.
I'm not really a fan of referendums, though if I lived in Scotland I'd have voted out so I wouldn't object to another in principle, despite being stuck in England
I don't like them also, but I can't see how the UK can refuse it if Scotland demands one. The EU thing was a major argument for Scotland to stay in the UK.


France voted 'No' to the referendum for a European Constitution in 2005, so why not

Yeah but the 55% who voted "no" to the constitution can be split into very different motivations :
- "no Constitution, because we don't want EU anyway"
- "no Constitution, because we want EU to be only about business"
- "no Constitution, because that text isn't going far enough and we want a better one" (dumbasses)
- "no Constitution, because fuck Nicolas Sarkozy !"

In 2005 France was still massively pro-EU, but couldn't agree on what kind of EU it wanted. It may be weaker now with all the current issues, but I don't think it's that different (not that I would be comfortable with taking a referendum right now, because we see what populist campaigns can do).


I just love the panic here and the end of the world claims. People trusting volatile markets as if it had any long term meaning. Can we at least wait a couple of months?


Is that why 75% voted to remain in the city? Cause they weren't particularly concerned?

The City of London has almost no inhabitants - only 7000 at the last census. For comparison, Lambeth has 310,000 inhabitants. No-one really lives in the city - it's basically a separate part of London, and indeed the UK, with laws and weirdness going back 600+ years.

(At the weekend most shops close because there's literally no-one there to buy things).


OléGunner;208203651 said:
It's the domino effect.
This will not be an isolated incident.

Just a question of who is next?

I never said it was fair, just that it's something that would be incredibly hard (and thus laughable) to implement.

What is your proposed cut off age for voting my friend?

The rational part of the brain(prefrontal cortex) isn't fully developed until 25 years old. That's one of the reasons you see so much gamer nerd rage. Anyway, definitely no voting until you at least reach 25. Also, if you are under 25 and feeling angry and out of control right now. Just wait until you are 25 and you should feel ok then.


That's the main reason i reckon the leave-campaigners thinking they'll get a sweet trade-deal with the EU as a reward for leaving are delusional.
The better option would have been to remain and get better a deal making staying look lucrative to other countries. But now the exact opposite will happen.
I just love the panic here and the end of the world claims. People trusting volatile markets as if it had any long term meaning. Can we at least wait a couple of months?
It's not just the markets. People are scared for their jobs and don't know what will happen. That is a terrible thing.
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