Great, first game of Gwent, I pass and it crashes.....
my first of two crashes also happened during a game of gwent, the second one when i equipped a grenade.
but 2 crashes in about 20 hours gameplay is forgivable.
Great, first game of Gwent, I pass and it crashes.....
Sorry for all the questions but this is my first Witcher game and I'm not all that familiar with the deeper mechanics and flow.
Did a quest where I found a pan for an old ladyand during the course of it found an item that's listed as a quest item but has no bearing on that quest. Will it come up later on or did I miss something?
Turned Foliage distance to medium. Voila, no crashes for 3 hours now. Thanks!!
I completed the quest. Was talking about an item I found inside.She should be right where the item isyou just blast down the door of the house and find the item inside
I completed the quest. Was talking about an item I found inside.
Anyone know how the fuck you stop Werewolves from doing that health regeneration bullshit?
I want to play this badly but the main two things holding me back are the learning curve and the story. I tried playing 2 a couple of times but it was so hard. I couldn't get used to the combat and kept getting killed early on. My second concern is that I don't really know a lot about the character or the story.
The game looks beautiful and I love the mature fantasy setting, we don't get enough of that. The combat looks the same from my perspective which makes me think I'm going to get killed a lot...again. I love hard games like Ninja Gaiden but those characters only had a couple of actions so it was easy to master.
SiLver bomb
My geralt is eating a shit load of food at the second highest difficulty. One thing especially - raw meat. Can you cook that shit to make it more effective?
Ah, got that as well.Only thing I got was a Monster theme lol...still on v1.01 also.
I completed the quest. Was talking about an item I found inside.
LOL at that PS4 witcher theme hahahahaha oh man.. i laughed.
Me too. Really hoping I can wrap my head around everything. Buying a saddlebag for my horse helped a lot with encumberence.Newbie to the franchise here
The systems in this game are quite overwhelming. I'm not very far in the gameI've been doing a lot of sidequests and discovering new areas and such.just spoke to the king or whatever about killing the griffin
I constantly find myself overencumbered. I don't have the clearest understanding of what's keeping and what's not. I started the game picking up all the flowers and stuff but I've stopped. I feel like I don't really understand how the crafting works so I tend to hold onto all the alchemy stuff even though I don't currently seem to be able to use any of it.
There's a lot more things where I feel like I'm up against a wall. Anyone have any newb tips? Things I should/shouldn't be focusing on? Things I should be doing/keeping? Etc
Newbie to the franchise here
The systems in this game are quite overwhelming. I'm not very far in the gameI've been doing a lot of sidequests and discovering new areas and such.just spoke to the king or whatever about killing the griffin
I constantly find myself overencumbered. I don't have the clearest understanding of what's keeping and what's not. I started the game picking up all the flowers and stuff but I've stopped. I feel like I don't really understand how the crafting works so I tend to hold onto all the alchemy stuff even though I don't currently seem to be able to use any of it.
There's a lot more things where I feel like I'm up against a wall. Anyone have any newb tips? Things I should/shouldn't be focusing on? Things I should be doing/keeping? Etc
Does the beard grow back after a clean shave at the barber ? It works with real time, no meditation ?
LOL at that PS4 witcher theme hahahahaha oh man.. i laughed.
Realizing potions restock after meditation on the second highest difficulty has made things so much easier. You basically have 3 Swallow potions per battle so long as you meditate.
Yeah, just says it's broken.Go to the item in your inventory. It may have some info that starts the quest or perhaps point you in the right direction. Can't confirm since I haven't done anything with it either.It's the monocle right?
My geralt is eating a shit load of food at the second highest difficulty. One thing especially - raw meat. Can you cook that shit to make it more effective?
I also would like to know this? I feel like I need a healing spell or something.
It costs you alcoholest though, so be careful.
Newbie to the franchise here
The systems in this game are quite overwhelming.
Holy shit, love the weather so far.
Walking through the woods and the wind starts howling and everything in the environment is reacting.. Trees and leaves swaying, Geralt's hair and the sound..
Btw, destroyed the Griffin like a boss lol
Ok got my answer online, might interest some people
"When you download the free Beard and Hairstyle DLC the growth of the beard will stop because we decided that when players want a predefined look, it would be weird to require from them to reapply it time after time."
This is stupid, at least give me an option or at the very least a notice.
So hopefully I have a save not too far before I chose a beard, the 5 choices are not my style and the hairstyles are meh. Classique hairstyle+long beard or nothing.
If you crafted something for an empty space then the game equips it automatically. (For example, if you weren't wearing boots and you had some boots crafted, the game just equips them.
It costs you alcoholest though, so be careful.
Fall damage is rough. I'm so used to just dropping off small ledges in every other game, but here I lose half my health. Have to fight to resist the urge to drop off ledges.
My geralt is eating a shit load of food at the second highest difficulty. One thing especially - raw meat. Can you cook that shit to make it more effective?
Managed to crank everything up to 1620p with INI tweaks and OC. Still runs at 70-80 fps. Some uncompressed PNG shots from very early in the game. Since I still have some headroom, I might experiment with more lighting/LOD tweaks. We'll see
Fall damage is rough. I'm so used to just dropping off small ledges in every other game, but here I lose half my health. Have to fight to resist the urge to drop off ledges.