a secret-boss
finally got the last new game I'm going to play before I go to Navy
I'm hope it will be a great experience
I'm hope it will be a great experience
Feeling real mad we won't get the 360 control improvements >_<. Can't figure out why we wouldn't.
Inventory is so clunky. Every time im looking through something and I click it, I was actually highlighting my boots so they upequip.
Alchemy is annoying when switching out ingredients.
The combat/sign wheel is terrible and doesn't work like what you would think.
Lock-on does almost didly squat.
BUT I'm not sure I would want to strafe anyway, I move all over the place in combat.
A couple complaints:
- Mapping 'search' to the 'attack' button.
- The density of the inventory system.
Not just search, it's the "use" button. So it's also the open door, climb and talk button too. My biggest frustration is how the cursor feels like you're sloshing through mud to get to everything. I think it's some kind of horrendous mouse smoothing/acceleration type deal.
An Yrden pretty much give you free reign on that boss' ass.
Honestly, I was freakin' loving this game up until this (Chapter 1 boss)fight. The amount of damage you take is pretty ridiculous, especially being so early on and it's leaving a pretty sour taste in my mouth right now. I did finally beat it, but I had to turn the difficulty down and try numerous times. See, I wasn't having issues with anything else up until this point, and if the rest of the bosses are going to be this frustrating then I may have to rethink my stance on this gameKayran![]()
I got my copy from lovefilm yesterday and have played up to just receiving thequest. I've been enjoying it but - now please don't lynch me - I'm just not seeing what all the fuss is aboutkill the kayran
It seems like a good enough game but i've not seen much yet about this game that has really wowed me or left me feeling that this game truly is something special as everyone says. The voice acting is damn good but that's been the only "special" thing I can give to it so far.
Admittedly I am probably setting myself up for this but I am playing on easy, I just couldn't get myself into the combat on normal difficulty. My ass was handed to me in the first fight!
Nevertheless I fought to myself, is this a game I would put up with my favs of the genre like skyrim, deus ex or fallout? and the answer was no![]()
sorry aha sounds like the game is just not for you. might as well trade it back in.
I don't know if you're playing on the 360, but if you're on PC you can turn off mouse smoothing in the config ini.
Wish I had known this, which configuration file? Thanks!
For me, the thing that sets it apart is the way the combat doesn't frustrate me when I die, and the design/execution of the world. It's a fantastic setting, and it's so rich with detail and character that it's easy to get absorbed by it and just spend tons and tons of time wandering around. I probably spent around 60 hours or so on this in my first playthrough, and I would wager a good 20 or so was spent just investigating the locales and wilderness. It's about the journey, not the destination, man!I'm going to play a bit more and see what I think but yeah, disappointing that I seemingly can't get into this![]()
I'm pretty much 100% certain I know which one you're referring to. It was so satisfying when I finally figured out how to deal with that situation, because I had tried easing up close and using aard/igni to no avail, but I finally noticed how the scenario was playing out. : )plus a new quest encounter added to Act 3 all 'need' it. Actually, the Act 3 one can't be done any other way - and there's no one there to shout tips and banter with you.
I might be blind but can you not just update The Witcher 2 on PC? I can only see where to re-download the entire game on GOG.
Ah, thanks!
Edit: 10gb! Might as well be the whole game.
okay for people who played witcher 2 before the EE, without detail can you say whether or not the new content added helps act 3 and overall conclusion of the game???
I find the quest log/map system the worst. There are some quests that really give you zero direction of where to go or who to talk to (Troll Trouble comes to mind.) I don't need my hand held but some idea of what I'm supposed to do next would be nice without having to look up a FAQ. Also, frequently the last objective for the quest stays on screen when I've already done it, instead of giving me the next one; I'm not sure if it's a glitch but it's happened so often I think it's just the way it is.Interesting game so far. Enjoying it. Production values are bitchin'.
A couple complaints:
- Mapping 'search' to the 'attack' button.
- The density of the inventory system.
Ah, thanks!
Edit: 10gb! Might as well be the whole game.
I wasIt expands on things that were missed originally, likeon Roche's side you discover how Bussy died, and on Iorweth's path you get some quest with Cynthia, though I don't know what exactly, I haven't got through that yet. Also, after the dragon battle if Radowid ordered to kill all sorceresses, Loc Muinne will be full of piles of dead bodies, hanged mages, and so on. Final boards give you more closure as to effect your choices made, it may make you uncertain if you made good choices, you may not like the outcome, but that's how this game rolls. Also, there is great outro that sets the mood of incoming war with Nilfgaard.
I felt pretty good about my ending. (Roche path)I wasafter the ending.pretty depressedI let Henselt live, gave Anais to Radovid (so Roche was wearing red, which was heartbreaking). Flotsam came out okay but everyone else was fucked by what I chose.
He always finds a way to stick around.I felt pretty good about my ending. (Roche path)I decided to go after Triss, since I figured Roche could handle rescuing Anais on his own, and Triss would be helpful in resolving the matters behind Sile/Lodge. We ended up helping Roche after all, and Triss told him not to worry because the time would come when Anais would reunite the people. I let Henselt live, so he and Radovid divided up Temeria, but yeah, that south uprising was pretty scary at the end. I'm feeling pretty good about Anais going with Roche, since she'll be out of the public eye (and hopefully safe) while the future war goes on.
The one thing I hated was that we got no real sense of what happened to Zoltan at the end. I know his friends from Vergen were being prepared to hang in my ending video, but there was no mention or anything of Zoltan at any point after I ran into him before confronting Henselt.
My Documents/Witcher 2/Config/User.ini
Check 'Smoothness=1' to 'Smoothness=0' in [MouseInput]. Save the file. You might need to then set the file to read only to prevent the game from re-writing your settings.
thanks for this.
I need some help
on to the temple.. where you first encounter the dragon.. and you need to defeat the guards before escaping the fire... how the hell do I do it? Even if I beat them I die of fire
if I run past that... I die from fire..
nvm, it's timed![]()
Cedric sells them.I don't think I'll be running into any more "Essence of Death" in this act. Which would make me fail the Melitile's Heart quest. Any console command or something to put one in my inventory?
Cedric sells them.
okay for people who played witcher 2 before the EE, without detail can you say whether or not the new content added helps act 3 and overall conclusion of the game???
I felt pretty good about my ending. (Roche path)I decided to go after Triss, since I figured Roche could handle rescuing Anais on his own, and Triss would be helpful in resolving the matters behind Sile/Lodge. We ended up helping Roche after all, and Triss told him not to worry because the time would come when Anais would reunite the people. I let Henselt live, so he and Radovid divided up Temeria, but yeah, that south uprising was pretty scary at the end. I'm feeling pretty good about Anais going with Roche, since she'll be out of the public eye (and hopefully safe) while the future war goes on.
The one thing I hated was that we got no real sense of what happened to Zoltan at the end. I know his friends from Vergen were being prepared to hang in my ending video, but there was no mention or anything of Zoltan at any point after I ran into him before confronting Henselt.
Going back to my Yrden comment: If you have any trouble with a boss or encounter, you probably need to Yrden. Act 1 (the), Act 2's bosses (theKayren), plus a new quest encounter added to Act 3 all 'need' it. Actually, the Act 3 one can't be done any other way - and there's no one there to shout tips and banter with you.Draug
So there's my newbie tip as I proceed on to my second (), playthrough.now Iorveth
It is the impact of your choices made in the entire game right up to the final act that puts it in the list of Skyrim, Deus Ex and Fallout. Your choices made in Act 1 can completely change Act 2. I am not exaggerating here.