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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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So long term, UK will be fine (probably stronger) than they are now.

Even having a low currency short term is good for exports.

How exactly? If the UK wants to have access to the single market, they will still need to pay into the EU budget and adhere to lots of regulation (incl. free movement). At the same time, environmental laws and laws protecting workers might be less tight, which is not exactly great.

Low currency might be good for exports, but what do you want to export? Gonna bring back the textile manufacturing?



So depressing to see; old people vote out, those who want to remain in the EU have to foot the bill.....

Baby boomers ruining everything again.


How can you expect young people to care about politics these days? It breaks my heart.

- Betrayed by the Lib Dems in 2010
- Failed by Labour in 2015
- Forced to bear Tory austerity
- Increased tuition fees
- Lack of job opportunities
- Vote overwhelimgly to remain and are dragged out of the EU...

...it just goes on.

It's fucking bleak, I can tell you.

The piecemeal dismantling of the NHS is one of the greatest tragedies


GAF's Bob Woodward
I'm very sad, and very shocked. I think life will go on, but the next few years will have a lot of costly uncertainty. All very unnecessary.


Ok. Can someone explain WHY people who hate the EU (Brexit leaders) are the main candidates for our next PM?

Do they expect favorable negotiations if they let a dog negotiate with cats?

The fucking sheer stupidity of it all.
As someone in the North West of England, the most disappointing aspect of the results is the overwhelming support for leave in large swathes of the region, in particular across Lancashire, Merseyside, and around Manchester and into Yorkshire.

Areas which are some of the poorest in the UK, and have populations with statistically a lot to gain from membership of the European Union, and a lot to lose from the ramifications of Brexit. Indeed Merseyside is deemed (relatively) one of the poorest regions in the UK by the EU, and has received so much structural funding from it.

Thankfully the people of Liverpool, Sefton, and the Wirral had the good sense to recognise this (in addition to the other benefits bought by membership), and turned out majorities for Remain.

No doubt UK gaffers from other regions (particularly Wales & the North East will have similar feelings).

Labour has a LOT to answer for in this referendum, and in particular Jeremy Corbyn and his leadership team. It's high time he steps down.

Edit: Do we have turnout percentages by age group yet?



So depressing to see; old people vote out, those who want to remain in the EU have to foot the bill.....

Ahh the old selfish people that will die soon ruining the country for the young people, seems to happen every where, something needs to be done about it.



Then do your homework and vote for parties with good European programmes. Calling the EU undemocratic is a waste of breathing air when your national representation follows the orders of your elected European representatives and your own governments at home.

Stop being lazy and dishonest and start being proactive.

Jean Claude Juncker EU commission president : "There can be no democratic choice against European treaties."
When you have idiots like that, spouting this nonsense it should not be surprising that people give them the finger.
I could go on with quotes from Junker and schulz alone..

Also considering that the EU in the Past just routinely demanded that members just vote again if it doesnt end up how they like it.. yeah "democratic" doesnt come to mind.
Glad they will have a hard time doing it here again.

Honey Bunny

Blair is a cunt but he is talking sense on Sky News. Labour have not engaged with their traditional base outside of London, they have moved more and more to the left without any real appetite for that movement from the public. 5 years ago it would have been inconceivable that so many Labour biters would vote to Leave the EU.

Everyone has been saying this since the election. Yet Labour have just made it worse for themselves and will continue to do so with Corbyn at the helm.


So uhh, what country is good for a career in film and/or TV? I imagine USA/Canada would be good.

Radio, TV and Film aren't great careers anyway. You have to do it for passion rather than money (worked in tv for 10 years). If you have the passion,any where is great.
Tim Farron's email this morning to LD members:

I am devastated and I am angry. Today we wake to a deeply divided country. Nigel Farage’s vision for Britain has won this vote, but it is not a vision I share.

Young people voted to remain by a considerable margin, but were out voted. They had a clear ambition for their future, yet it has been taken from them.

Even though the result was close, there is no doubt that the majority of British people want us to leave.

We should be proud of our positive, principled, and patriotic campaign for the UK to Remain at the heart of Europe.

Our fight for an open, optimistic, liberal, diverse and tolerant Britain is needed now more than ever.

Together we can still make the case for Britain’s future with Europe, as millions of people voted for it. Together we cannot afford to let that vision to die.

The Liberal Democrats will continue to stand and fight for a better kind of Britain than the one painted by the Leave campaign - tolerant, openhearted, optimistic, and outward looking.

Later today, I will deliver a speech on the outcome of this referendum, what it means for our country and how the Liberal Democrats will continue to fight for a liberal and united Britain.

Meanwhile, Corbyn goes on the radio, says 'oh well I guess that is that, it's the Torie's fault for making all the poor people angry with austerity.' Meanwhile nobody can hear him over all the knives being sharpened in the background.
How serious is this? What does this mean to a resident of the United States of America?

What does this mean to Europe and UK?

I heard the PM, David Cameron resigned.

I think the most troubling thing is that this will probably initiate a domino effect, empower other right-wing parties around Europe and result in more referendums and potentially more countries leaving the EU. Trump will also play off of this in his campaigning, but it'll take at least a few months to see what the mid-to-long-term effects might be for the UK.

I heard this is nearly as big as 9/11.

... I'm not sure I understand the connection between a vile terrorist attack with thousands dead and a democratic vote?
Wait, are you serious...?
I know I'd much more enjoy the times of dying of a random cold, have my teeth rotting out, splashing waste everywhere in the streets and drinking water and pretty much non-stop pollution in the cities, while having no unions, welfare or voting rights to look after my interests. Great times that, much better then what we have now with this corrupt EU and their experts!

It's so depressing reading things like that.

Funky Papa

Jean Claude Juncker EU commission president : "There can be no democratic choice against European treaties."
When you have idiots like that, spouting this nonsense it should not be surprising that people give them the finger.
I could go on with quotes from Junker and schulz alone..

Also considering that the EU in the Past just routinely demanded that members just vote again if it doesnt end up how they like it.. yeah "democratic" doesnt come to mind.
Glad they will have a hard time doing it here again.

Juncker and other shitheels didn't come from thin air nor sprouted like mushrooms. They are the consequence of people not being involved in European politics and voting shitty parties at home, only to be upset when they screw things up and point their fingers at Brussels. Fuck that noise.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
nothing compared to the people responsible for the financial crisis.

See, I'm sure every one knows that both sides have agendas, so we don;t really know the REAL intentions of the leaders of both campaigns and who's lobbying behind them. So the best is to go by the track record of the current camp versus a "new thing" change is good. The current world order and systems are simply not working and we're at the worst state probably in human history in every aspect
That's bait.


I'm in the North of England, originally from Wales, and feeling appalled and depressed (Remain voter, obviously). I can't believe that the very places in the UK that have benefited from EU membership in the form of grants after Westminster repeatedly failed to give a single shit, are the very places that eject us from Europe. Extremely anxious about the future.

Honestly feeling like I want to take my husband and kids and emigrate. We don't have the skills that Canada is short of (hubby is a journalist and uni teacher in broadcast journalism and I'm a voice actress and former Information Scientist), so I dunno. New Zealand?


Jean Claude Juncker EU commission president : "There can be no democratic choice against European treaties."
When you have idiots like that, spouting this nonsense it should not be surprising that people give them the finger.
I could go on with quotes from Junker and schulz alone..

Also considering that the EU in the Past just routinely demanded that members just vote again if it doesnt end up how they like it.. yeah "democratic" doesnt come to mind.
Glad they will have a hard time doing it here again.

To bad that nobody seems to care when you can elect people like Schulz and Junker.
Isn't Le Pen currently leading in the presidential race?

Ah ah. No.

It's not the time for election yet (next year) but even if I agree that she may (sadly) make a quite good score (between 15-20) you can be sure she'll never win.

Also she wants a controlled immigration like Trump (means closing for poor and only letting in people with big diplomas...) and give less things to strangers leaving in France (no more free health care, free school etc.).

But I agree that France leaving EU is one of her dream. It's impossible though. Germany and France are the base of Europe. You take one out, nothing left.

UK on the contrary was a sort of weird little thing tied to Europe while not completely being part of it.


I'm in the North of England, originally from Wales, and feeling appalled and depressed (Remain voter, obviously). I can't believe that the very places in the UK that have benefited from EU membership in the form of grants after Westminster repeatedly failed to give a single shit, are the very places that eject us from Europe. Extremely anxious about the future.

Honestly feeling like I want to take my husband and kids and emigrate. We don't have the skills that Canada is short of (hubby is a journalist and uni teacher in broadcast journalism and I'm a voice actress and former Information Scientist), so I dunno. New Zealand?

You could move to Scotland.


Jean Claude Juncker EU commission president : "There can be no democratic choice against European treaties."
When you have idiots like that, spouting this nonsense it should not be surprising that people give them the finger.
I could go on with quotes from Junker and schulz alone..

Also considering that the EU in the Past just routinely demanded that members just vote again if it doesnt end up how they like it.. yeah "democratic" doesnt come to mind.
Glad they will have a hard time doing it here again.

Juncker has been doing this for a while. Sadly he doesn't seem to get it.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
It'll take 2 years to leave and trade deals will be established before then. Trade benefits both ways.
Trade is neither binary or fair in a global market. Even if both the EU and the UK sought to maintain the status quo they are weaker after today.


Gold Member
You reckon ? You think Germany who now has to fund the rest of Europe will want to pay UK import duty for their massive exports to the UK.

I think EU is sweating more than us, and their markets are down more.

Insured what - Eu is an economic wreck - Greece, Portugal, Spain, Italy.

Most EU markets dropped 2 % more than UK. Eu was always going to fall apart - Germany UK and France getting tired of funding everything as if its our duty, and when we ask EU for some measures they say fuck off.

I cant believe people are surprised.

Wow, you are scarily ignorant.


Sat alone in a boggy marsh
If theres one thing that gives me optimism, its that people like me below 25 voted to stay by a huge margin. Next few years are going to be fun.

Such a shame that the will of young people wanting a better future was overpowered by the will of old people hating anybody foreign for 'stealing ar jabs ' ( atleast thats what i can see over facebook and twitter )
I've heard in the news that UK has to suggest an agreement for Brexit and if EU is not agree (every country has to agree) then UK will not be in EU but won't be able to make proper trades with EU too... a sort of in between where's nothing good for anyone :/


What is more worrying is that we now live in a climate were facts are not highly regarded or persuasive to the public anymore.
We have a highly placed member of the governing party actively advising AGAINST listening to people that know what they're talking about.

What a time to be alive.
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