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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Lego Boss

Some of the people who voted Leave saying that they didn't think it would happen and they did it without thinking about the consequences... good lord.

Oh wow.

I saw a programme earlier on BBC where everyone was 'melancholic' because Camergone and the markets were shitting like laxitives. This included BREXIT voters.

What did they think would happen, really?

I'm sorry to get medieval, but some people should not be allowed to vote or reproduce.

If you don't know what you're doing: don't do anything.

Green Yoshi

I wonder what will happen in Northern Ireland now. A throwback to the 1970s and dozens of terror attacks in England? The open border between Ireland and Northern Irleand has cooled tempers.


This was an enormous defacement to the EU, they are not going to make this easy for Britain. The EU does not forget.

It's not only out of spite, it's not in the interest of the union to have a member secede and have everything go nicely. It would give ideas to other members.
Since the general idea is that it's better for a country's interest to remain, the worse UK's situation is going to be, the stronger the argument. It's a bit petty, but that's politics ; after Brexit, UK and EU don't share the same interests any more (not as many anyway).

Mr. Sam

One of the partners at work just sent round an e-mail asking people not to panic: there might be a big dip in the housing market, and perhaps a full on recession, but it should all be fine if we work twice as hard to win and retain clients and we'll come out the other side, just like we did in 2007.

I work at a conveyancing firm and now I'm genuinely fearful for my job.

Thanks, Leave.


I predict Scotland will leave the UK to stay with EU.

Wouldn't work like that though. If Scotland leave the uk they'll have to apply for EU membership separately. That was one of the poles of the stay campaign during the Scottish referendum

Although now they probably won't care


Just spoke to the grandparents, I've lost £35k off my inheritance (but could go back up depending on how the next few years go)

Could have been significantly worse, I was worrying it would be near £100k






I wonder what will happen in Northern Ireland now. A throwback to the 1970s and dozens of terror attacks in England? The open border between Ireland and Northern Irleand has cooled tempers.

Politics will happen first before we get to that stage. NI voted to remain so it may go to a referendum. At that point, no idea what would happen with them as ROI may not want them and I don't think it would be a great idea to go fully independent. you know, unless they want an independence day and to TAKE BACK CONTROL.


I'm assuming they don't have any actual say though do they?
We can invoke article 50 when we are ready

I presume the EU will start its talks regardless, in light of the result of the referendum as well as the statements made by Cameron today.

Article 50 (4) says “the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions”, so it doesn't require the UK at this point anyway.

Green Yoshi

Some of the people who voted Leave saying that they didn't think it would happen and they did it without thinking about the consequences... good lord.

"The best argument against democracy is a five-minute conversation with the average voter."

Winston Churchill


If I'm honest, I'm not knowledgeable enough about the pros and cons of this decision. My issue is the reasons people voted to leave the EU. When I see immigration being a major factor, then I feel like the wrong decision was made by the wrong members of society.
Everyone's vote has virtue, IMO. But the fine definitely helps everyone care regardless.

I dunno. If they are only voting because they'll lose money if they don't, I don't really care what they think that much. Like, I opted not to vote in my local council elections because I basically don't interact with it - I live in my house, I get the train to London and then come home and eat dinner. I don't use local busses, local schools, local swimming pools etc. My bins get collected and that's basically it. As such, I don't vote - I'd rather lend that little extra potency to the other votes of people for whom the impact is greater. My vote shouldn't be worth the same as theirs, and whilst I don't think *that* should be enforced by the government, if someone doesn't care enough about the issues discussed the vote, I don't want their vote diluting the potency of the votes of those that do.
Several German ministers were essentially saying UK will be punished for this.

Well they don't want to play by the same rules of everyone else , despite being a key economic player , so why should they be nice about it ? You can't have the money and none of the responsabilities that comes with it


I was under the impression that the people of the UK voted for the people representing them in the European government, and that decisions imposed on the country were a joint decision between the EU and the country.

Look at Norway. They pay money to be part of the European single market. I'm relatively certain they have open borders as well, correct me if I'm wrong. The same will probably count for the UK once all is said and done.

Norway, like Switzer land is used as a positive argument by a lot of Brexiters to show how UK can be well off without EU.
However, both countries are in the Schengen area and as such have looser border than UK does right now.

Ding ding ding ding ding we have a winner

From what I understand if we want to remain part of the EU free market you also have to abide by the freedom of movement. If we stay a part of that market, the only thing we've done is give up our voting rights in the EU.

Yep, worse off than we were.
There is no way UK gets any trade deal without freedom of movement and considering anti immigration views were the biggest reason for Leave winning....what was the fuckin point?


Well am from London and it's like waking up to nightmare.

In like 3 years from now where going to realise how bad we fucked ourselfs.


So we accept free movement of people and get free market access, but then we don't have to abide by all the other EU bureaucracy and rules, i'll take it.

You don't get access to the free market without abiding by those rules. Many of them exist to ensure that there is a level playing field between the countries involved - that the companies in one particular country don't have certain organisational expenses that others don't to a degree that gives them an excessively unfair disadvantage - as the trade-off for not imposing additional expenses and tarriffs.

If you think they would allow Britian to remain in the free-trade zone without following all that organisational red tape, you are deluded.


Wouldn't work like that though. If Scotland leave the uk they'll have to apply for EU membership separately. That was one of the poles of the stay campaign during the Scottish referendum

Although now they probably won't care

EU will likely roll on the red carpet and do incredibly quick negotiations for Scotland if this happens. Just like they will make life hard for Britain when exiting, they will do whatever they can to make Scotland joining in easier.
One of the partners at work just sent round an e-mail asking people not to panic: there might be a big dip in the housing market, and perhaps a full on recession, but it should all be fine if we work twice as hard to win and retain clients and we'll come out the other side, just like we did in 2007.

I work at a conveyancing firm and now I'm genuinely fearful for my job.

Thanks, Leave.

I feel for you dude <3

I'm in a similar situation.

Par Score

Can somebody explain to me how the parliament could overrule this referendum? I heard it is possible but unlikely. What would need to happen?

The result is advisory only, it has no legal force.

All parliament needs to do is nothing. Ignore it. Never enact article 50 or repeal any of the EU Acts.
Wouldn't work like that though. If Scotland leave the uk they'll have to apply for EU membership separately. That was one of the poles of the stay campaign during the Scottish referendum

Although now they probably won't care

I'm pretty sure that it's in the best interest of the EU to try and lure Scotland, NI and Gibraltar to secede with an offer of essentially immediate membership.
There's already precedent for hyper-speed application processes with Iceland back in 2008 when their cage was rattled by the financial crisis. The Icelanders opted to freeze their application, though.

Since the three
(can we call them SNIG? It sounds like snug, and I'd be snug having them back in the EU.)
already have most EU laws and regulations in place, and should fulfill basically most criteria, as their parent nation was part of the EU, it shouldn't even take very long for them to join up.
I presume the EU will start its talks regardless, in light of the result of the referendum as well as the statements made by Cameron today.

Article 50 (4) says “the withdrawing Member State shall not participate in the discussions”, so it doesn't require the UK at this point anyway.

Start it now. No need to be dragged down any further, they want out, get them out as fast as possible.

Edit: Also sorry for the people who worry for their jobs or lost money today and in the future. Black Friday for us all.


I wonder what will happen in Northern Ireland now. A throwback to the 1970s and dozens of terror attacks in England? The open border between Ireland and Northern Irleand has cooled tempers.

Anyone who thinks NI is going to go back to violence needs their fucking head examined
This is the vote that people wanted, and we have to respect that. We will have to live the consequences.


Either you respect people's democratic right to choose or you don't.

If anything, neither side covered themselves in glory and both played the fear angle too heavily. "Leave" was heavy on the xenophobia and "stay" couldn't even get close to articulating why staying was a good thing. The winner was decided by who fucked up the least, Cameron will now always be remembered as the guy who lost a vote that should've been an easy winner.

The result is advisory only, it has no legal force.

All parliament needs to do is nothing. Ignore it. Never enact article 50 or repeal any of the EU Acts.

And ignore the will of more than half of the electorate? Political suicide for a huge number of currently well payed MPs.


Putin is throwing heating up the Cold War and flexing muscles in the East and the fucking UK population thinks they should lie in bed with literal racists to leave and weaken one of the great collective efforts against Putin's aggressiveness.

Dumbest fucking shit I've seen in my life time.

To be fair, most voters aren't foreign policy minded. They care what candidates will do affect their lives.
Wont last long, EU markets are 2 % below UK markets. It will correct itself by the end of the day.

Free trade will remain with EU, Germany and their car exports to the UK will make sure of that, and the rest of EU being funded by Germany will make it very quick.

Come back in 1 week and then talk,

I keep hearing this "German car exports" argument.
What do you think will happen if non-UK cars become a bit more expensive? I guess us Brits will turn to all those UK car companies and buy an Austin Metro or an MG Rover 75.

The EU isn't going to rush through an unprecedented one-sided trade deal with the UK (free trade without free movement) just to give a marginal increase in profit to the German car industry. That's not how the EU works. Each country must agree to the treaty and Germany just don't have the clout that people think they do.
Especially since a treaty that gives such huge benefits to the UK would be the EU sending out the message that leaving is easy.

While some people are crowing over "taking our country back", I feel like I've had my country stolen away from me. I'm a citizen of Europe and have always viewed the other member states in the same way as the differences between Yorkshire and London, or England and Scotland. At all these scales, we all have our own culture and we all argue about who is best, but we're all on the same team in the end. And now we're not.


I'm pretty sure that it's in the best interest of the EU to try and lure Scotland, NI and Gibraltar to secede with an offer of essentially immediate membership.
There's already precedent for hyper-speed application processes with Iceland back in 2008 when their cage was rattled by the financial crisis. The Icelanders opted to freeze their application, though.

Since the three (can we call them SNIG? It sounds like snug, and I'd be snug having them back in the EU) already have most EU laws and regulations in place, as their parent nation was part of the EU, it shouldn't even take very long for them to join up.

Scotland isn't going to get the option. Any change in Scotland's legal status as a country has to be agreed by Westminster, and there's just no way that happens outside of a labour minority government that needs SNP votes to survive.

As pissed as Europe is, they aren't going to recognise Scotland seceeding from the UK unilaterally.


EU will likely roll on the red carpet and do incredibly quick negotiations for Scotland if this happens. Just like they will make life hard for Britain when exiting, they will do whatever they can to make Scotland joining in easier.

Why would they roll out the red carpet for a tiny economy, and make life hard for one if the worlds largest? Spite? I think once people have calmed down they might think more rationally

(I still haven't calmed down, but I've gone from disbelief, through anger, and am now in a daze)


"Meanwhile half of British trade is with the EU, but only 11% of EU trade is with Britain."

This is going to work out great.
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