This is a good game.
You can't rebind WASD, but you can rebind almost everything else. I haven't had much of a problem with M/K so far, except for switching lock on targets. Also, the default keybindings are pretty bad, like having to use a modifier to strong attack. I've switched them up quite a bit.
Going to try DS4 this afternoon though, and see if I like it better.
Whats the best difficulty to start the game?
I hate the hand to hand combat. Add in the wanky controls and semi auto lock on and you've got yourself a frustrating mess. Oh and 1 min load times after death. I'm getting sick of this game already. Sluggish and slowdown are annoying me too much.
Also, does anyone know if there is a way to make the quick menu a 'hold' and not a toggle? Would seem much better like that.
So are we supposed to get some of the free DLC's today?
So are we supposed to get some of the free DLC's today?
Make Specter Oil first. Sharpen your silver sword second. And third dodge, dodge, dodge.This game is tough as balls. Level 3 here, how do I get good?Trying to fight the first noonwraith right now, next to that well.
So...I have had the game crash twice now, both in a way I've never seen a game crash before. Game screen just freezes, while sound is still playing. And nothing I do will shut the game down. Have had to reset my pc both times.
Anyone have had this issue and found a solution?
Is the guide worth it? Looks awesome!
Also I found a griffin's lair before even getting up to the point in the story, hopefully it's a different one as the griffin was already dead...which seems a bit confusing as they've asked me to kill it.
Don't worry, you'll understand when you get there.
They are on the console stores.
Am I the only one getting frustrated with all of the content being too high level?
I'm currently level 4, all of my story quests are level 6 or higher and every "?" event I run to seems to be full of skull marked enemies. And when I do manage to find one I can complete I get almost no experience for doing so. All of the actual quests I have picked up are far to high level (one was 37!).
How the hell am I supposed to level? Or am I supposed to just do the recommended level 6 quests at level 4? And if so why are they even marked as level 6....
Any advice would be appreciated as I'm getting frustrated....
Don't worry, you'll understand when you get there.
Is the sun spunking on your screen/view not bothering anyone else?
Also I found a griffin's lair before even getting up to the point in the story, hopefully it's a different one as the griffin was already dead...which seems a bit confusing as they've asked me to kill it.
The deadzone on controllers seems too big as well.
Last thing, anyone confirm there is rain in the PC version too?
This is a good game.
Not finding the DLC on PS4 looked in the store on PS4 and WEbsite, also from the game on the dash
The first two dlc's are supposed to be out tomorrow (20th) and consist of temarian arm or set (including full horse armor) and a beard n hairstyle set for geralt, after which there will be new dlc's weekly according to CDPR site.
The first two dlc's are supposed to be out tomorrow (20th) and consist of temarian arm or set (including full horse armor) and a beard n hairstyle set for geralt, after which there will be new dlc's weekly according to CDPR site.
Yeah, same here. I see the season pass and two different witcher themes but no actual DLCs
I seem to remember somebody saying it may be possible in some ini files, but I'm not 100% sure. Might be worth looking into.
I did theMake Specter Oil first. Sharpen your silver sword second. And third dodge, dodge, dodge.
That'sa female griffin. The one you have to kill is the male. If you investigate the nest you will find out why the male is so pissed off.
I recall seeing stormy weather and rain drops on my screen. But now that i think about it i don't remember seeing actual rain drops falling down. But maybe i just wasn't paying attention.
I did thenoonwraith on lvl1 on blood and bones, it was very easy when you use the magic trap spell, as it brings it out of it's "frenzy", and means you can just wail on it.
any idea why i am crashing hard? i am at the ransacked village and i took out some deserts and when i try to go in my inventory to read a letter and a book it keeps crashing. i rolled the drivers back but no joy