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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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I bought a house last week, 2 bed 75sqm in Slough 360k new build.

I lose 500£ to back out.
What should I do?!

A recession will surely put me into negative equity. :(
It's my first house.

You'll be fine. Presumably you have help to buy because the government is throwing money at house buyers, and mortgage rates are low. And property is generally on the up. There might be a short term blip but as long as you're staying out for a few years you'll be ok.

Where are you moving from btw? Slough is next door for me


(((Dan Hodges))) ‏@DPJHodges
Understand motion of no confidence in Jeremy Corbyn to be tabled at Monday's PLP.

EDIT: Woof. Tim Farron has come out on Sky and ripped into JC.


As a Welshman I'm really fucking embarrassed by how we voted, at least here in Cardiff we seem to have more common sense, but the rest of Wales and a number of counties that get EU funding will have royally screwed themselves over

My girlfriend is from north Wales and she was crying her eyes out this morning. Felt so betrayed.

Her mum voted leave, spouting absolute shit about immigration. Her mum works in the fucking NHS for christ's sake, and has for 30 years.

Shocking state of affairs
I don't think this is a bad thing, to summarise things into a basic Pro/Con list, I have this:

- Democratic freedom.

I was under the impression that the people of the UK voted for the people representing them in the European government, and that decisions imposed on the country were a joint decision between the EU and the country.

- Not restricted by EU regulations.
- Don't have to pay billions of taxpayer money to the EU to prop up the weak countries.
- No longer having to basically fund the EU themselves.
- More border control.

Look at Norway. They pay money to be part of the European single market. I'm relatively certain they have open borders as well, correct me if I'm wrong. The same will probably count for the UK once all is said and done.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Vodafone: too soon to say what this means for domicile if group.

Would bet on them going if we don't get single market access with freedom of movement.
This is my only hope. That these big businesses make a big enough fuss to ensure freedom of movement.

Worker rights and regulations is out the window and beyond saving at this point.
Scotland is surely out of the UK if they get another referendum

The difference in raw numbers between them and England/Wales(minus London) seems staggeringly clear, and their membership in the UK is essentially dragging them to a future they overwhelmingly voted against, no?


My girlfriend is from north Wales and she was crying her eyes out this morning. Felt so betrayed.

Her mum voted leave, spouting absolute shit about immigration. Her mum works in the fucking NHS for christ's sake, and has for 30 years.

Shocking state of affairs

won't NHS have the money set aside for EU
Low 40s in % iirc.
While the older people had turnout of high 70s.
In Australia, voting is compulsory: if you don't vote, you're fined. The rest of the world always laughs about that... and then they always bitch and moan about voter turnout and apathy in their own elections.

Compulsory voting is the way to go. Fuck apathy.


When the change is going to be pander more to the right wing base, I don't.

I don't mean that sort of change, God no. I mean more respect for the voter, less spin, more facts and transparency. Less about belittling the other party and more about telling me why you should get my vote.

I can dream...


From the BBC, on rumours Corbyn is on his way out:

Since I made my mind up on my vote, I have been hoping that the referendum would cause a massive shake-up of UK politics. Whether you voted Leave or Remain, surely you can see that this can only be a good thing. I'm hoping the change doesn't stop at party leaders, we need a fundamental change of the behaviours of politicians and how they treat the UK people and perhaps even the voting system itself.

Edit: Source (at 10:21): http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-36570120

Not really, we're basically a 2 party system and since they're both fucked up, it's looking like they'll both move to the right and the status quo will remain. I'm happy voting Lib Dem or Greens or someone, but seeing as how the line still is that people that want to vote for parties like that may as well throw their vote away, I'm fairly confident things are only going to get worse politically.

There is a chance that it will be the kick up the arse people need to get involved in politics, but my confidence isn't exactly with the population right now.

EDIT: That line is more about the turnout in this respect. Bit of rain and some in London couldn't be arsed going to vote for the biggest thing in this country for this generation.


How can you expect young people to care about politics these days? It breaks my heart.

- Betrayed by the Lib Dems in 2010
- Failed by Labour in 2015
- Forced to bear Tory austerity
- Increased tuition fees
- Lack of job opportunities
- Vote overwhelimgly to remain and are dragged out of the EU...

...it just goes on.
I dunno, shit happening is something that just pushes me to be MORE active in politics, not less. I will make damn sure it's not because of me that everything goes to shit.


I don't think this is a bad thing, to summarise things into a basic Pro/Con list, I have this:

- Democratic freedom.
- Not restricted by EU regulations.
- Don't have to pay billions of taxpayer money to the EU to prop up the weak countries.
- No longer having to basically fund the EU themselves.
- More border control.

- Having to rewrite trade agreements that may or may not fall through.
- May lead to the dissolution of the United Kingdom.
- Not "protected" by other countries in the EU.
- Some sectors lose EU funding, like science.

EU had restrictions on who England could trade with.This opens up new doors for trade. and with a GDP as large as theirs, it's not like other countries won't want their business.

Other counties do want to trade with us. But they also *really* want us to be in the single market so they can trade with us *and* the rest of the EU

Trade agreements take years to make, and we'd have to make lots of them. We could be in limbo for years.


From the BBC, on rumours Corbyn is on his way out:

Since I made my mind up on my vote, I have been hoping that the referendum would cause a massive shake-up of UK politics. Whether you voted Leave or Remain, surely you can see that this can only be a good thing. I'm hoping the change doesn't stop at party leaders, we need a fundamental change of the behaviours of politicians and how they treat the UK people and perhaps even the voting system itself.

Edit: Source (at 10:21): http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/uk-politics-36570120
How can it be a good thing if the thing we end up with is worse than before? Would you honestly prefer a Boris PM or the recognition by parties that an anti-immigrant sentiment is far larger than previously anticipated and so will want to appeal to that?


Not my fault that the markets act the way they do. I saw an opportunity to make money and I took it, I made a bet and now I will cash out on it. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

Stop playing the game and the game will change or disappear.

It's on you to make change happen.

(PS the dig isn't on you making the money, it's on being gleeful about personal benefit when something slightly more important is at stake)

won't NHS have the money set aside for EU

Don't follow you

The notion is that Leave will move us increasingly towards the American economic model which has no place for the NHS. And on a personal level, my GF's mother works with lots and lots of immigrants who work incredibly hard and are incredibly good people. Who knows how long that'll last.


Subete no aware
I don't think this is a bad thing, to summarise things into a basic Pro/Con list, I have this:

- Democratic freedom.
- Not restricted by EU regulations.
- Don't have to pay billions of taxpayer money to the EU to prop up the weak countries.
- No longer having to basically fund the EU themselves.
- More border control.

- Having to rewrite trade agreements that may or may not fall through.
- May lead to the dissolution of the United Kingdom.
- Not "protected" by other countries in the EU.
- Some sectors lose EU funding, like science.

EU had restrictions on who England could trade with.This opens up new doors for trade. and with a GDP as large as theirs, it's not like other countries won't want their business.

This was posted earlier, but the EU subsidized Cornwall, so... yeah it's not like the UK is the one doing all the bailing out.


They'd at least vote better than the 70 year olds who won't have to live with the repercussions of this decision

Those 60-65 year olds who voted to leave probably have around 20-30 years left to live on average. People really should stop acting as if the future only belongs to those who are in their twenties.


People who voted out expecting immigration to fall will be disappointed says Dan Hannan

Not even 12 hrs after the reveal of the vote and the 2 biggest points of the winning campaign turn out to be lies.


My girlfriend is from north Wales and she was crying her eyes out this morning. Felt so betrayed.

Her mum voted leave, spouting absolute shit about immigration. Her mum works in the fucking NHS for christ's sake, and has for 30 years.

Shocking state of affairs

It is, seems like a lot of this generations parents voted leave, my mum voted leave, her parents were immigrants whom left Ireland to escape persecution.


Rubbish, market is back to what it was a short time ago already, a few hours in.

No wonder we voted leave, all the negative doom mongers just going overboard doing remain no favours.
I'm so tired of this excuse from people voting against their own self-interest.
I don't think this is a bad thing, to summarise things into a basic Pro/Con list, I have this:

- Democratic freedom.
- Not restricted by EU regulations. Wrong, if you want to export a product to EU, you need to follow EU regulations
- Don't have to pay billions of taxpayer money to the EU to prop up the weak countries. Kind of wrong, the money you spent per week (close to 190M£ and not 300) was rebated by the low taxes on a free trading system.
- No longer having to basically fund the EU themselves. Same point as before
- More border control. Yes and no, too long to explain.

- Having to rewrite trade agreements that may or may not fall through.
- May lead to the dissolution of the United Kingdom.
- Not "protected" by other countries in the EU.
- Some sectors lose EU funding, like science.

EU had restrictions on who England could trade with.This opens up new doors for trade. and with a GDP as large as theirs, it's not like other countries won't want their business.

Not really, I have pointed out some of thos Pros are actually cons.

To those interested, this is a good and fun video, doesnt really explain the full terror that can happen, but its insightfull.



My girlfriend is from north Wales and she was crying her eyes out this morning. Felt so betrayed.

Her mum voted leave, spouting absolute shit about immigration. Her mum works in the fucking NHS for christ's sake, and has for 30 years.

Shocking state of affairs

I am trying to avoid any discussion of this with my folks. Better to be ignorant of how they voted than to be massively disappointed in them if they voted leave


They'd at least vote better than the 70 year olds who won't have to live with the repercussions of this decision
Maybe they will actually have to since there won't be anybody left who will be willing to wipe the shit off their wrinkly asses at the nursery home.
I have family that voted leave because they "knew remain was going to win but wanted a dramatic result".

Suffice to say, I've not hesitated to say that's the dumbest thing I've heard in a long time.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Some people have wanted corbyn out for a while, and they are trying to use his remain status to get him out of power.

But yeah, i dont get it either.

If Corbyn could not get Labour voters enthused about this referendum, or even get them to understand the party's position, he cannot lead it going forward. This referendum was a test for his credibility as a politician and he failed miserably. He deserves to be eviscerated by the PLP.


It is, seems like a lot of this generations parents voted leave, my mum voted leave, her parents were immigrants whom left Ireland to escape persecution.

Fucking hell man

I am trying to avoid any discussion of this with my folks. Better to be ignorant of how they voted than to be massively disappointed in them if they voted leave

Yep. One of my few consolations is that I'm on exactly the same political page as my parents. They're good folk.


In Australia, voting is compulsory: if you don't vote, you're fined. The rest of the world always laughs about that... and then they always bitch and moan about voter turnout and apathy in their own elections.

Compulsory voting is the way to go. Fuck apathy.

I agree to voting being compulsory as long as there is a box for "none of the above" or similar so nobody is being forced to just pick at random. Is that how it works in Australia?


I bought a house last week, 2 bed 75sqm in Slough 360k new build.

I lose 500£ to back out.
What should I do?!

A recession will surely put me into negative equity. :(
It's my first house.

If you swing a cat in a circle....Sorry, must resist...

In general, there is a shortage of houses in UK and thats not changing over next 10 years. Shortage NEVER means a crash.




Not my fault that the markets act the way they do. I saw an opportunity to make money and I took it, I made a bet and now I will cash out on it. Don't hate the player, hate the game.

That's fine, but don't come into a thread full of people worrying about their future bragging about it. It just ends up making you look like a monumental dick, even if that wasn't your intention.
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