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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Out of interest and fully aware that it would never happen in this case, can a referendum be reversed if those charged with implementing the changes prove themselves completely incapable of fulfilling the promises that got them into the position in the first place?
That's fine, but don't come into a thread full of people worrying about their future bragging about it. It just ends up making you look like a monumental dick, even if that wasn't your intention.

My point is mostly the people talking about the "Armageddon" that just happen know almost nothing about financial markets. And are worrying about anything, this was a market correction because of an overvaluation of the Pound and British stock because the common wisdom was that Remain was going to win, even by the smaller of margins.

The pound was on a rally the last week, went from 1.41 to 14.9 mostly based on a confidence of the market in the remain vote which obviously backfired when the results came out, the same can be said about the stock market, since last Thursday the market went on a rally expecting remain and getting leave which basically triggered the short sale of most of the speculators of a remain gamble.

But hey everything to fit in the narrative that leave is bad yo! The markets will readjust itself and the people in fear are the ones that always lose money.
So we accept free movement of people and get free market access, but then we don't have to abide by all the other EU bureaucracy and rules, i'll take it.

No, that's not how it works. You want to trade with the EU? You have to comply with its rules and regulations. The issue is that once the UK is out, it will have ZERO say in how these laws and regulations will be set up, just like Norway and Switzerland.


Had to make this.



Really insightful post

Not really, £ = 1.25 Euro, where it was about 12 months ago.

UK could not export when it was up at 1.4.

It was good for UK manufacturing when it was down at 1.15. 1.25 is a sensible average in previous years, 1.4 was the death of Uk industry.

Daffy Duck

AFP: #BREAKING EU chiefs say Britain must start exit process 'as soon as possible'

Good luck waiting three months, David.

They aren't going to let us sit around and dither on this.

On a side note I wonder when Osborne will crawl out the woodwork and what he'll have to say for himself.
I saw some posts about Marine Le Pen and #Frexit, here is where it stands right now :

Selon une enquête OpinionWay parue en juin, seulement 26 % des Français voteraient en faveur d’un « Frexit » et 51 % contre (le reste des personnes interrogées ne se prononce pas).

"According to a study from OpinionWay published in June, only 26% of French would vote in favor of a Frexit, and 51% against (the rest of people asked did not answered)

Source ; lemonde.fr


Do the numbers add up for Scottish independance now, given the precipitous drop in oil price?

Without the oil revenue projections that were heavily relied upon in the Scottish referendum, I'm not sure Scottish Independance is even feasible.

In terms of oil it's certainly a wobbly proposition, which probably undermines the economic argument somewhat. On the flipside renewable energy is on the up and up and research into fields like that are on the up and up. Not a gargantuan boon like oil, obviously, but still not to be sniffed at. We'll be relevant moving past oil.

But regardless of the economics of it, for me the cultural and political divide is just too massive. When I voted Yes in the referendum I wasn't voting for an independent Scotland – I was voting against Westminster.

You best start believing in democracies. You're in one.

Very nice


No, that's not how it works. You want to trade with the EU? You have to comply with its rules and regulations. The issue is that once the UK is out, it will have ZERO say in how these laws and regulations will be set up, just like Norway and Switzerland.

The exiters have yet to realise this. Plucky little Britain will get concessions out of the EU that the US, the most powerful nation state in History, is unable to do. That's assuming it's Britain, because the Scots will be agitating against that.

You can really tell who the ignorant are at this point. It'd be sad were it not for the fact that this is economic suicide.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
This was an enormous defacement to the EU, they are not going to make this easy for Britain. The EU does not forget.
Lol at those blaming Corbyn for this loss. The only person that had a measured approach to this referendum whilst acknowledging the flaws of the EU, chose for remain as the best way to improve it.

The establishment media then proceeds to call for his resignation because he may finally have a chance at achieving something as the leader of the party through an early general election.

It's amazing how the rhetoric and narrative is developed so quickly; because the Murdoch puppets are scared of him.


AFP: #BREAKING EU chiefs say Britain must start exit process 'as soon as possible'

Good luck waiting three months, David.

I just can't see any way these negotiations make us come out favorably. We have a large delay, an EU that hates us, and we're sending in our top euroskeptics who are almost all incompetent buffoons.

It's going to be a major fucking shitshow and frankly anyone saying "but the trade deals will be fine!" is being way too optimistic.


No, that's not how it works. You want to trade with the EU? You have to comply with its rules and regulations. The issue is that once the UK is out, it will have ZERO say in how these laws and regulations will be set up, just like Norway and Switzerland.

This flabbergasts me, how did the Brexit people think? That because you leave the EU, you don't have to follow the EU anymore? That is not how it is going to work at all.. And like above, now England will have less of a impact, it minimized itself on the scene.

What on earth for? :\



I thought the polling indicated a clear desire to stay in the EU.

I can't see the EU staying together in the near future honestly.


I just can't see any way these negotiations make us come out favorably. We have a large delay, an EU that hates us, and we're sending in our top euroskeptics who are almost all incompetent buffoons.

It's going to be a major fucking shitshow and frankly anyone saying "but the trade deals will be fine!" is being way too optimistic.

Oh man, if Boris gets sent in to negotiate... I'd laugh if it wasn't terrifying.


Not really, £ = 1.25 Euro, where it was about 12 months ago.

UK could not export when it was up at 1.4.

It was good for UK manufacturing when it was down at 1.15. 1.25 is a sensible average in previous years, 1.4 was the death of Uk industry.

where the shit did that person get their numbers from then?


So we accept free movement of people and get free market access, but then we don't have to abide by all the other EU bureaucracy and rules, i'll take it.

The market access for non-EU members has always been conditioned on abiding with EU legislation and rules without having a say on the legislation.


This was an enormous defacement to the EU, they are not going to make this easy for Britain. The EU does not forget.

No wonder we are leaving if thats peoples attitudes. Uk tired of the Brussels dictators.

Remember, trade goes both ways.

where the shit did that person get their numbers from then?

Get them yourself, 5 year UK to EU is not that hard. I could sell Uk stuff into EU at 1.15., at 1.4 we gave up. 1.25 is sensible.


1.4 was silly in last 4 years. In 2013 it was 1.15 which was good for UK trade.


The Amiga Brotherhood
What do you guys think will happen to house prices? I have been waiting for all this to happen before attempting to buy my first house. Mistake or?


Oh man, if Boris gets sent in to negotiate... I'd laugh if it wasn't terrifying.

They're all calling for a Brexiter to negotiate. So considering it'll probably be the new PM who does so we'll get Boris, Theresa May or Gove. None of those are a good option compared to Cameron.


Putin is heating up the Cold War and flexing muscles in the East and the fucking UK population thinks they should lie in bed with literal racists to leave and weaken one of the great collective efforts against Putin's aggressiveness.

Dumbest fucking shit I've seen in my life time.


No, that's not how it works. You want to trade with the EU? You have to comply with its rules and regulations. The issue is that once the UK is out, it will have ZERO say in how these laws and regulations will be set up, just like Norway and Switzerland.

Given how utterly incompetent the UK government clearly are (ditto the opposition), and the amazing ignorance of UK voters... that actually sounds kindof positive o_O.

Par Score

This is like waking up to a fucking nightmare.

There's no solace in Leave's lies being exposed at the cost of millions of people's lives.

Europe, a little under half of us are so, so sorry. We didn't want to go.
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