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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Merkel: Stay calm, EU is important for the globalization, to prevent war, we need to stay together (don't even think about it, Netherlands).

We are thinking about it, but I don't know why anyone is. The Dutch economy is essentially just a subsection of the German economy. Leaving the common market would be complete economic suicide.



Mr. Sam

Sadiq needs to re-enact the end of Iron Man, only instead of "I am Iron Man" he says "Independence for London." He holds his arms aloft as flashbulbs go off and journalists go apeshit.
I don't get how my city, Birmingham was basically 50/50, with Leave winning slightly, WTF.

Second biggest city in the UK
Second most diverse city in the UK
Youngest major city in Europe

I don't get it.

Key phrase "Second most diverse city in the UK", I went through a region the city once by accident (Got lost) and there was a very strong Asian community, it makes sense that they voted to Leave slightly, as there will be many white people (I apologise I don't know how best to say it) living in neighbourhoods seeing a lot of ethnicities and thinking "leave eu and we can sort immigration out". I reckon a lot of votes in these regions will boil down to race, with the majority of poorer white people voting to leave.
Scottish referendum #2, here we go

Nicola Sturgeon announces plans for second Scottish independence referendum after UK votes for Brexit

Nicola Sturgeon has said prospect of Scotland being removed from the European Union is “democratically unacceptable” and raised the prospect of a new independence referendum.

“The prospect of a second referendum must be on the table, and it is on the table,” the First Minister said. “We will begin to prepare the legislation required for a new referendum to take place if, and when, Parliament requires.”

She told EU citizens in Scotland that it is “their home” and their presence is valued after expressing her regret at the result of Thursday’s vote.
Wait, crap LONDON is going to remain in the EU, how does that work? Would my sister (International student studying in Bath) have to go through 2 immigration stages (Home -> London, London ->UK)?

But....I can't afford to move to London. Why the fuck don't they override this mess? It's a huge mistake, fuck democracy let's use common sense. It's clear a lot of the public shouldn't be allowed to have their say if this is what they create. Let some politician take the hit to his career to override it and go down as a martyr in the future.

Fractured the entire fucking country. My mind is blown.


Yeah the Birmingham vote really surprised me. I can only assume there are a lot of racists not happy with the diversity in Birmingham?

I dont get the racist card - most immigrants in UK are white anglo saxon from EU (economic), and current immigration policy discriminates against countries like Africa.

Maybe UK immigration policy will be better for talented nationals from asia and Africas now ?
I don't get how my city, Birmingham was basically 50/50, with Leave winning slightly, WTF.

Second biggest city in the UK
Second most diverse city in the UK
Youngest major city in Europe

I don't get it.

We have a massive working (well many haven't had a job in years) class that are rasists (no leave apologists, I'm a Brummie, I'm actually around these people everyday - they are racist)

I was hoping that the large West Indian, south Asian and other ethic groups would swing it, but speaking to many today, it just seems people weren't bothered enough on that side of the fence (or didn't think their vote mattered).


Other counties who where about to hold this vote are not going to stall and wait see what happens to us. we get made example of then that going be a strong case for remain voting for other countries.
I don't get how my city, Birmingham was basically 50/50, with Leave winning slightly, WTF.

Second biggest city in the UK
Second most diverse city in the UK
Youngest major city in Europe

I don't get it.

Some people think directing their hate towards Eastern Europeans takes the hate off themselves. Leicester was just as bad, same with Derby.
"Meanwhile half of British trade is with the EU, but only 11% of EU trade is with Britain."

This is going to work out great.

Percentages are only so useful, though. The EU exports more to the UK than the UK does to the EU. It's also in their best interest to keep that up, because whilst it represents less for them as a percentage, for those businesses and people that do export their products to the UK it's about the absolute value.
What we should do is stop older people voting. While we are at it lets stop the uneducated, the poor. I am sure there are some others we can choose. I voted remain but this shit coming out now shows why people voted leave.

not nearly far enough, we should stop everyone from voting, time to go old school and restore monarchy rule


The UK is about to learn just how important and ethical it is for free movement of labour to occur in a single market.
My other half is Scottish and we spend large amounts of time up there. I'm not being mean - this is literally legal fact. Matters of constitutional basis are decided by Westminster. Legally, Scotland could hold 50 referendums and they don't mean anything - unless Westminster agrees they do.

And no country in the EU or the west would recognise Scotland as an independent country under those circumstances (putin might to cause trouble!).

Again, this is not being mean or unpleasant - it's just the legal fact.
A country cannot be compelled to be controlled as a 'slave' region against its will. It doesn't matter one iota whether Westminster gives us 'permission' to leave or not. What matters is whether a state is or is not recognised by the global community and the United Nations.

Scotland's unanimous decision to the contrary of (most) of the rest of the UK is certainly sufficient to convince those EU and western countries you refer to, that we have a case.

Indy Ref 1 was set up following the formalities on the back of a democratic mandate. I think the same will happen for Indy Ref 2. But given how shamefully the Scottish people were misled by Better Together, including the very issue of EU membership itself, we absolutely will not need anyone's permission but our own.
Putin has been funding, promoting and training Eurosceptic groups for years. A good chunk of RT is nothing but anti-EU propaganda.
Yeah , In france the FN ( front national ) is primary financed in russia. All that russian money actively promoting the end of EU

Oh they are pissed. They are going to make this as painful as possible as an example to other countries not to leave. They have too.

Germany said the same thing. Everyone is saying the same thing. I think david cameron knew very well the consequences in termf of political and ceconomic trades should the UK leave euro.
It's not going to be pretty , at all.


We are thinking about it, but I don't know why anyone is. The Dutch economy is essentially just a subsection of the German economy. Leaving the common market would be complete economic suicide.

Yes, but when people don't want to understand the facts and just vote on what 'feels' better or based on some idealistic or nostalgic notion of what the Netherlands could be like without the EU, then dumb shit will ensue. See: the Association Agreement referendum.

I swear, referenda need to be changed to require supermajorities and weighted according to age group.
I think people need to realize what is happening all over the world. These revolutions and voting to fracture itself is happening all over that are playing right into the hands of something far more dangerous than just racism and fear.

take notes people, a war is brewing. look at the world players

I like to think that this wouldn't be possible in today's world. Then again though, with the current state of the world, nothing would surprise me any longer.
I'm still surprised by this, even as the dust settles. Just really cannot believe it. What a change, and what a regression, to just come into being overnight like this when I didn't see it being the result at all. I really hope things start to look up over time because, as it stands, it all seems negative to me.


I cycled to work this morning, the sun was out, it was warm, I had a tail wind, it was lovely.

Then I got two punctures and broke my pump.

I dunno, it felt kinda fitting.


So is there any bright side for England now that they've left the EU?

Of course, UK industry was on its knees at the high 1.4 pound to Euro.


1.25 makes UK more competitive, still UK pound is still very strong, in 2013 it was 1.15.

If we stayed in EU £ was almost 1.5, UK manufacturing getting killed, go work in service sector or banking in London,...or import stuff and sell it.
Racism accusations getting tossed around here because their side didn't win is disgusting. I don't think people voting to leave the EU should be labeled like that. Maybe if the EU was a better run entity this vote would have never happened.
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