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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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You know what the saddest part about this is?
Most of the immigrants are working in low wage labour/jobs that the average British citizen wouldn't want to do. Construction, maintenance work such as plumbing, health- and social care (e.g. as nurses or as caretakers for elderly), cleaning etc.

What's worse is the type of unemployed person that hates the foriengers that have taken their jobs, doesn't even search for a job....

They'll be even happier when they realise that there are still foreigners in the country, but their jobseekers allowance has gone down, and the fact that prices for many things have gone up too.

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Well, now the EU has to deal with that decision as quickly as possible and make sure that the UK doesn't get good deals. It sounds harsh but the Europeans need to see that we need a united (not federal) Europe if we want to stay competitive in a globalized world. One country alone just can't compete with China or the US.

Feel sorry for you, UK-GAF.
I agree. For the prosperity and unity and safety of Europe, the UK needs to be dealt a bad hand.
It sounds horrible. But it is fair if the EU does so.


Just come home from work, though I knew we were likely to Leave when I turned on the TV at 4am this morning, lol, but I just have to say that I am so goddamned ashamed of this country.

I didn't believe the British electorate could be so fucking stupid, yet here we are. Just appalled right now.

I feel the same mate. When I calm down I suppose i'll attribute it to demagoguery and lies, but thats hardly better


I don't like this narrative that older people's votes don't count as much because they have less time left, it's childish, the flip side is older people have kids and care deeply about their futures so actually one could argue if you are doing the maths this way that an old vote could be worth more than a young one because it frequently includes dependents who are too young to vote. But the fact is, for better or worse, votes are about equal.
So look somewhere else to blame a decision you dislike. Ageism is immaturity. Either that or kill your grandparents because their life experience counts for nothing and they have little time left anyway, right?

You're right.

Another, way more grim argument is that the human brain literally gets worse at handling change and new ideas the older it gets. When you hit 25 the growth slows a lot. When you hit your 40s stagnation starts to begin a little. By the time you're in your 60s your brain is like a walnut: New ideas and experiences won't penetrate, it's harder for your brain to generate new thought processes and take new points of view.

A horrible and mean as fuck argument but I believe this causes a lot of problems.


sputum-flecked apoplexy
Totally don't blame them for asking this. This is common sense from the council. Plus it's 57-43, no where near clear cut.
Wales and other areas need to be doing the same.
57-43 is closer to a three-fifths supermajority than it is to a one half majority. Not sure how that's not clear-cut.

My best guess is that the Cornwall County Council know precisely how stupid the request sounds and have made it to show the Leave vote how much of a mistake they've made.


If you are a Briton you are no longer a European citizen. Think about this.

EU is not Europe. Britain didn't move to Asia all of a sudden.
Great Britain is still a full member of the EU, until the negotiations are over and contracts are signed, which should take at least 2 years if not more.


Britain just shot themselves in the foot.

I don't know how much the rest of you know about European culture (I'm an expert), but honor and shame are huge parts of it. It's not like it is in America where you can become successful by being an asshole. If you screw someone over in Europe, you bring shame to yourself, and the only way to get rid of that shame is repentance.

What this means is the European community, after hearing about this, is not going to want to purchase British goods or have any type of trade agreement, nor will they allow Brits to travel and have huge piss ups abroad. This is HUGE. You can laugh all you want, but Britain has alienated an entire population with this move.

British people, publicly apologize and cancel the Brexit or you can kiss your international relevance goodbye

This is golden. Exactly why they leave. All those threats and doom scenario's.


Not happening. UK is still in NATO.




The Eu now has to negotiate with UK for trade deals, hoping they can get the same preferential deal given EU exports more to UK than UK exports to EU.

Vast majority of immigrants just want to work and live in peace.

Fixed that for you. UK is still in Nato, this has nothng to do with war and terrorists.


Still cannot believe this actually happening... As a scientist that was preparing to apply for EU project in Horizon 2020 program with two UK universities I'm pretty down right now, since it seems like this will not be happening. No chance EU will give UK university any money for a 3-year project if in 2-year max they are out. :/
I'm sure they will be renegotiated as an associated partner sooner or later, but it will take at least few years by the look of it, and such delays are quite deadly nowadays...

Wtf, Britain, wtf...


sputum-flecked apoplexy
That's wrong. Article 50 has not been invoked yet.
Plus i'm sure many would still consider themselves a European citizen, just not an EU citizen.
Many vote Leavers don't even consider themselves British citizens (preferring 'English'), so I'm not sure how true that is.


The argument is meant to be that they don't have to live with their decision. I'm 26 and when I'm 60 I'll still be living with the ramifications of this after they're long gone.

If the younger population has nowhere near the same voter turnout as the older population then we should place as much blame on each other for allowing this to happen, regardless of whatever excuses we can come up with for our apathy.


If you are a Briton you are no longer a European citizen. Think about this.
This makes absolutely no sense. I'm a Spanish-American citizen who lives in Europe.

Leaving the European Union doesn't mean that United Kingdom will become it's own continent for Christ sake.
The uneducated, poor, and old who didn't really understand the outcome and how this would effect us voted to leave. You also have reports of people voting leave thinking it wouldn't matter. Complete morons. Anecdotally I know this to be true. In my work (which is about 20 people), one person voted to leave and she admitted she didn't fully understand the gravity and voted to stop immigration.

Immigrants. Well they took my JSA so we must leave
(With more spelling errors and a reference to Jeremy Kyle)


So I hate the fact that we left.

The only thing I agree with is that we should begin negotiations as soon as possible, so invoke the Article 50 soon.
I mean I kind of see two expanations, neither of which really fill me with excitement about our prospects:

1) The media has now lowered the standard of debate to such a point that they can now convince people to vote against their best interests.

2) People actually are well informed about the issues that they will happily against their own livelihoods as long as they think it will get Johnny Foreigner out.

A combination of both possibly? The majority clearly did not seem aware of the negative economic implications but were instead driven by xenophobia.

That's a load of crap, until the article 50 is raised and exit negotiations completed nothing changes.
Geopolitically, good news for US and China, EU the great experience has suffered major set back.

I expect Germany and France will push for tighter union and US push for closer relationship with UK. Obama can come up with a Trans-Atlantic Partnership to buddy up UK.


Wow, did not see this coming. So, what next?

1 - Multinationals will backtrack for their threats to leave and announce their negotiations
2 - UK will manage to negotiate essentially equal deals directly
3 - Stock and property market will be turbulent for a while
4 - EU will be under even more pressure, federalisation is done for now
5 - In the end, both UK and world economy will be fine

Those are my bets.

UK economy will definitely take a hit. Even in the most optimistic scenario it will loose at least some of it's financial business and jobs in other areas. And those "equal deals" will require UK to bassicaly do exactly the same thing as it did while in EU, only now without having any say in creating those laws.

So bassicaly the country will get poorer and it will have less influence of the laws it's forced to follow. Not apocalyptic, but definitely a worse position than it had before Brexit,


I apologize if this question has already been asked and answered already, but what does this mean for EU university students in the UK?

I am preparing a student of mine to take the IELTS exam, and he is going to the UK for university in the fall, how fucked is he?


I agree. For the prosperity and unity and safety of Europe, the UK needs to be dealt a bad hand.
It sounds horrible. But it is fair if the EU does so.

You do understand balance of trade gap ? The higher the tariff, the more it hurts the EU, and in particular Germany and France. Not happening LOL.

EU is in a state and its getting worse except Germany, France and Dutch, maybe UK will help bail it out ?


'They took our jobs' rhetoric is so confusing given that unemployment rate in the UK is 5%. Like, what? That's basically as good as it gets. What jobs had they taken from you? Are you delirious?
Many pro-brexitors use similar rhetoric to that quoted post and then get upset when they get labeled as racists lmao, it wasn't aimed at you!

Yeah I understood afterwards... sorry.

Again thanks to all the people who answered my posts and took the time to explain to someone who was sort of discovering UK's politics today (I know a few things of course but mostly History things.. not current situation).


The funny thing is, most leave voters on the news seem to be ashamed about it.

This is one time in politics we really need a rerun of the vote. You can't decide something like this on one vote. People make mistakes.


Well, now the EU has to deal with that decision as quickly as possible and make sure that the UK doesn't get good deals. It sounds harsh but the Europeans need to see that we need a united (not federal) Europe if we want to stay competitive in a globalized world. One country alone just can't compete with China or the US.

Feel sorry for you, UK-GAF.

Is the UK in the same situation as Norway right now? Sorry for my ignorance.
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