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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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Quoting myself from other thread:

The referendum in Scotland had a higher turnout and larger gap of votes than the EU referendum.


Scottish independence
stay - 55.3%
leave - 44.7%
turnout - 84.59%

EU referendum
stay - 48.1%
leave - 51.9%
turnout - 72.2%

If Scottish independence gets a second referendum, so should the EU referendum.


Congratulations UK, you voted for a better future :D
Now I hope the rest will follow and we'll go back to an EEC and NOTHING more than that.

Showed the non democratic EU ministers and the multinationals who make billions of dollars that the people are more important.
Too bad there are still so many people that they manipulated through fear and doom scenario's.

I hate tpo keep going on about this but unless Boris Johnson agrees it it doesn't matter. The referendum wouldn't have any legal powers, wouldn't be run by the electoral commision, and internationally wouldn't lead to anything.

I wish it would - I'm all in favour of the Scotland + London exit plan! But the reality is constitutional issues are decided at Westminster, and no-one will agree to it. Referendums without the central governments backing don't mean anything - ask spain.

Sorry I disagree, in reality Scotland could seriously slow down the Brexit, there are a lot of complexities regarding rewriting of laws. I reckon it's probably going to end up with England wanting Scotland out, it's happening already. The union is finished it's just a matter of when, had you asked me a year ago I would have laughed at another referendum and said no way, but frankly to lie and misleed us into leaving Europe, well it just isn't on.


Quick question.

Could I get a run down of why people believe Cameron to be the worst PM of recent times?

Austerity. And Britain just left the EU
Looks like Scotland is headed that way.

Northern Ireland peace process might be awkward now.

What an enormous screwup.
Dude it's tanking. Nobody reasonably buying GBP. Somebody is shoring it up. I dunno who. But guess it might BoE, ECB, or any number of central banks.

But it isn't tanking and neither is the stock market and there is no way "someone" could fight a situation where "nobody is reasonably buying".

I know the narrative here is this is a fucking disaster of disasters and the end of prosperity and London should be ring fenced and airlifted back to the EU and as such the markets MUST be tanking in every single way but uh actually it's sane to move the market down a bit and then play a waiting game. Wait to see who says what, what EU says, what companies say, what the press says. There is too much unknown. Nothing apart from exit at some point, is decided despite what some are saying.


Quoting myself from other thread:

I think something large would need to change though. they'd get that because they're being taken out of the EU against the will of their people. We'd need something similar to hang our hats on to make any strides towards another one.

UK is paying more to EU that it receives so if they want they can fund everything EU did and still save money.

That infers our current government would do that though, and to that I say: lol


Racism accusations getting tossed around here because their side didn't win is disgusting. I don't think people voting to leave the EU should be labeled like that. Maybe if the EU was a better run entity this vote would have never happened.

Maybe if the whole Leave campaign wasn't based on racism and xenophobia those accusations wouldn't be getting thrown around.


So this s at over 98,000 signatures and it most likely will pas 100,000 soon enough. What are the implications ? I don't think anything will come out of it other than a polite response saying "Nothing can be done now".

The site is getting hammered btw.

"Down for maintenance" :(

Of course it is ... surprised the served hasn't imploded with the demand.

I am *really* hoping that the government will see this referendum as an important identifier of national feeling regarding the situtation, and take it under close consideration for future discussions with the EU. Hash out a deal on a couple of policies (ideally relating specifically to immigration numbers, on arbitrary cap or somesuch - something that makes a shiny headline, and neuter one of the Leave campaigns primary talking points), advise the public that the economic rammifiactions observble in this period are indicative of the long-term effects, but they have used that strength of feeling as a means to better their position within the committee as well as best serve/protect the country.

They get a minor victory (on paper, at least) keeping the Leave movement happy, as does the EU (in demonstrating the financial blowback of further potential exits), and - most importantly - we get to remain. It would be tricky to engineer, but something like that would be doable. It's what I would be aiming for right now, were I in a position to do anything.

(If only EU regulations dictated a 2/3 majority as required for any action such as this within its member states...)


Ok, so, if I understand this correctly, article 50 takes 2 years to negotiate, which won't be starting until October, so basically for the next 27 months, I can come and go as I please to Europe without needing any visa nonsense?
Dude it's tanking. Nobody reasonably buying GBP. Somebody is shoring it up. I dunno who. But guess it might be BoE, ECB, or any number of central banks.

• It's a small change if you look at the number but it affects a billion things and dollars floating around -> Huge fuck-up
• Downward trend or weaker status-quo is another factor

Again is the market correcting itself. There was a major gamble of people thinking remain would win and expected a buy rally on the market right now, instead they got a leave which triggered a sell rally. If people really thought that the 1.30 exchange rate earlier today is the number you should be looking is stupid, specially coming from an entire week of increased prices (both in the stock and exchange market) fueled by a strong believe that remain had it in the bag.

For the common people this isn't that damaging UNLESS they have stock or pounds and in the fear they decided to get rid of them on the sell rallies. Then they just became the suckers of someone else's profits.


Sorry English and Wales Bros but I really think an example needs to be made of fear mongering bullshit like this. Scotland should leave. Ireland should reunite. Gibraltar is as good as gone. The EU should play the hardest of balls.

Feel terrible for London :(.


Gold Member
Wow, did not see this coming. So, what next?

1 - Multinationals will backtrack for their threats to leave and announce their negotiations
2 - UK will manage to negotiate essentially equal deals directly
3 - Stock and property market will be turbulent for a while
4 - EU will be under even more pressure, federalisation is done for now
5 - In the end, both UK and world economy will be fine

Those are my bets.


Motion of No confidence in Corbyn issued

Can't say I'm surprised, he half seemed like a troll for leave.
Always half hearted and half assed with his approach to the situation and anyone with any sense knows not to say you can't control immigration before a vote centered around immigration takes place (especially when you are supposed to be on the other side of it)


Things keep getting worst of the UK. But when half the country is disagreeing in such a fundamental issue is normal that they do.

EU is also trying to speed up the process to avoid the UK dragging their feet. What a mess.

Maybe this will make the rest of the EU more united like they should but in the UK things are looking like the opposite.


PM Resigning
Labour leader challenge
2nd Independence Referendum
Northern Ireland opinion poll for a united Ireland

What a cluster fuck.
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