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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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This is fucking awful. Basically the older generations have fucked everything up for the younger generations.

Once the turnout per age group is known for this referendum you'll see the young people can't be arsed to go out and vote as they always do. Looking at the 2015 elections turnout there is an almost 100% correlation between low turnout and high support for Remain.


We have a highly placed member of the governing party actively advising AGAINST listening to people that know what they're talking about.

What a time to be alive.

Power has always been the most important thing to these people, it's just getting much more air time now.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Wales still wants money from the EU after how much of a backstabbing they did to us last night?
Wtf? Wales. Fucking disappointing.




Can't believe the Wales EU funding, why was nobody talking that up before the vote!?

Because both sides had no clue how to argue points. When you have people days before voting still not having a clue what the fuck it's all about then both sides have failed. Unless you take time to research your not going understand why staying is good and modern people can't be arsed doing that.


How can you expect young people to care about politics these days? It breaks my heart.

- Betrayed by the Lib Dems in 2010

...it just goes on.

Im assuming this is about the Dems saying that if they won the election they wouldn't raise student fees, and then they didn't win?
So long term, UK will be fine (probably stronger) than they are now.

Even having a low currency short term is good for exports.

Long-term no...this is a fuck up, particularly following the Paris Agreement last year. A UK outside the EU led by the Conservatives and UK will be a much bigger fuck up.

Not saying that the EU are doing anywhere near enough...but this is the risk the world is running. This is a predictive study, but still peer reviewed: http://www.nature.com/nclimate/journal/vaop/ncurrent/full/nclimate2972.html
Juncker and other shitheels didn't come from thin air nor sprouted like mushrooms. They are the consequence of people not being involved in European politics and voting shitty parties at home, only to be upset when they screw things up and point their fingers at Brussels. Fuck that noise.

This seems naively simple, though. For most people, voting for a party is already a matter of holding ones nose and putting up with their policies that you don't like because there are more that you do like (or more than the other parties are offering, at least - you STILL may dislike more policies than like!) and their European policy is no different to any other area where you may or may not agree with it. The EU might be important, but it's not the most important to many people and as such any suggestions that people "get involved" is basically asking people to vote against their own beliefs in other areas to do so. This is party politics, you don't get everything you want.


Chû Totoro;208207603 said:
I've heard in the news that UK has to suggest an agreement for Brexit and if EU is not agree (every country has to agree) then UK will not be in EU but won't be able to make proper trades with EU too... a sort of in between where's nothing good for anyone :/

They have two years to get to an agreement over the brexit from the moment it's officially announced (a period cameron seems to want to extent till october).


WOW, I came to work about an hour ago and my boss just, straight out, told me that he lost a huge percentage of his retirement fund. He looked devastated.

Good Job, Leave People :/


If Labour can push fora snap GE, maybe just maybe there is enough momentum among remain voters and enough market turmoil for them to gain traction?


So as usual, young people have no one to blame but themselves.

Exactly because they didn't get involved you know? I see this also in the netherlands lots of youth today do not care about politics i see it even at work. Not talking about or being involved in politics not even voting.


Old people just decided the future of young people. But only because young people refused to get involved.

I thought the young turnout was pretty good on this?

Low 40s in % iirc.
While the older people had turnout of high 70s.



So as usual, young people have no one to blame but themselves.

Our education system does a completely shit job of getting anyone interested in politics.


How exactly? If the UK wants to have access to the single market, they will still need to pay into the EU budget and adhere to lots of regulation (incl. free movement). At the same time, environmental laws and laws protecting workers might be less tight, which is not exactly great.

Low currency might be good for exports, but what do you want to export? Gonna bring back the textile manufacturing?

Same way Singapore, New York and Hong Kong access markets? Or how Canada trades with USA?

UK exports machinery and chemicals according to Google.....


Exactly because they didn't get involved you know? I see this also in the netherlands lots of youth today do not care about politics i see it even at work. Not talking about or being involved in politics not even voting.

While the disconnect young people have from politics is troubling, the cart blanche that seems to give other demographics to walk all over them at will doesn't seem very tasteful or respectful all on its own.
Im assuming this is about the Dems saying that if they won the election they wouldn't raise student fees, and then they didn't win?

Technically there was a pledge involved where they'd vote against any tuition fee rise, but yeah, you have the right idea.

If the LDs hadn't been hammered in 2015, the coalition would have continued, Cameron would not have been able to call this referendum and we'd still been in Europe.

I said after the GE last year that folks would come to regret laying eternal piles of scorn on the LDs and kicking out most of their MPs. We're about to see the cabinet loaded with hard-right Brexiteers, probably lead by Bojo and Gove. And God knows how UKIP are going to get rewarded in the polls going forwards. If you wanted to see a real Tory nightmare, then I hope you enjoy the show.


People should have known markets going to rubber band due to possible changes even if voted remain never mind leave. Markets tend to act like forum posters shit we doomed then have a brew and calm down for a bit.


Low 40s in % iirc.
While the older people had turnout of high 70s.
Are those the numbers for the referendum or for last year's elections ?
Frustrating if so. People who can't be arsed to vote and/or educate themselves on politics do my head in.



Nice try Cornwall you fucktards. You can't have your cake and eat it.

If Labour can push fora snap GE, maybe just maybe there is enough momentum among remain voters and enough market turmoil for them to gain traction?

No chance. Labour, and JC (who I was previously a big fan of), have lost a lot of credibility over this.
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