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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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say, will London remain the financial center of Europe if the UK isn't even part of the EU anymore?

Probably not. I worked in the City 25 years for a major European bank. US and European banks can be based in London and passport under EU rules into Europe without hindrance.

When the UK is out of the EU in two years, that passporting of financial services into the EU will be over (no more free movement of goods and services). European banks will gradually repatriate to their domestic markets. US banks, I don't know. If Dublin is smart, there's no reason why some of the trading rooms can't go there.

Financial services is more footloose than any other industry. You might hate them, but the financial services industry in London paid a lot of tax that paid for a lot of government services. No more fat bankers, but a pyrrhic victory for those that hate them.
It's not, with ridiculously low minimum wages.

I doubt someone working in the international financial sector will have a minimum wage income, but there's also the fact that if a Tories/UKIP government sticks around, they now don't have an Uncle EU looking over their shoulder and slap their wrists if they do something particularly unethical to their rights for the poor/working class/etc.

I don't doubt that the Tories weren't able to push through most of their unscrupulous changes because of EU regulations. With them gone, though? Welp.
But hey, at least you're back in control, ey Farage? Can someone please inform me how you control an object in freefall?
Well you see cats can rotate their spines such that one half is one direction and the other half the opposite, this causes the cat to spin. This is why cats always land on their paws given sufficient height.

Of course this fails to counter the fatal impact of the cat losing all 9 of its lives if it is falling at terminal velocity.



We've now lost more than all the EU contributions we've ever made combined.

To leavers I just have to say:

Why are housing builders being hit so hard?

Did they build houses outside of the UK?

Cheap eastern european labour. The fruit farm industry around me are basically scared shitless. The 'Care' industry too. Think of an industry that paid crap wages 15 years ago, and they have probably only survived since by paying even crappier wages to 'immigrants' who were generally happy to have the work, and did a good job. Paying to keep British workers happy on benefits. (generalising but not much) Those companies are now looking at having to survive by paying wages above benefit level, and they won't. (The ethics of pay levels are another argument)



sputum-flecked apoplexy
This is silly, and I think you know it. You can not predict how long a particular person will live. An 18 year old might die tomorrow while someone 80 might live for another fifteen years. To strip someone of franchise based on a statistical hunch is somewhat terrifying. We start voting age at eighteen because that's when we define adulthood and full membership into civic society. If you want to drop the age I don't think I would be against it per se. Why shouldn't younger people have a say?

Statistical hunch? It's not a hunch to say that statistically speaking, a 70 year old will probably be dead before an 18 year old.
Norway-like agreement seems like the obvious route to take, and probably one of the only options the EU would allow. Keeping free market access is the most critical thing to ensure continuity of business and inward investment. The trade off is that we would need to agree to free movement of population so little net change from now (except less influence), but I don't see any other alternative.

If honoured, yes. But I think we all know that cannot realistically happen, or at such extreme costs that no one in the right mind is going to play "hold the nuke" voluntarily.
Sentiments aside, not everyone voted, nor is 52% particularly good reason to do 'screw it let's do it', as well as the 'for' campaign being deceitful. If that means someone has to be the unpopular fall guy, that is a far better price than ruining multiple generations of UK citizen's lives. One failed PM or a million+ failed people does not equate.

So no, that exit ain't gonna happen. Historical pride be damned, because that world was a hundred years ago and those rules don't apply anymore. Might be a first for the English to tell their own people to shove it, but that happens to be the typical response given to the former colonies before too.
Welcome in the new world. #ShoveIt

btw, if I'm completely wrong here I expect you all to serve me that crow in three months.
Speaking of which: how is that one guy's shoe doing? Was it tasty?
Okay I'm leaving this dumb conversation. Maybe read some books about it like I did. I was just giving a hint.

But whatever.

I studied law, I see the shit the EU tries to push. Maybe read some books about it like I did.

And I still see the EU as something necessary in the modern european economic climate.


That's the main reason i reckon the leave-campaigners thinking they'll get a sweet trade-deal with the EU as a reward for leaving are delusional.

There will be a sweat trade deal and it will be business as usual.

There's too much to lose on all sides if the EU tries for revenge.
As an outsider looking in, the failure of the European project is terrifying. Those cheering for the destruction of the EU doesn't seem to understand that the norm in Europe without the EU is constant warfare between kingdoms/empires/nation-states. The last 60 years were largely peaceful precisely because of the EU.


I wonder who the government will blame now and once more, the poor, unemployed, low wage, immigrants, they look like immigrants people?

Enjoy. I can't fucking believe it.



The article is pretty bad though. German article is better. Or just google "Democratic deficit in the EU"

Wikipedia said:
Opinions differ as to whether the EU has a democratic deficit[1] or how it should be remedied if it exists.[2][3]

Seems like it's not as cut and dry as you seem to make out the issue. Plus, taking your ball and going home isn't really a smart strategy to try and fix the issue if it does in fact exist.

Okay I'm leaving this dumb conversation. Maybe read some books about it like I did. I was just giving a hint.

But whatever.

Not really how intellectual discourse works buddy, but okay. Take that ball and go home.


Statistical hunch? It's not a hunch to say that statistically speaking, a 70 year old will probably be dead before an 18 year old.

Probably. That's the problem. It's not exact. Plus people sometimes don't just vote for themselves (shock horror). They vote for their kids, grand-kids, etc. There's plenty of older people who voted to remain, who will be around to see the result of their choice. If one person aged 70, is stripped of a vote, who lives to see the entire term of government....then that is a travesty of democracy and should be considered shameful. Should we strip the votes of people who have terminal cancer who might not be around much longer? This simply isn't how we run a liberal democracy. We don't start going around and disenfranchising old people, sick people, and the like, merely because they might not be around much longer. This is a very dangerous strain of thought and I can't believe I'm having to spell this all out.


Holy shit. I know this is stupid, but is it too late to turn back? Just say it was a YouTube prank or something and reverse this shit. I can't believe people voted for this.


Currently feeling absolutely mortified while sitting on the Eurostar overhearing some bleak shit. Bankers opposite me talking the state of pensions. Fashion brand to the left claiming they are most likely scaling back expansion because nobody believed this outcome would happen.


Polandball comics on point as they often are.

Very much so. They asked one of the leave people about Scotlands comments and the potential for them to leave and they immediately went to the well on with the way things are right now we need to stay a united kingdom blah blah blah.


As an outsider looking in, the failure of the European project is terrifying. Those cheering for the destruction of the EU doesn't seem to understand that the norm in Europe without the EU is constant warfare between kingdoms/empires/nation-states. The last 60 years were largely peaceful precisely because of the EU.

No, largely peaceful because

1, no one wants total warfare ever again after WW2

2, the US would not stand for it.

The EU is not the reason


120 billion has been wiped off the FTSE since the morning.

Some of that will recover but Jesus that is some drop.

Wonder which of the big companies will decided to leave first


In a way all this chaos orginated from Daraa syria. If people did something to stop the massive influx of syrians running from barrel bombs from the assad regime, britian wouldnt be in this situation.

In the end, obama's policy of containment rather than solving the syrian crisis has led to america's closest ally leaving the union. The world is lucky barack obama was not the president of the united states during the 90s. Otherwise we would be having bosnian and kosovo refugees as well


No, fuck you. We, the Continent, gonna work on this Union with or without you. There is no place for reactionaries in the future of human kind! Fare well!

Can you please be reasonable ?

You guys all blame the leavers , saying they're "racist, idiots" etc.

But all the hatred on this thread comes from salty remainers.

(I'm not a pro-exit BTW)


I still can't believe this is happening. So many people will get fucked on their jobs and financial certainty. Why? Who benefits from this?
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