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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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won't NHS have the money set aside for EU

Do you realise that that money is literally fuck all, even if you use the lie figure vs the NHS budget. Doesn't matter anyway since the GDP contraction will more than wipe off the perceived 'savings' through lower tax receipts, while government spending will go up due to more unemployed people.


In which case what was the point of all this

Ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner

From what I understand if we want to remain part of the EU free market you also have to abide by the freedom of movement. If we stay a part of that market, the only thing we've done is give up our voting rights in the EU.


If Corbyn could not get Labour voters enthused about this referendum, or even get them to understand the party's position, he cannot lead it going forward. This referendum was a test for his credibility as a politician and he failed miserably. He deserves to be eviscerated by the PLP.

Agreed, he's too weak and needs to go.


Formerly Gizmowned
Just woke up to the news, I can't believe it. Things are gonna go downhill for me and the family now.
I don't think this is a bad thing, to summarise things into a basic Pro/Con list, I have this:

- Democratic freedom.
- Not restricted by EU regulations.
- Don't have to pay billions of taxpayer money to the EU to prop up the weak countries.
- No longer having to basically fund the EU themselves.
- More border control.

- Having to rewrite trade agreements that may or may not fall through.
- May lead to the dissolution of the United Kingdom.
- Not "protected" by other countries in the EU.
- Some sectors lose EU funding, like science.

EU had restrictions on who England could trade with.This opens up new doors for trade. and with a GDP as large as theirs, it's not like other countries won't want their business.

If you want any kind of trade or financial interaction with the EU you certainly will be restricted by their regulations.


Judging by some reactions Econ 101 should be a mandatory course for all pupils starting at the age of 10 maybe.

Some people have no idea how economy works it seems.


Australia are about the only ones that have a solid voting system - don't vote? That will be $200. Why more countries don't adopt this confuses me



Is gonna be funny when/if Scotland ups and leaves. It's not a Brexit when Britain doesn't even exist.


Should probably not trust the 7-11 security cameras quite so much
Ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner

From what I understand if we want to remain part of the EU free market you also have to abide by the freedom of movement. If we stay a part of thatarket, the only thing we've done is give up our voting rights in the EU.

That's the elephant in the room. The Leave campaign kept talking about making 'better deals' but any deal on the level of our current one would have free movement as a condition, 100% guaranteed. We will be treated the same way as Norway, they will not give us special treatment.


They'd at least vote better than the 70 year olds who won't have to live with the repercussions of this decision

Remain lost by a million or so votes though correct? I doubt over a million 16-17 year olds would have shown up to change the outcome anyway. Plus, some of them would have obviously voted Leave.

Also it seems the vote was much closer with people in their 30s and 40s compared to the 18-24 group. Once you got over 50, Leave has the advantage. Over 60 a big advantage. People in their 50s aren't going to croak in large numbers soon, so of course they will be living with the decision they made for a number of years.


Judging by some reactions Econ 101 should be a mandatory course for all pupils starting at the age of 10 maybe.

Some people have no idea how economy works it seems.


Just woke up to the news, I can't believe it. Things are gonna go downhill for me and the family now.

:( sorry


If you swing a cat in a circle....Sorry, must resist...

In general, there is a shortage of houses in UK and thats not changing over next 10 years. Shortage NEVER means a crash.

just a bubble

thanks Thatcher


Can't wait for the tory panto villains to commit to all the things they wanted but couldn't, like Teresa May abolishing the human rights act and Jeremy Hunt selling the NHS. Fucking ashamed of my country today.


Worker rights and financial/business regulations

Tin foil hat time:

Tories wanted to reduce workers rights, be more like the US labour market where it is easy to hire and fire. Couldn't do it because of EU workers protections

Cameron announces referendum.

Referendum voted leave with the hopes to get more control back, and less immigration

Tories know they need access to the single market. They also know the EU is unlikely to allow access without similar rules to what Norway has - which means freedom of movement of population. Basically what most leave voters don't want.

Tories sign agreement because it's our only option.

They are then free to fuck over workers rights like they wanted to, so the poor and unwashed masses that voted to leave get less protection from business and still no real controls over migration


So, Scandinavia, shall we open the talks about letting Scotland be part of us incase they split from the UK and perhaps would like to?

I mean, we share a lot of common grounds in the world. We have the same geographical latitude. They got shittons of mountains and strange stories about mythological beasts living in them. We both wear funny clothing on our holidays. We both used to go to the English to give them a good beating once in a while when we were bored. Whenever Hollywood decides to make a movie about Vikings or anything resembling Vikings, they use people with a Scottish accent to represent us.

Scottish are basically already part of the family.
I'd be cool with it.


I'm so tired of this excuse from people voting against their own self-interest.

The Stay Campain was a shitshow that started with "Do what Daddy tells you" and peaked with "YOU FUCKING LITTLE SHIT I'LL BEAT YOU UNTIL I CAN SHOVE A FUCKING SPEAK AND SPELL DOWN YOUR THROAT SO YOU WILL SAY WHAT I TELL YOU" from Osborne.

In the face of that, anything, even suicide, looked better.


The Amiga Brotherhood
Good Luck UK!
For us Europeans it's a good thing imo because it will force Europe to change for the better.


As a German I'll reserve my judgement/panic until I see the new trade deals the UK will make. The real losers are UK students, who will now face a more privatised school system, and workers, who won't have the EU protection anymore.


Fuck. Lol if the government turns around and says "lollol this was only advisory, we're staying anyway"

Frankly I don't think a move like this would be as controversial as some may think. It seems a LOT of leave voters either voted ironically or regret voting leave now they've seen the true colours of what the Brexiters wanted.

Son Of D

Is gonna be funny when/if Scotland ups and leaves. It's not a Brexit when Britain doesn't even exist.

*After Scotland leaves*

UK: "Well, we still have Wales and Northern Ireland right guys?"
Wales: "Uhh sure I guess."
N. Ireland: "About that... I've been seen the Republic again and I'm moving in with her."
Australia are about the only ones that have a solid voting system - don't vote? That will be $200. Why more countries don't adopt this confuses me

Guess the 2 main issues are first that voting is seen as an ingrained right rather than a duty over here, and that it encourages people who don't know anything about what they're voting for to vote anyway, which would surely skew the numbers somewhat. Even if they don't have to make a legitimate choice.


Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Rubbish, market is back to what it was a short time ago already, a few hours in.

No wonder we voted leave, all the negative doom mongers just going overboard doing remain no favours.
I suggest you take some basic economics classes.


Tourist economy could take a hit due to it being harder to travel and the poor GDP to EURO exchange rate.

Also there is Gibraltar to consider

You think after the initial Knee jerk the Euro will be ultra strong ? Really ?

You have all southern EU with their bowls out, and only Germany with cash in pocket. French will probably strike due to EU budget cuts and because the sun is out. Business as usual.

I suggest you take some basic economics classes.

Ftse down -4.6 %, CAC - 7.4 %, Dax - 6.09 % today 10.58

So how do you read that being so smart as you are ? Do you think the rush to gold will continue, who will recover first, FTSE or CAC or DAX ?

Uk will be fine, EU is in a bigger mess, always was.

PS Ad hominem is so pathetic. Discuss the points, not the person, it makes YOU look stupid.
Agreed, he's too weak and needs to go.

Just like Miliband was, just like Brown was...face it, one of the major problems of the Labour party is mixed messages and uncertain support. Who are they fucking representing these days? I get Corbyn's positions, I don't fucking understand where the party stands. Putting most of the blame on Corbyn is highly symptomatic of the current Labour bankruptcy. Blair was a cynical bastard and Labour have since sought a populist approach which doesn't offer much meaningful alternative to many of the Conservatives. It is just many people's political vision has narowed so significantly.


Can't wait for the tory panto villains to commit to all the things they wanted but couldn't, like Teresa May abolishing the human rights act and Jeremy Hunt selling the NHS. Fucking ashamed of my country today.

Yep, a solid legal bulwark defending the right to healthcare, privacy of data and workers’ rights was the main reason why I voted to remain. Now I'm worried.


Something I just read that I didn't know: from the moment Article 50 is started, the UK will not be able to vote in legislation anymore.

So basically the UK loses any political power from that day within the EU, even if the negotiations take another five years.
Guess the 2 main issues are first that voting is seen as an ingrained right rather than a duty over here, and that it encourages people who don't know anything about what they're voting for to vote anyway, which would surely skew the numbers somewhat. Even if they don't have to make a legitimate choice.

Australian voting system isn't perfect though. They've got alternative vote which is worse than PR


Thank god I paid abit more for a fixed rate 5 year mortgage.
Hows this all effecting HSBC I know Barclays has taken a big hit.
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