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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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But it isn't tanking and neither is the stock market and there is no way "someone" could fight a situation where "nobody is reasonably buying".

I know the narrative here is this is a fucking disaster of disasters and the end of prosperity and London should be ring fenced and airlifted back to the EU and as such the markets MUST be tanking in every single way but uh actually it's sane to move the market down a bit and then play a waiting game. Wait to see who says what, what EU says, what companies say, what the press says. There is too much unknown. Nothing apart from exit at some point, is decided despite what some are saying.

Swiss is shoring up its currency. It's not unheard of.

The funny thing is that Bloomberg economists predicted falls around what it is at now. Scarily close.


Britain just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about European culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Europe, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the European community, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase British goods or have any type of trade agreement, nor will they allow Brits to travel and have huge piss ups abroad. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Britain has alienated an entire population with this move.

British people, publicly apologize and cancel the Brexit or you can kiss your international relevance goodbye

Time for this meme to go global.


Unconfirmed Member
Britain just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about European culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Europe, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the European community, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase British goods or have any type of trade agreement, nor will they allow Brits to travel and have huge piss ups abroad. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Britain has alienated an entire population with this move.

British people, publicly apologize and cancel the Brexit or you can kiss your international relevance goodbye

this is my favourite gaf meme. It works every time.
while it's a complete fantasy, the idea of London leaving England is rather entertaining

Sounds like a recipe for disaster. If London goes, it isn't unreasonable to think that other areas will want to tag along.

A shit hand has been dealt for some, but I think it would be in England's best interest to remain united through the turbulence up ahead.

In other news, the FF XIII meme is never not funny.
Shit load of leave voters on my time line complaining that Scotland want another referendum.

Suck it up bitches. Your complaining about the very thing you just voted for.
Britain just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about European culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Europe, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the European community, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase British goods or have any type of trade agreement, nor will they allow Brits to travel and have huge piss ups abroad. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Britain has alienated an entire population with this move.

British people, publicly apologize and cancel the Brexit or you can kiss your international relevance goodbye



Also, this will work against Trump because it will illustrate the ramifications of choosing isolationism. As the world stumbles into a recession in the new few months, Hillary can associate Trump's fear-mongering with the Brexit.


I can't believe we let the people who distracted GSCE History classes and refused to learn about past world events, saying how it was so boring and who only found out what the EU was less than 6 weeks ago, vote on this.


Yes, the people that think it will only be white English in the country.

But they're likely the majority of people that voted. What I mean is that the majority of people that voted out was probably fueled by their belief that there are too many foreigners ruining the country.

Honestly people that told me they were voting out was so "the fucking foreigners could fuck off, and stop taking our jobs"

But-but-but I thought there was nothing racist about Leave!!
Already have a few friends having horrible days because they are next to be chopped in the block, if Brexit won and it did.
But of course they were EU immigrants so it seems the majority of you didnt give a fuck, even if they have been living there for a lot of years.
Really sad for them.
Have fun with filling education positions now that clearly british people didnt want to fill.


Blaming Corbyn for a referendum he didn't call and which the people then chose the result is stupid.

Labour need to chill the fuck out.


I have many friends in the London banking sector, and while they all were told before the referendum they'd definitely leave for Frankfurt and other locations, their tone is very different today. Today they are 'believing in London and exploring ways to stay'.

At least, the four big banks I know.

Well anything else would probably tank productivity in those offices. 'Exploring ways to stay' is key here as it kinda confirms that they definitely have plans to relocate as well.


It's not happening, give it up.


I can't believe people think the decision is going to be overturned and somehow "fix" everything.

It would be an even bigger shit strom if this decision was overturned. I could easily see riots in the streets.


I read a stat that 70% of Labour voters voted for remain, so why should Corbyn go, etc

BUT on the fact that Corybn hasn't properly expanded the reach of the party, that's a bit of a low barometer. Didn't hugely bring anything to this fight, or any fights before.

Bring on the challenge. Hopefully the fight ahead brings out better candidates.

Better candidates actually need to stand this time though.


Wow, did not see this coming. So, what next?

1 - Multinationals will backtrack for their threats to leave and announce their negotiations
2 - UK will manage to negotiate essentially equal deals directly
3 - Stock and property market will be turbulent for a while
4 - EU will be under even more pressure, federalisation is done for now
5 - In the end, both UK and world economy will be fine

Those are my bets.

I agree, starting to settle down already after only a few hours.


Scotland will look at independence, oil price and Euro, and think again. They will be worse off, maybe more will move south. And I was born in Scotland.

Everybody always votes in their own interest. Funny that.

Scot independence = oil and money.


Unconfirmed Member
Blaming Corbyn for a referendum he didn't call and which the people then chose the result is stupid.

Labour need to chill the fuck out.

Blarites have been trying to get rid of him since he was elected. Of course they'd table a vote now. It's as predictable as the SNP talking up a referendum vote.

Saying that he's done himself no favours. I wish the country was a nicer place and people like Corbyn could make a difference but it's getting more and more bitter and he's probably the wrong guy at the wrong time.
Just a reminder for people conversing with this guy.

I don't need to apologies for being a capitalist. Sue me for making money out of the markets instead of complaining how they are taking away our money or security or whatever. I made a bet that carried risk with my own capital.
Your bets are already wrong. People are literally posting in this thread about them being told to relocate..
Haha yeah right lets take a few posts here from possibly frantic people, as a sign of how this will unfold. Good grief. The hysteria.
Nobody knows how it will turn out and anyone who says otherwise is a liar. Even the experts don't know but they aren't nearly as chicken little as this topic.
If you think top executives in London have the faintest interest in relocating their cushy feathered nests and pyramids of staff power to Frankfurt this decade, you clearly have never worked within 100 miles of them. They aren't going anywhere, any time soon, I will bet money on it.


Britain just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about European culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Europe, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the European community, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase British goods or have any type of trade agreement, nor will they allow Brits to travel and have huge piss ups abroad. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Britain has alienated an entire population with this move.

British people, publicly apologize and cancel the Brexit or you can kiss your international relevance goodbye



People in this thread are losing their jobs today because of this.

I won't write what I think of someone who posts this.

Already lost my job a few months ago due to 1.4 pound to euro and we could not export and survive. Not everybody is a trader in London.

Start again next week, hopefully pound stays reasonable and people in rest of England can now work in manufacturing.
Labour using this as excuse for getting rid of Corbyn the dude had legit reasons for remain heck his point of view what locked in my remain vote.

I think the problem is, while Corbyns personal position is understandable and probably the wisest, his half heartedness about the whole thing, when the stakes are so high was cavalier at best and negligent at worst.

He either didn't know what was at sake or more likely didn't care. That shows he is unfit to lead as he cares more about his idological positions more than he cares about his party, or the country at large.


Gold Member
Apocalypse now!

BBC said:
Jean-Claude Juncker says of negotiations going forward: "We hope to have (the UK) as a close partner of the European Union in future."

BBC said:
French President Francois Hollande said the vote "seriously puts Europe to the test. I respect this painful choice. France will continue to work with this friendly country."

Reuters said:
Royal Dutch Shell (RDSa.L) said it will work with the British government and European institutions on any implications for its business from Britain's decision to leave the European Union, a spokesman said on Friday.

Shell, which was in favor of Britain remaining part of the EU, said its priority was to continue supplying energy to customers in Europe and the United Kingdom.

"We will work with the UK government and European institutions on any implications for us," a spokesman said.


Blarites have been trying to get rid of him since he was elected. Of course they'd table a vote now.

Saying that he's done himself no favours. I wish the country was a nicer place and people like Corbyn could make a difference but it's getting more and more bitter and he's probably the wrong guy at the wrong time.

The reason Corbyn is now vulnerable is because Corbyn's voting base is young, middle class liberals in London. The same people who overwhelmingly wanted to stay in Europe. Labour party headquarters is apparently getting many calls of resignation from the party and calls for a leadership contest.

Corbyn is only vulnerable because he didn't realise how and why he was elected. It's not white, working class votes that powered him - it's London liberals.
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