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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Waking up this morning was utterly gutted to read we voted out, still in shock. In work and everyone is the same. Honestly terrified at what the future brings, I fear for my job, and already with the GBP value we can see things will be getting worse quite quickly.

Sadly everyone I know that voted out did for mainly xenophobic reasons, not the best way to judge the whole country I know, but I fear that I am closer to the truth than I would like


sputum-flecked apoplexy
They do this in normal elections as well...What's your point? If you have a problem with democracy than fine, please, come up with an alternative system that society can agree upon.

We already agree that there are age limits on voting rights (18+) without claiming that somehow undermines democracy.


They do this in normal elections as well...What's your point? If you have a problem with democracy than fine, please, come up with an alternative system that society can agree upon.

We have a general election once every five years, and if we elect someone truly terrible there's a chance of one in between. This is so far apart from that.
Democracy in action, people saying it's unfair (not necessarily in this thread) are stretching. Everyone's vote was equal.

I do feel for Scotland however.
say, will London remain the financial center of Europe if the UK isn't even part of the EU anymore?

Frankfurt is probably going to take over for most of the European market. London will still stay relevant, but Frankfurt is going to be much more important.

But there is free movement of people and goods, just show your passport right? If Spain wants after the UK has left, they can make it much worse.

And they will.
France won't have a referendum on leaving EU, at least not for a long time. And most of the population is pro-European and pro-Euro anyway, even with the rise of the far right.

We won't need one anyway, we have presidential elections early 2017, and Europe will obviously be a big part of the discussion (especially after whatever happens to the UK).
Far right Marine Le Pen is (unfortunately) expected to get to second round (unless the state of UK really hurts her anti-EU program), but she's also expected to lose, because most of the country would still vote for anything but her party. So that would be a positive message towards EU. But if she were elected (god forbid), then she wouldn't even go through a referendum to leave EU.

As you seem knowledgeable on the political climate in France I'll go with what you say.

All I'm thinking is it felt a similar situation in the UK with majority seeming always pro-euro and that flipped quickly as we can see now.

Oh, and people will lose their jobs. Lol.

How could I forgot the most important thing!?
Busy thinking of holidays first haha.

It's why there seriously needs to be a cut-off age of when you are too old to vote, these fucking old people have 10 years left to live but destroy young peoples lives because they are too selfish and ignorant to care.

This makes absolutely zero sense.
You gonna tell a 75 year old man or woman whose British through and through/contributed to the country's economy etc that they can't vote due to age?



Just woke up and wow, I"m genuinely surprised at this out come. Its a disaster for my country as an Irishman. Your our biggest trading partner so if tariffs are impsrd even temporarily we're in big trouble. The republic is now your only land border with the EU so the border in the north is going to change. This could have ramifications for the peace process. I'd feel apprehensive If I lived in britain, Its only the right that will benefit from this and you will see some horrible policies coming through.
In the Dutch news they said something about unhappy disgruntled old people hijacking the debate, what was that about? Anybody know?

Demographically the Young are more likely to vote in and the old are more likely to vote out

Don't quote me on this but I think the statisric was something like 75% of 18-30's would
Vote to remain

It does feel a little bit like its the older generations who are most likely to be xenophobic who voted to leave.
Jonathan Cooper ‏@GameAnim 3h3 hours ago Santa Monica, CA
For folks wondering why the EU was created in the first place, you get to play Battlefield 1 this holiday season.


But what about Battlefield 1942, plus all the classic Call of Duty games before the Modern Warfare era


Well, off to bed. I'm not really looking forward to news come start of the US markets and later work. Rocky roads ahead.

say, will London remain the financial center of Europe if the UK isn't even part of the EU anymore?

It was mentioned earlier, but I think the EU is going to try and move that from London to one of the actual EU States. The financial state of UK right now is a mess anyway. It'll recover (hopefully), so time will tell if there is a shift.


My constituency actually was for remain overall, shocking. It's very Tory, very old, and my MP is a staunch leaver. I guess most people didn't want to see what's happening to the markets right now.
Frankfurt is probably going to take over for most of the European market. London will still stay relevant, but Frankfurt is going to be much more important.


I was told earlier this week I'd have to move if leave won and guess what...

I'm dreading going in today as I know that's all that's going to be talked about. I'm being forced out my country of birth by selfish cunts.


Most of the tumult of Brexit has happened while most Americans slept. Will be interesting to see what the markets do when the sleeping giant wakes.
Haha one of my countries more polulair news agencies has a poll aboutwhether we should follow brittains example. Litterly asking if you're for or against a 'Nexit'
results are: 61 yes 39 no

Kill me.


We already agree that there are age limits on voting rights (18+) without claiming that somehow undermines democracy.

This is silly, and I think you know it. You can not predict how long a particular person will live. An 18 year old might die tomorrow while someone 80 might live for another fifteen years. To strip someone of franchise based on a statistical hunch is somewhat terrifying. We start voting age at eighteen because that's when we define adulthood and full membership into civic society. If you want to drop the age I don't think I would be against it per se. Why shouldn't younger people have a say?


The UK is 90% white.

The US is 72% white, 63% when you count only non-Hispanic whites.

Minorities across most groups are overwhelmingly Democratic. When allied with white liberals, it makes it very difficult for the Republicans to take the presidency these days, since the Republican Party is a white nationalist party.

Also, the comparison just doesn't work. Large swathes of the vote to leave the EU was from black and minority communities that emigrated here in the 70s and 80s. for example, the afro-carribean community in Lambeth.

I understand the temptation to make the comparison, but it really doesn't work.


OléGunner;208203408 said:
This makes absolutely zero sense.
You gonna tell a 75 year old man or woman whose British through and through/contributed to the country's economy etc that they can't vote due to age?


You think someone voting on something that can destroy the lives of the young while they die of old age in a few years and never have to deal with it is fair?



Vied for a tag related to cocks, so here it is.
Everyone just needs to calm the fuck down. It;'s not exactly shocking that the pound has dropped and stocks have taken a hit in the immediate wake of this.

People who never normally follow the stock market seeing this and calling it the end of days.


OléGunner;208203408 said:
As you seem knowledgeable on the political climate in France I'll go with what you say.

All I'm thinking is it felt a similar situation in the UK with majority seeming always pro-euro and that flipped quickly as we can see now.

How could I forgot the most important thing!?
Busy thinking of holidays first haha.

This makes absolutely zero sense.
You gonna tell a 75 year old man or woman whose British through and through/contributed to the country's economy etc that they can't vote due to age?


Well I'm french and pretty knowledgeable on French politics and while he's right that Le Pen will not be elected in 2017, I think if France held a referendum, a Frexit would be absolutely possible, so I disagree with him.


Would the French leave if they did have a referendum?
I don't know anyone who would want us to leave personally, but I also tend to not associate myself with that kind of people so who knows.
It seems less likely than for the UK I guess, the Front National is rising but a lot of people right or left still hold a "anything but Front National" view and I can't see any of Le Pen's gathering as much support as Nigel Farage did.
A hypothetical referendum isn't happening here for the foreseeable future anyway.
It's why there seriously needs to be a cut-off age of when you are too old to vote, these fucking old people have 10 years left to live but destroy young peoples lives because they are too selfish and ignorant to care.
I see it didn't take long for ridiculous ssuggestions like this to start. No matter who won we were always going to get some wacky venting.


People are celebrating - why?

BoE just offered to lend £250bn. Pound has hit floor (Thank Gawd)

France is now richer than us.
Haha one of my countries more polulair news agencies has a poll aboutwhether we should follow brittains example. Litterly asking if you're for or against a 'Nexit'
results are: 61 yes 39 no

Kill me.
The EU should really, really, really start marketing their upsides throughout the continent. They need a charismatic figure showing people what the EU does everywhere, where investments goes, what positive rules are being made. Local politicians are blaming all their faults on the EU and Euro and people believe it.

The only right choice. Fuck the EU. Now let's vote in Netherlands, France and Germany.
Please look up our export statistics. Leaving the EU will be the most stupid thing the Netherlands can do. It would also mean leaving the Euro probably. It will seriously hurt our economy. I can't even believe I'm reading stuff like this.

Go blame our own government for its faults, because THEY are the ones screwing up. Go blame them for the immigration problems, healthcare and more. Because it is THEIR fault.

I was told earlier this week I'd have to move if leave won and guess what...

I'm dreading going in today as I know that's all that's going to be talked about. I'm being forced out my country of birth by selfish cunts.

See the plus side:
Germany is a great country to live in. Even the conservatives are fairly soft there.
Everyone just needs to calm the fuck down. It;'s not exactly shocking that the pound has dropped and stocks have taken a hit in the immediate wake of this.

People who never normally follow the stock market seeing this and calling it the end of days.
Quoting for truth.

Hopefully the consequences aren't too bad. Though with the economy already in free fall and this being a victory to various right movements in the country I am worried. Plus we can kiss any chance of winning Eurovision goodbye. Wonder if the whole EU will collapse now...

I'm gonna miss free movement. I'm gonna miss the opportunity for science funding. I'm gonna miss feeling like we were at least trying to cooperate with the world.

Goddamn I need the Tories to lose next election. This whole thing gives them yet more power and I don't like that one bit.


People are celebrating - why?

BoE just offered to lend £250bn. Pound has hit floor (Thank Gawd)

France is now richer than us.

But we have sovereignty! We won't have jack shit to spend on this new-found freedom but it's the thought that counts, right?


Why? they vote for shit that destroys peoples lives that have 50 years left when they only have 10 years left, that is terrifying to me.

How do you know they only have 10 years left? Somebody mentioned a cutoff at 65, but plenty of people live into their 80's and 90's. So they don't get a say over the last 20 or 30 years of their lives? The elderly who have paid their dues are good tax paying members of society don't deserve a big "f you" on voting rights when they hit retirement.

I sure people are just emotional right now, but come on. That mindset is disgusting.
Haha one of my countries more polulair news agencies has a poll aboutwhether we should follow brittains example. Litterly asking if you're for or against a 'Nexit'
results are: 61 yes 39 no

Kill me.

It's the domino effect.
This will not be an isolated incident.

Just a question of who is next?

You think someone voting on something that can destroy the lives of the young while they die of old age in a few years and never have to deal with it is fair?


I never said it was fair, just that it's something that would be incredibly hard (and thus laughable) to implement.

What is your proposed cut off age for voting my friend?
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