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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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nothing compared to the people responsible for the financial crisis.

See, I'm sure every one knows that both sides have agendas, so we don;t really know the REAL intentions of the leaders of both campaigns and who's lobbying behind them. So the best is to go by the track record of the current camp versus a "new thing" change is good. The current world order and systems are simply not working and we're at the worst state probably in human history in every aspect

my humble opinion, and of course I could be wrong, but so is more than 16 million respectable UK citizens. So I find it it disrespectful to dismiss them all as "stupid, irrational, racists..etc"

That's fine, and I've been careful not to dismiss groups of people, but like I said, you cannot make this a battle of personalities because we all lose. We've likely voted for a new financial crisis regardless, which even if the UK is to be stronger going forward, will take a while to come out of this nosedive, so they'll be the new bad guys?

All I really, desperately hope for after this is whatever peoples politics, or views on the vote, just please, please, please see through Boris's shit. If you're a Tory, I don't like any of the options, but get behind Gove or May or someone... Boris is fucking dangerous and I don't want people to see that far too late.


Labour are not winning before 2020, sorry guys. Not because of Corbyn (though he's not helping) but because of demographics.

The best we can maybe hope for is a very unstable left-wing coalition.
nothing compared to the people responsible for the financial crisis.

See, I'm sure every one knows that both sides have agendas, so we don;t really know the REAL intentions of the leaders of both campaigns and who's lobbying behind them. So the best is to go by the track record of the current camp versus a "new thing" change is good. The current world order and systems are simply not working and we're at the worst state probably in human history in every aspect

my humble opinion, and of course I could be wrong, but so is more than 16 million respectable UK citizens. So I find it it disrespectful to dismiss them all as "stupid, irrational, racists..etc"

Worse than two world wars, multiple genocides, crusades, and the dark ages? Go read some history books please.
Well I think my highlight this morning is Cornwall, after voting leave, now saying it's got to be guaranteed the level of funding it gets from the EU.

I'm not sure that's how this vote works chaps.


It has been the single most vital tool to get an entire continent that has been at war with each other for centuries to fucking finally settle down.

We gained the power to impose draconian sanctions against a threatening Russia, have some bargaining power against gigantic nations that eclipse our GDP several times.
This doesn't even get into how much of a boost to culture and travel the EU brought to the table on top of the exporting nations benefiting from the weaker Euro.

You fucking don't get to call the EU a mess.

It's incredible how easy some people discard all the achievments the EU had up until now.


Not a bad idea. Unfortunately that'll probably back fire as well. You're banking on Scotland voting Labour? They'll go yellow to guarantee their second referendum.

Oh yeah, Scotland is lost either way at this point. Even if the UK somehow doesn't end up leaving, why would you stick around in a country where it periodically wins votes? Looking at the pound sterling I'm not sure why anybody over there isn't planning independence.

But I suspect an election where SNP takes Scotland, SF takes NI and Labour gets command of England would send a clear enough message to stop the exit.
How serious is this? What does this mean to a resident of the United States of America?

What does this mean to Europe and UK?

I heard the PM, David Cameron resigned.

I heard this is nearly as big as 9/11.


Well I'm french and pretty knowledgeable on French politics and while he's right that Le Pen will not be elected in 2017, I think if France held a referendum, a Frexit would be absolutely possible, so I disagree with him.

I'm French too, and I agree with that sentiment. I also don't think that there will be a referendum. It failed the last time, it failed in the UK, no one would risk it (well, Marine LePen would).
And I don't even see it as antidemocratic. It's just that this question flies way above the head of many, many voters. I love her, but I certainly don't want my grandmother to vote on the future of the EU.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Act like nothing is different, over all it is likely that UK will be better off in the long run, new trade deals will be made, London will still be a financial hub etc.

People are freaking out,the world isn't burning yet. If anything stocks and equity were overpriced and debt was way to high. Anything was going to set off a panic in the markets...
Things look very different to me. Outside of the immediate financial implications, the process for the UK to leave the EU has no real plan in place, so many of the major changes still lie down the road. New trade deals can be made but there is little incentive for the EU to provide favorable deals to a country exiting a partnership with them. Trade is global. A nation that turns its back on the rest of the world will struggle as a financial hub. The reality is that the United Kingdom is reliant on the EU. This decision reduces the UK's political power internationally by a great deal, and hurts the allies they will inevitably need to continue to work with.

To see a nation make a decision that inflicts so much self-harm without clear or tangible benefit is extremely unsettling.


Well I think my highlight this morning is Cornwall, after voting leave, now saying it's got to be guaranteed the level of funding it gets from the EU.

I'm not sure that's how this vote works chaps.

They want to have their pasties and eat them too.

I know it's my second pasty joke of the day but frankly I'm OK with making fun of the place right now
nothing compared to the people responsible for the financial crisis.

See, I'm sure every one knows that both sides have agendas, so we don;t really know the REAL intentions of the leaders of both campaigns and who's lobbying behind them. So the best is to go by the track record of the current camp versus a "new thing" change is good. The current world order and systems are simply not working and we're at the worst state probably in human history in every aspect

my humble opinion, and of course I could be wrong, but so is more than 16 million respectable UK citizens. So I find it it disrespectful to dismiss them all as "stupid, irrational, racists..etc"
Ehm... Ever heard of a thing called World War 2? Maybe World War 1? The Dark Ages?

We are literally at one of the best stages in human history when looking at the facts. Certainly in the Western world. I don't think there is room for discussion there.
There's a general air of hopelessness, the right is taking over and I feel like there's nothing I can do about it.

Keep fighting. Politics will always see it's ebbs and flows, and the pendulum will eventually shift the other way. However if you give up, that pendulum will recenter, and you will lose what you try to hold.


Saint Titanfall
If the Remain camp actually had some good leaders and presented their arguments in a better way, I fully believe things would have been different.

Pretty much the case with most elections sadly.
There isn't much of a better way to present arguements when faced with lies and the immigrant booger man, Their biggest problem is turn out our it's easy to get turn out when a lot of people are apathetic to the EU at best and hate it at worst, talking about how great the EU is doesn't counter the perceived immigration problem which is why the debate got very dirty very quickly. Keep in mind this government got into power using those same tactics


As this letter from the FT put it you've swapped one set of elites for another set:

It gets worse than that when you consider what the conservatives will be able to do about workers rights now.

But in this thread I read from some users that things will be better. I think I rather trust them, it's just a feeling, but I don't trust text on yellowish backgrounds.


Havnt followed this at all. Yes, I've been living in a cave.

1. What does this mean for UK, rest of Europe, and rest of the world?

2. Why did this happen? Did this have to do with all the terrorism?

3. Can we expect a financial crisis across the globe?

4. How does this change things in regards to entering / leaving the U.K?

So depressing to see; old people vote out, those who want to remain in the EU have to foot the bill.....

Young British, come to France !

Lots of work for Engineers and high qualified jobs. We have plenty of people coming from other countries to be Engineer or Doctor. Our problem is giving the right and best formation to people not having one or having one that is not that much wanted by the market :/

We love you ^^

Edit: I'm half joking.. I know there's work in UK (even more than in France) but seeing that the future the younger generation want is not the one chosen by the country is sad :(
Chû Totoro;208207033 said:
Young British, come to France !

Lots of work for Engineers and high qualified jobs. We have plenty of people coming from other countries to be Engineer or Doctor. Our problem is giving the right and best formation to people not having one or having one that is not that much wanted by the market :/

We love you ^^

Isn't Le Pen currently leading in the presidential race?


Pro Putin shills are everywhere, even on GAF.
This and alot of people not even with 5 minutes of research what the EU actually does, yet they love to complain.

Agree, UK calling for less Eu bureaucracy for 10 years and we just got ignored.

Brussels is so far up its own ass they need to be disbanded.

I hope you'll have to witness Swiss or US bureaucracy compared to the EU one once.
You would backtrack faster than Farage.


So the question now becomes - do I move to Edinburgh, or pursue my dream of becoming Canadian?

I was a little happy to see that my area was one of the only two in the East Midlands to vote Remain, though.



So depressing to see; old people vote out, those who want to remain in the EU have to foot the bill.....

Yet, they'll be the first ones crying about not affording to live if their pensions get hit as a result of this.

No sympathy from me if that happens, not like they weren't warned



So depressing to see; old people vote out, those who want to remain in the EU have to foot the bill.....

Not sure if thats a big enough sample... but its bloody depressing alright.

The voice of the moron has had its say and won. What a shitty little country we live in... I am deeply troubled for the future of my kids.


Things look very different to me. Outside of the immediate financial implications, the process for the UK to leave the EU has no real plan in place, so many of the major changes still lie down the road. New trade deals can be made but there is little incentive for the EU to provide favorable deals to a country exiting a partnership with them. Trade is global. A nation that turns its back on the rest of the world will struggle as a financial hub. The reality is that the United Kingdom is reliant on the EU. This decision reduces the UK's political power internationally by a great deal, and hurts the allies they will inevitably need to continue to work with.

To see a nation make a decision that inflicts so much self-harm without clear or tangible benefit is extremely unsettling.

It'll take 2 years to leave and trade deals will be established before then. Trade benefits both ways.


So pound has seemly bottomed out. HSBC holdings revised figures "cut our U.K. GDP forecast to 1.5 percent (from 1.8 percent) for 2016 and to 0.7 percent (from 2.1 percent) for 2017."

Expects sharp contraction in economy. £1.20 relative to $ by year end. Inflation well above 2%.

Basically er we're predicted to not do so well.


I think my borough might have been the most pro-EU vote in the country actually - 78% in favour of remain in Lambeth. anywhere else higher?


Fuck yeah, now I can import a GTX1080 from England at a reasonable price!

:( me sad

Wont last long, EU markets are 2 % below UK markets. It will correct itself by the end of the day.

Free trade will remain with EU, Germany and their car exports to the UK will make sure of that, and the rest of EU being funded by Germany will make it very quick.

Come back in 1 week and then talk,
The current world order and systems are simply not working and we're at the worst state probably in human history in every aspect

Y...yeah... worst state in human history. Definitely wasn't when dictatorial regimes killed people by the thousands if not millions. Definitely wasn't when people were directly oppressed by some ponce wearing a funny hat and had to fear getting sent off to some random war basically any day.


Watching ITV interview two leave voters in Wales. So disheartening to hear them feed the usual line of Polish immigrants taking their jobs when the reporter says repeatedly that millions of EU funding has gone in to those areas of Wales. Where do they think that money is going to come from now? Do they even give a toss about a young(ish) voter like me here in N.Ireland who may face a whole can of worms about a new referendum for a United Ireland and what that might do to people here?
How reversible is this? Can this decision be disputed?

Also, what I believe is failing is not the EU, but the Euro...The EU enables a lot of good things.

I believe this decision was made in fear of the recent terrorist attacks and migrant wave, however, this is not the way to battle this problem.


Stayed up late to watch it last night, went to bed after 4AM when it started looking grim for Remain. Sad to see it never managed to recover. :X

I'm still kind of disappointed in the Remain campaign. Labour could have done a lot more in a lot of their seats.
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