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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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that clip of Farage on itv is amazing. When she asks if the £350m pw will now go on the NHS and he says no you can literally see the moment of realisation on her face.



John Oliver debunked that number recently in his show by the way https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iAgKHSNqxa8

But overall that's really worrying, a lot of recent politics is very much centered on lies and it makes my scared that Trump might win as well, just based on people ignoring facts.


Cna someone link to something about London move to remain within EU? And how would that even work? What would England become after that if it would happen? An Eastern Europé state after the war?


Still way too early.

I'm curious what happens in the next six months. The markets will always go bonkers for news like this coming out.
We are thinking about it, but I don't know why anyone is. The Dutch economy is essentially just a subsection of the German economy. Leaving the common market would be complete economic suicide.

Yeah. Let's hope nothing terrible happens that will cause ignorant scared people to vote for Wilders massively. With scared people, a dramatic turnaround can happen within one day.


Gold Member
I like to think that this wouldn't be possible in today's world. Then again though, with the current state of the world, nothing would surprise me any longer.

the internet and anonymity has proven to be an effective social engineering weapon. Put blood in the water as anyone from anywhere.

look at some of the flags and tags on some choice posters on gaf even...


I don't get how my city, Birmingham was basically 50/50, with Leave winning slightly, WTF.

Second biggest city in the UK
Second most diverse city in the UK
Youngest major city in Europe

I don't get it.

Birmingham counted counties around it too, no?


It really does baffle me that they've only lost 4.5% on the FTSE today.

All the traders must have had major contingency plans ready, and also have been comforted by Mark Carney's words.

Birmingham counted counties around it too, no?

No, there were other voting regions in the Warwickshire area.


"Meanwhile half of British trade is with the EU, but only 11% of EU trade is with Britain."

This is going to work out great.

Well, we import more than export, so if all parties slap a 10 % tarrif on, UK will be in positive and make money. Will that work out great ?

It really does baffle me that they've only lost 4.5% on the FTSE today.

France CAC down almost 9 %. Just wait a week or so, just goes to show UK economy will be fine.

People talking about foreign exchange currency always makes me laugh at their ignorance no matter how bad their situation is. I mean the current rate is barely below what it was a week ago (1.380 24/06/16 against 1.406 16/06/16), while I understand their fears about job security maybe talking about something you clearly don't understand shouldn't be something you should be doing.


Subete no aware
China throwing shade:
The Global Times, a widely-read tabloid published by the ruling Communist Party's official People's Daily, was blunter in its assessment though.

"This referendum will probably be a landmark event that proves Britain is heading in the direction of being a small country with few people, writing itself off as hopeless and acting recklessly," it said in an editorial on its website.

It's really depressing to hear these kinds of stories, a bunch of people voted for racism and xenophobia and left their fellow countrymen and -women out in the cold. But hey, at least you got your country "back", right?

So wanting a better degree of control over our affairs is racism now is it?


It really does baffle me that they've only lost 4.5% on the FTSE today.

All the traders must have had major contingency plans ready, and also have been comforted by Mark Carney's words.

We're also 2 years away from shit really hitting the fan.


while it's a complete fantasy, the idea of London leaving England is rather entertaining

Worked for Singapore.

London in itself voted for remain by an overwhelming majority. The lives and livelyhoods of everyone in it and the home counties around it are being uprooted and likely destroyed in some cases because of the outcome of this vote.

This is the only situation where I can see a real democracy.


Congratulations UK, you voted for a better future :D
Now I hope the rest will follow and we'll go back to an EEC and NOTHING more than that.

Showed the non democratic EU ministers and the multinationals who make billions of dollars that the people are more important.
Too bad there are still so many people that they manipulated through fear and doom scenario's.


It didn't help that I have seen online and random passerby yesterday asking friends who to vote for as they have no clue. When voters are asking other voters who to vote we going get fucked up results.
We are thinking about it, but I don't know why anyone is. The Dutch economy is essentially just a subsection of the German economy. Leaving the common market would be complete economic suicide.

You think simple people will understand this? They are cheering on Wilders as we speak, scared of the immigrants stealing their jobs!!! We must leave the Euro paper pushers who only cost us moneh!!!!


I really don't think many people realise how much EU funding comes into the UK for various things. That is my main concern about us now leaving.

We've said "we want out", but they haven't put forward any ideas on how we will be when we are out.

This is my concern about this. As someone with prolonged medical issues, as does my partner, I'm concerned that the NHS is going to buckle because money has to come from somewhere and there are going to be cuts and tax rises across the board to offset the withdrawal of EU funding in areas such as science, architecture etc.

I do hope my concerns are unjustified
I don't think you understand the sheer level of volume in units and money those exports means to the German car industry.

Basically one fifth of all the german's car industry output was exported exclusively to the UK, the same goes for a lot of products and services around the EU, a lot of countries are more worried to not lose that revenue that they are going to be to impose "sanctions" to the UK for leaving.

They won't impose sanctions or discriminatory tarrifs and they can't under WTO rules.
They will have to apply the same tariffs they apply to other non-EU countries, unless we do a trade agreement.
Whether we are 'punished' for leaving is a nuanced issue. We can't be 'punished' more than any other current non-EU country, so long as we ourselves don't break WTO rules. But not having single market trade terms is essentially a self-inflicted punishment relative to the status quo, and it would be exceptionally hard to get a good deal without accepting Norwegian/Swiss terms.

I do agree that VW/BMW/Merc will be shitting their pants though, since the weaker pound means we won't be able to afford their cars (or that they'll have to lower their prices/profit for the UK).
We want their cars and have no domestic industry to protect, so Boris/Gove can't and won't threaten Germany with a 30% import tariff or something.
And despite the huge size of the German car industry, it's still a small piece of the pie in a free trade deal with an EU-size economy.
Both us and the EU will want a trade deal on cars, and maybe we can leverage that to cover some other similar goods (machines and tech), but it won't help with other goods and services upon which our economy relies.

Regardless of what deal we get, it is unlikely to be quick. The EU just don't do quick, due to all the checks and balances that generally require only a small disagreement to bring everything to a halt.
Ironically, the checks and balances that stop a Federal Europe from forming or Turkey from joining are the same ones that will harm us now.
Scottish referendum #2, here we go
Nicola Sturgeon announces plans for second Scottish independence referendum after UK votes for Brexit

Nicola Sturgeon has said prospect of Scotland being removed from the European Union is “democratically unacceptable” and raised the prospect of a new independence referendum.

“The prospect of a second referendum must be on the table, and it is on the table,” the First Minister said. “We will begin to prepare the legislation required for a new referendum to take place if, and when, Parliament requires.”

She told EU citizens in Scotland that it is “their home” and their presence is valued after expressing her regret at the result of Thursday’s vote.


As a remain voter I whole heartedly disagree with Sturgeon there, whilst she may not like the result (as I do not) it was more democratic than most decisions as the actual people voted for it in a referendum which saw the highest voter turn out for decades! to say that is undemocratic shows she does not understand democracy - all governments in a democracy are there to serve the public will at their pleasure!
Furthermore its not as if Scotland unanimously voted to stay, a huge number of their populace voted to leave too.

anyway, today I am whole heartedly scared for my nation, yesterday I was a British European, proud of my nation, disliking its current government, thinking the EU was flawed but needed reform from within

Today I am just British it seems, hated by Europeans despite still being one, with a collapsing government and no say in what happens to the potentially sinking ship we left! With a pound now at its lowest since the 1980's, the leave campaign back tracking on spending the saved money on the NHS and potentially Borris Johnson being my next 'leader' a man who wants to privatise the NHS

today I weep


People talking about foreign exchange currency always makes me laugh at their ignorance no matter how bad their situation is. I mean the current rate is barely below what it was a week ago (1.380 24/06/16 against 1.406 16/06/16), while I understand their fears about job security maybe talking about something you clearly don't understand shouldn't be something you should be doing.

do you really expect rationality and logic in a thread where people seem to be implying that as you age your vote and opinions should count for less since you'll be dead sooner than babies?


I study at a top Russell Group Uni and the Chancellor just emailed us about the uncertainty of the impact, especially alongside the UUK.

What could happen to UK Universities?


You know you fucked up really bad when Donald Trump and Marie Le Pen and Gert Wilders and literal neo-nazis are cheering the outcome.

What the fuck were you thinking Britain? Christ almighty.

And Matteo Salvini in Italy too,albeit not as popular as the other 2 probably
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