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The UK votes to leave the European Union

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It's probably kind of cliche to say, but it sort of feels like this decision is an ISIS victory. They've sowed enough fear and distrust in Europe that something like this was allowed to get this far.


To be fair i a lot of those looking up the implications of leaving will be those like myself who voted remain, i didnt bother looking into it previously because i never thought we would leave.


It's probably kind of cliche to say, but it sort of feels like this decision is an ISIS victory. They've sowed enough fear and distrust in Europe that something like this was allowed to get this far.

It for sure is a loss for those who want stability and unity in the world. And it will give once again fuel to right wing parties all over europe.
I'm all for independence anywhere. UK will be just fine over time. They can take care of themselves, if the EU wants to retaliate the rests of the world is still out there.

It's been explained to death that EU treaties will have to be accepted to stay as part of the EEA. You will also lose voting rights on any EU legislation. The UK is not independent; England may stay independent the rest will most likely secede.


Since when was the EU being a dick
Well, I meant to imply from now on, it they feel like the UK needs to be made an exemple of.

It's been explained to death that EU treaties will have to be accepted to stay as part of the EEA. You will also lose voting rights on any EU legislation. The UK is not independent; England may stay independent the rest will most likely secede.
What is bad about them seceding if they want?


That's fair, but it's also not the whole issue because I feel incredibly disaffected by recent politics as a young(ish) student and I still voted to remain.

I agree that calling people stupid is not a fruitful way of analysing the situation.

I do think that the media goes some of the way to explaining the situation and think it's bizarre to dismiss it out of hand. The media creates and shapes the entire climate of the debate. The only reason we're even having a referendum is because of a highly successful media campaign waged over the past 30 years by the tabloid media to convince the populace that the EU is a source of great woe and suffering for the British people.

It's even worse than that. Someone in the old thread posted a link, but basically the reason our press became so hostile to Europe was thanks to Boris Johnson. He worked as the EU correspondent for the Times in the 80 and 90s, and before he was fired for making up stories, would routinely invent mad EU beuocrat stories because people loved reading them.

That fucker has literally shaped our relationship with Europe for decades. The fact the ex-mayor of London could campaign for us to leave the EU just shows what a spineless, power hungry piece of shit he is.


True. I'm 23, and grew up in a working class town in the Midlands. Based on my own experience, Eastern European migrants are far more willing to work in physically demanding environments such as factory jobs than their White English counterparts.

This argument happens all the time in the US. The key thing people leave out, especially with the USA's extremely large migrant population, is that "natives" wouldn't perform those jobs at those wages. It is a weird moment were traditional liberal people are against increasing the wage power of the lower class.


It seems like a lot of people are showing their ignorance, simply jumping on the bandwagon and complaining at the decision when they don't really understand themselves what the real implications are of this decision.

Also I'm not sure if it's sarcasm or not or whether people actually believe that London is joining the EU lol.

What's really laughable are those on Sky News celebrating at the decision to leave. They don't even know why they're happy or again what the implications of their decision are. They just think it means England will be "white" again.

These are awful blanket statements. All I have seen from the remain side is name calling and mud slinging.

Time to muck in and make this work because it's happening.


Listening to people on the news that voted leave is so scary, they are completely clueless even if you tell them a good EU fact. Good luck getting funding from the UK government.


Also hope Scotland doesn't leave since they balance out England's right-wing tilt.

Though I don't blame them if they do.

It's London that balances out England's right wing tilt - higher population, similar attitudes to Scotland, heartland of modern Labour.

Soon to be isolated in the howling wastes of UKIP England.


Holy Crap.

Watch this


one of the Leave guys saying that the money they promised(and propagansized) that wouldnt go to the EU anymore wouldnt go to the NHS. LMAO

This misinformation is annoying the fuck out of me; the original line was something along the lines of "we send £350m a week (or something) to the EU, why not use it to fund the NHS instead".

Now, nowhere in this statement does it say "we will use the £350m to fund the NHS", but it implies that some of that money could be. Now, no-one has said the money won't go to the NHS, just that the £350m figure won't.


Formerly Gizmowned
I was discussing this last week with my mum about how both of us can apply for Irish citizenship due to parents/grandparents.

Seems like its a go ahead now due to our current situations.

Edit: Also possibly Scotland in the future, I'm a mongrel.
It's London that balances out England's right wing tilt - higher population, similar attitudes to Scotland, heartland of modern Labour.

Soon to be isolated in the howling wastes of UKIP England.

London isn't enough. Hell, Scotland+London proved to not be enough.

Without Scotland, it'll be a massacre.


Wake up Sheeple, your boring insistence that Obama is not a lizardman from Atlantis is wearing on my patience 💤
Gutted. Unity over division 😞


Again not understanding the market at all. The pound has been dropping ever since the referendum was confirmed with rallies every time a brexit or remain were "certain" (as certain as it can be on the markets anyway). Last week the buying rallies in both the stock market and the exchange market were made under the assumption that remain would have won. So that is why the pound took a hit from 1.49 to almost 1.30 in a single day, but that was mostly fear of a market that bet on remain and got leave.

The bounce back to 1.38 got it closer to what the price was before the rally began last week, so what is the narrative going to be? The person that was complaining of her money not being "worth enough" anymore should have complained a week ago instead of today, because unless she sold all her pounds when the exchange hit the lowest point this fluctuation didn't affect her at all.

That is the type of ignorance I am talking about. Like some other liberal on twitter was saying how "350B when puff from the downfall of the stock market and the devaluation of the pound" when those same 350B were basically pumped by people betting on a Remain victory, since when you see the trends of the markets the FTE is on a higher levels than last Monday!

I mean talking about fear mongering, that kind of attitude only helps to make ill informed people to sell their stock or assets only to ended up being the sucker of the situation while others are the ones making the profit.

You're not wrong at all, although I find the Financial Times' "pound is lowest in 30 years" pretty interesting - surely that's not par for the course like you're suggesting?

"Alright boys we left the EU, now we gotta figure out what we left.


Damn, sounds nice. Well can't win them all"

just gutting


It's even worse than that. Someone in the old thread posted a link, but basically the reason our press became so hostile to Europe was thanks to Boris Johnson. He worked as the EU correspondent for the Times in the 80 and 90s, and before he was fired for making up stories, would routinely invent mad EU beuocrat stories because people loved reading them.

That fucker has literally shaped our relationship with Europe for decades. The fact the ex-mayor of London could campaign for us to leave the EU just shows what a spineless, power hungry piece of shit he is.



The ignorance of some of the people being interviewed on BBC News right now is ridiculous.

They get told a negative repercussion that can and will be happening because of Brexit.

Their reply?




Absolutely not - that is not democracy. Democracy also has, at its core, the idea that the rights of the minority must be preserved - otherwise it's mob rule. If the UK voted to legalize slavery I would expect the courts and parliament to ignore it.

Exactly, I don't care if the majority voted for it (and again it's not a huge majority) voted for it, I genuinely believe this decision is outright wrong.

Much like I imagine many would feel if Trump became president.


These are awful blanket statements. All I have seen from the remain side is name calling and mud slinging.

Time to muck in and make this work because it's happening.

I'm basing my thoughts on people I've encountered in real life.

I can only go on my own experiences. I work with the public so get to meet a wide variety of people each day.

The majority of people that voted leave that I encountered, which is obviously a very small percentage compared to the actual numbers that voted, all shared the same sentiments.

Too many foreigners.

Honestly I would love to see an interview with those people (maybe there's already been one) with the reporter/interviewer asking one simple question. Why are you happy to leave the EU?

As I'm making blanket statements that hold no truth at all, tell me what you think their response would be? Did they vote to leave for a better economy?

I would actually bet my life on it that their main reason involves getting rid of foreigners. Yes I'm making another "blanket statement" but please show me the average voter that says contrary to that?


This argument happens all the time in the US. The key thing people leave out, especially with the USA's extremely large migrant population, is that "natives" wouldn't perform those jobs at those wages. It is a weird moment were traditional liberal people are against increasing the wage power of the lower class.

I supposed that's one way of looking at the situation, but personally speaking, I would rather have a low paying job than have no job at all. I do think that wages should be increased, though.
Holy Crap.

Watch this


one of the Leave guys saying that the money they promised(and propagansized) that wouldnt go to the EU anymore wouldnt go to the NHS. LMAO
"Always did my own thing" with his stupid little smile afterwards. Smile of a man who knowingly screws over a nation.

This misinformation is annoying the fuck out of me; the original line was something along the lines of "we send £350m a week (or something) to the EU, why not use it to fund the NHS instead".

Now, nowhere in this statement does it say "we will use the £350m to fund the NHS", but it implies that some of that money could be. Now, no-one has said the money won't go to the NHS, just that the £350m figure won't.
No, it shows the Leave campaign didn't know what they were talking about and used vague promises to lure people in. It's dishonest and deceitful. There is no way around that.


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I'm all for independence anywhere. UK will be just fine over time. They can take care of themselves, if the EU wants to retaliate the rests of the world is still out there.

Agreed. I'm English but all for a second Scottish referendum, because I think self-determination in governance is important.


The amount of people I'm talking to in work who voted leave because "they didn't think they'd actually win" is breaking my heart.
This misinformation is annoying the fuck out of me; the original line was something along the lines of "we send £350m a week (or something) to the EU, why not use it to fund the NHS instead".

Now, nowhere in this statement does it say "we will use the £350m to fund the NHS", but it implies that some of that money could be. Now, no-one has said the money won't go to the NHS, just that the £350m figure won't.

This is the misinformation that's annoying you? Not the 350m figure to begin with?


The Ignorance of some of the people being interviewed on BBC News right now is ridiculous.

They get told a negative repercussion that can and will be happening because of Brexit.

Their reply?



for most of them, the issue of immigration was more important


Now, nowhere in this statement does it say "we will use the £350m to fund the NHS"

Pretty sure that is exactly what the Leave pamphlets and bumf said.

A professional journalist called Farage out for it earlier this very morning, not that he's involved in that marketing. Edit: indeed, it's right here, and even Farage admits that's what was said

Add sausage rolls, Cornish pasties, Yorkshire puddings, black and white pudding, fish and chips and plenty of other stuff to this. UK Food, best in the world

it's brilliant, classic stuff, but far from the best

(should def be in the pic, though)
This misinformation is annoying the fuck out of me; the original line was something along the lines of "we send £350m a week (or something) to the EU, why not use it to fund the NHS instead".

Now, nowhere in this statement does it say "we will use the £350m to fund the NHS", but it implies that some of that money could be. Now, no-one has said the money won't go to the NHS, just that the £350m figure won't.

It said "Let's fund our NHS instead"

Pretty clear

The point is the £350m is a lie in the first place anyway


It's been explained to death that EU treaties will have to be accepted to stay as part of the EEA. You will also lose voting rights on any EU legislation. The UK is not independent; England may stay independent the rest will most likely secede.

Being independent is relatively meaningless term anyway. Every country in the world these days is deeply connected, and eg. decisions made in the US can have a huge impact on the rest of the world even though rest of the world doesn't have any say in them. UK will still be heavily influenced by decisions made in the EU, but has now forfeit its say in those decisions.


To be fair i a lot of those looking up the implications of leaving will be those like myself who voted remain, i didnt bother looking into it previously because i never thought we would leave.

Yes, but the 'joke' is that the picture refers to those queries AFTER the Brexit results were announced.
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