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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Boris still lying...UK fifth largest economy.

What reality are these people living in...

The reality where CAC and Dax are down more than FTSE ?

Try looking at all the markets instead of being selective. Its just traders being nervous, more so for EU countries than UK it seems.

The reality where the pound is at its average for past 5 years and 1.4 was not sustainable


Actually Pound is still too high, needs to come down to about 1.2. Crash is better headlines than facts.


One of the partners at work just sent round an e-mail asking people not to panic: there might be a big dip in the housing market, and perhaps a full on recession, but it should all be fine if we work twice as hard to win and retain clients and we'll come out the other side, just like we did in 2007.

I work at a conveyancing firm and now I'm genuinely fearful for my job.

Thanks, Leave.

Sorry to hear that. That really does sound like "we're going to have to make some of you redundant, but we want it to be on your 'lack of hard work' so we don't look bad"

What an utter shitshow.

The Hermit




So I guess Britian is going take on the can't get over it Ex in this relationship with EU. Eu is now well fuck off then while we like no wait give me more time we need to talk. Expect Boris send messages at 2am drunk asking to take us back or help us with some money.

Should've just called it Shipman.

Might work better on an old peoples cruise ship though.

Oooofff then again this only thing my nearby town is famous for. Did you find some Skips


Can somebody explain to me how the parliament could overrule this referendum? I heard it is possible but unlikely. What would need to happen?
Nothing would have to happen, it's a non-binding referendum, legally it's meaningless. If parliament does nothing the UK will remain part of the EU.


I wonder what will happen in Northern Ireland now. A throwback to the 1970s and dozens of terror attacks in England? The open border between Ireland and Northern Irleand has cooled tempers.

Uniffication? It would be much easier than for Scotland for NI to leave Great Britain, since they would just join with Ireland.
Meeting at 2pm, talk in the office - no taking on interns this Autumn, current interns won't be offered a position in company.

Shit's about to get rough...
Frexit & Nexit....


You know, I don't mean to disparage you personally... But I have yet to see a single salient point being made by any pro-leave people in this thread. It seems to be mostly these weird, contradictory populist opinions being thrown around.
Scotland isn;'t going to get the option. Any change in Scotland's legal status as a country has to be agreed by Westminster, and there's just no way that happens outside of a labour minority government that needs SNP votes to survive.

As pissed as Europe is, they aren't going to recognise Scotland seceeding from the UK unilaterally.

Not only that, but Scotland will have far, far, far more trade and immigration between the rUK and Scotland than between the EU and Scotland. At the very least, they're going to want to know exactly what they're leaving before they leave it.
Why would they roll out the red carpet for a tiny economy, and make life hard for one if the worlds largest? Spite? I think once people have calmed down they might think more rationally

(I still haven't calmed down, but I've gone from disbelief, through anger, and am now in a daze)
As an example towards other countries looking to leave. If one or two more follow this can be the end of the EU as it is now. If the UK goes into recession while the EU gets by reasonably OK, that is a major argument for countries to stay in.

Meeting at 2pm, talk in the office - no taking on interns this Autumn, current interns won't be offered a position in company.

Shit's about to get rough...
You're in finance right?
Hollande just made an address and asked for the exit procedure to be started as soon as possible.
No continental power is going to be nice about it.

Mind you, I don't think it's about punishment as much as it's about the precedent and moving on as fast as possible with this mess.

Honey Bunny

Well they don't want to play by the same rules of everyone else , despite being a key economic player , so why should they be nice about it ? You can't have the money and none of the responsabilities that comes with it

Being in the EU is not a rule, it's a choice. As has just been very effectively demonstrated.

Blackmailing a population who has voted democratically to leave will do wonders for anti-EU sentiment around the rest of Europe.


In a way I could see the EU becoming stronger out of this now that UK is out. They can become even closer together if they make it work.
I keep hearing this "German car exports" argument.
What do you think will happen if non-UK cars become a bit more expensive? I guess us Brits will turn to all those UK car companies and buy an Austin Metro or an MG Rover 75.

The EU isn't going to rush through an unprecedented one-sided trade deal with the UK (free trade without free movement) just to give a marginal increase in profit to the German car industry. That's not how the EU works. Each country must agree to the treaty and Germany just don't have the clout that people think they do.
Especially since a treaty that gives such huge benefits to the UK would be the EU sending out the message that leaving is easy.

While some people are crowing over "taking our country back", I feel like I've had my country stolen away from me. I'm a citizen of Europe and have always viewed the other member states in the same way as the differences between Yorkshire and London, or England and Scotland. At all these scales, we all have our own culture and we all argue about who is best, but we're all on the same team in the end. And now we're not.

I don't think you understand the sheer level of volume in units and money those exports means to the German car industry.

Basically one fifth of all the german's car industry output was exported exclusively to the UK, the same goes for a lot of products and services around the EU, a lot of countries are more worried to not lose that revenue that they are going to be to impose "sanctions" to the UK for leaving.
I dunno. If they are only voting because they'll lose money if they don't, I don't really care what they think that much. Like, I opted not to vote in my local council elections because I basically don't interact with it - I live in my house, I get the train to London and then come home and eat dinner. I don't use local busses, local schools, local swimming pools etc. My bins get collected and that's basically it. As such, I don't vote - I'd rather lend that little extra potency to the other votes of people for whom the impact is greater. My vote shouldn't be worth the same as theirs, and whilst I don't think *that* should be enforced by the government, if someone doesn't care enough about the issues discussed the vote, I don't want their vote diluting the potency of the votes of those that do.
I understand what you're saying. The key thing though is that with compulsory voting, the compulsory bit is turning up at a polling booth, giving your details, and then being handed your ballot. The vote itself is anonymous obviously, so what (if anything) you put in the ballot is up to you. If you honestly don't feel qualified, entitled, or well informed enough to vote, then you could leave the ballot blank. Knowing that you'll have to vote tends to engage people in the process though, and I think that's a good thing.


not tag worthy
Scotland do it . You are amazing I love you and if you want the EU. Do it. love from England

Oh Damn London is wanting to be in the EU.

This happening
Hollande just made an address and asked for the exit procedure to be started as soon as possible.
No continental power is going to be nice about it.

Mind you, I don't think it's about punishment as much as it's about the precedent and moving on as fast as possible with this mess.
Yes, and putting an end to uncertainty. Dragging the process out is irresponsible. It should be done with as quick as reasonably possible now that the UK wants out. No reason in delays. If that hurts the UK, that's on them.


Fucking disaster this. Not sure how we managed to do this but an entire generation of 45+ year old's (ie our mum's, dad's and grandparents) are turning increasingly more scared, hateful, populist and plain stupid here in the EU. What's happening in the UK is just an example of something that's happening more broadly.

Seeing it here in the Netherlands with my own grandmother who has turned increasingly xenophobic and scared for the future, fueled by dumb, scare mongering, populist media and politicians. We try and correct her but she is simply getting to old to truly understand what she is voting on. And quite honestly it is not her world to determine the course of anymore (she is 90+ and on her way out).

Polls seem to show a clear generation divide and I'm finding it increasingly more stupid that the scared populist baby boomer generation is having such a dire effect on EU's future.


-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
This is the end of the UK.
I love you Scotland. I will gladly move and contribute to your economy. Because you are European.


Why would they roll out the red carpet for a tiny economy, and make life hard for one if the worlds largest? Spite? I think once people have calmed down they might think more rationally
Because Scotland joining EU on it's own will help minimize the effects of Brexit for EU, especially if it's followed by the rest of british union. At that point who cares about Britain's life being made harder?
If Scotland votes for independence and will apply for EU membership they will get accepted. And at that point it will make no sense to have long negotiations. The sooner they let them in the better for everyone involved.

I mean, what would be the point of making Scotland's path towards EU harder? Trying to not hurt british's feelings?


I keep hearing this "German car exports" argument.
What do you think will happen if non-UK cars become a bit more expensive? I guess us Brits will turn to all those UK car companies and buy an Austin Metro or an MG Rover 75.

We have an abundance of car makers in UK as well remember.


1.25 is fine, its still above the 5 year average.

If everyone wants to slap import taxes on each other, fine, cant see it happening.
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