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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT| Gwent Player, Monster Slayer, EVEN RACISM

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easily, for me.

got a lot back from 1 that was missing in 2

Yep. Feels like a nice marriage between the two while also getting rid of a lot (but still not all) of the jank. Not to mention while adding a massive and interesting open world. Seriously Bethesda/Bioware, take notes.
What difficulty you playing on? Im on Death March and its been the opposite for me. I hardly ever used potions in W2, even on dark mode. Here Im using them all the time. It takes more to make them the first time but you only need alcohol to replenish them.

Oh really? I'm playing W3 on normal, and played W2 on first normal and then hard. But you don't use potions before battle here, yes? You only use them in battle? And the thing is, potions were extremely cheap in W2; after just a few hours in Flotsam I had enough material to make hundreds of good potions. But here, I can barely make anything. Hoping that'll change as I progress.


So you can't parry if you aren't in melee combat with someone, apparently. So if you're one on one with an archer, holding the parry button does let you deflect/reflect their arrows. Annoying. :|

really? not even with the skill you mean

Yep. Feels like a nice marriage between the two while also getting rid of a lot (but still not all) of the jank. Not to mention while adding a massive and interesting open world. Seriously Bethesda/Bioware, take notes.

I actually think it might be the jankiest of the 3, lol. but I aint even care

Gold is so hard to come by here I am broke asf and want to buy food lol, is there a way to cook animals that i hunted for meat

eat it raw dude

im hunting wild life for health like crazy


For anyone who wants a somewhat accurately recorded playtime: Don't suspend and resume this game (at least on PS4). The game stupidly counts suspended time as playtime, so by just suspending for a day your recorded time will be waaaaay off.

But not only that. I wanted to fix my playtime (which sat at 1 day and then some due to the suspend/resume thing), so I loaded a save from just before I suspended the game yesterday. But hmm, it also looked off. 12-something hours instead of the 4-ish I actually played last night. Had to go back a couple of saves to get one with the correct playtime. How could that be? I hadn't suspended the game in-between those. So I experimented a bit, and it turns out that while you're in the pause menu the in-game time absolutely flies by. Like, many times faster than real-time. So leaving the game paused will also completely screw up your recorded playtime. It should obviously be the other way around, that time doesn't pass at all while the game is paused, but something is clearly wrong here. If you're in the map/inventory/etc menu (which also pauses the game) time seems to pass normally though (but doesn't stop), so that's the thing to do if you have to leave the game for a little while. Pausing is a big no-no if you want an accurate playtime by the end of it all.

I don't know, maybe most people don't care about this, but I like knowing at least approximately how much time I've invested in a massive game like this. And that feature is currently completely broken, unless you've very careful. No more suspending this game for me, and no more pausing it for longer than it takes to change whatever I need to in the menu.

That explains the 4 days playtime indeed. Thanks bro for the explanation and your findings. To be honest it bothers me, I want to compare it to my LTD Skyrim playtime sone day...huh


Gold is so hard to come by here I am broke asf and want to buy food lol, is there a way to cook animals that i hunted for meat

Can't you just eat the meat raw? I would also suggest making the Swallow potion as soon as possible.

I'm loving having no money. In a game like this, I'd rather have too little money than too much.


I think people are having trouble with the idea that Witcher is a game where you selectively loot. You can't just pick up everything like Skyrim, but you shouldn't ignore all the food and water that appears in people's houses. You take what you need, and sell what you can at a good price, until you find something you specifically want to craft.
wut. Is today opposite day? I pick up every single thing in this game and I'm never encumbered and even if I am, I can just call the horse and ride off without penalty to go sell my loot. In Skyrim, you're encumbered and can't move for shit after looting like one house.

Seriously who the hell designed those armors? Geralt looks like a fucking clown most the time lol.
Don't hate CDPR's clothes designer, he's fabulous.

At least Geralt isn't rocking those peasant shorts...
The Sun and Stars perk is extremely useful, especially if you are playing on a higher difficulty where you can't meditate to heal. It doesn't work during combat, so you can always just switch it out for another perk when fighting, but leave it on while exploring in order to heal.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
easily, for me.

got a lot back from 1 that was missing in 2

Definitely. I adore TW2, but Wild Hunt draws and develops a lot from better qualities of the original that were weak in the sequel.

Chitown B

uh, I just talked to my next quest point and then I got a red "QUEST FAILED! MISSING IN ACTION" at the start of my convo. wtf. Was some quest closed off?


Huh, didn't know this:

From reddit.

Tip: You can switch between signs (spells) while parrying (holding LT/L1) by pressing right or left on the D-Pad.



Why are there so many NPCs without pants on? Or just totally naked except shorts? Is this a bug? I walked into a shop and the shopkeeper is there in normal clothes....except no pants.

One of the bandits in a camp came after me in only shorts, I laughed, then killed him with 1 hit.


Definitely. I adore TW2, but Wild Hunt draws and develops a lot from better qualities of the original that were weak in the sequel.

this game gets me mad at 2. actively.

one of those retroactive things where I played it and it was fine but now I realize lost potential and can better determine what I felt was missing from it, since it's been a while since I played 1

Even with the skill. Across the room from a guy and as soon as he puts his sword away and pulls out his bow I lower my guard.

I was fighting a bunch of bandits a while ago and I got behind a tree to avoid the archer of the group and the fucker shot me right through it


semen stains the mountaintops
Seriously who the hell designed those armors? Geralt looks like a fucking clown most the time lol.

Also i'm watching a stream right now and the music is very repetitive, there is already a joke going on in the chat everytime "that" music starts the chat goes "lelelelelelele".

The only good armor so far is the thing you start off with, everything else looks absolutely horrible.

This is going to be me wearing the best gear in the game.



I actually think it might be the jankiest of the 3, lol. but I aint even care

Heh, can't see it. TW1 gameplay could be headache inducing sometimes. TW2 did improve the fluidity for me, but it still ain't on the level of TW3.

Also, I'm speaking to the production quality as well. Voice acting, character animation, music, presentation has really topped out for the series here.


The Sun and Stars perk is extremely useful, especially if you are playing on a higher difficulty where you can't meditate to heal. It doesn't work during combat, so you can always just switch it out for another perk when fighting, but leave it on while exploring in order to heal.
Ummm... what, perks and abilities aren't "on" unless you tie them to a slot where you would a mutagen?

Guess I haven't been paying attention?
do you all agree with this articles statement regarding difficulty?

Set The Game To “Blood And Broken Bones” Difficulty

Wild Hunt offers four difficulty settings. I recommend playing on the second-hardest one, which is dauntingly named “Blood and Broken Bones!” It may sound scary—and it can be tough—but it makes the game a lot more enjoyable. On the next-lowest difficulty, the game starts out a bit tough but you’ll be cleaving through bosses in no time, and you won’t even bat an eye at scrub enemies. You won’t feel like a Witcher—you’ll never have to use signs or oils, and your health will regenerate quickly out of combat. If you’d rather just have a chill jaunt through the game, by all means, lower the difficulty, but if you’re looking for a tough but rewarding experience, go for Blood and Broken Bones.

Oh god I just unpacked a load of the game files to try and tweak stuff for mods and I'm an idiot because obviously there are spoilers eeeeevrywhere

Nose Master

The AI really has no god damn idea how to deal with
multiple party members.
. The
boss didn't look at me the entire fight and I just mashed fast attack about 30 times.
My impressions thus far:

The good:

-The political writing. It is immensely better and more complicated than the plot in Skyrim. This is my first Witcher game and I'm really enjoying the political/war stuff especially. I'm gathering that the Nilfgaardian Empire is sort of a facist/imperialist regime and I find myself usually siding with anyone who is anti-Nilfgaardian. I met that potion lady in the woods who appeared to be anti-Nilfgaard and she seemed like the sort of person that I would ideologically agree with in the real world.

-The quests are much more diverse than your typical RPG.

-The moral ambiguity. Early in the game I thought I was helping someone, but my choices resulted in an excessively harsh punishment for another.

The questionable:

-Combat is still a huge question mark for me. I mainly just think that I'm not very good at it yet (not having played any of the other Witcher games). The game seems to be designed with a heavier sense of movement in mind similar to Dark Souls and Monster Hunter. While I think that is a fine design decision, so far I think that the game does a pretty poor job at providing visual indicators for successfully pulling off moves. I'm specifically talking about parry and block. I seem to be getting the hang of it, but it would be nice if I could actually feel/see when I am pulling off those moves successfully.

-The graphics (Xbox One). The game is very intricate (and sometimes beautiful), but I'm still on the fence about how it all comes together. Sometimes I feel like the colors and textures are a little too overwhelming. I'm someone with relatively good vision and this game's graphics + the small text have been incredibly straining on my eyes. Character facial models are sometimes pretty bad.

The Bad:

-The small text. This needs to be fixed immediately.

-Witcher sense. I'm getting really tired of games that utilize mechanics like Witcher sense. When you have a game as graphically impressive as Witcher, I think it's ridiculous to include a mechanic that distorts the graphics just for highlighting things in red for the user to click on. This seems to be a trend in lots of videogames these days for example night vision in FPS or abilities to let you see through walls and I just think it sort of ruins immersion. I'll also say that even though the quests are varied, there are too many quests that are essentially scavenger hunts making use of your Witcher sense. From a design perspective I don't see how it's drastically different than some of the fetch quests in games like Skyrim.

-Technical problems like inconsistent FPS.

-Poor animation. Specifically jumping. Also some of the horse mechanics feel sort of janky when running into certain types of geometry.

-Being able to loot pretty much anything and get away with it. It just makes the world feel so much more empty and lifeless. If nobody cares about the belonging's in their hut, it just reminds me that I'm playing a video game.

-Geralt's gravelly voice. Honestly, this is the sort of world where I wish I could create my own character. Geralt is like a blank slate fantasy version of Master Chief. I don't hate him, but it makes me miss the character creation in games like Skyrim.

-The sex/romance writing. Seems very juvenile compared to the fair sophisticated plot points involving the war. Just sort of clashes in my opinion. The sex are tonally very GTA and the political drama seems more like House of Cards or Game of Thrones. I also think that the way the game's camera (during cutscenes) lingers on female characters' body parts is sexist. The developers seemingly tried to counterbalance some of the extreme female nudity by having Geralt take a lot of baths in KY Jelly, but that seems very forced to me. They also don't fragment Geralt's body as much as they do with the female characters. In one of the opening cutscenes there is literally like a 3 second medium shot of butt cheeks. Geralt's body parts are never fragmented in a similar way and his nudity is usually emphasizing the scars on his body or the used for comedic affect like in the opening bathub scene with the scorpion gag. I'm not saying that this is the most offensive thing in the world, but it's the sort of thing that is commonplace in lots of casually misogynistic Hollywood films.


I'm still surprised by the near universal critical acclaim that this game has received from reviewers (or are they advertisers, hard to tell these days). I'm enjoying the game quite a bit, but this game is definitely not for everyone. The inventory system and menus are straight out of an older era of PC RPGs. The movement is clunky, heavy, and inaccurate. The game is clearly not yet optimized/stable on consoles. This game is really odd (and kind of a gem) because it's an example of a game that probably should probably only have niche appeal, but somehow got a massive budget and advertising push.


I'm really curious now what you felt 2 was so deeply lacking.

honestly? I feel like the MAIN thing that jumps out at me so far is that this game feels much more personal in terms of characters and Geralt's relations to them, which reminds me of the first game.

the second game felt like a pawn in a bigger plot thing, which is fine I guess, but I like characters and I like caring not being told to

having Ciri here is so, so great.


Formerly Gizmowned
Just got attacked by a level ??? Griffin. Dead in one hit. So glad I had saved before coming across it.

I had the opposite experience, a burned village with a guy wearing fancy white pants and a blue tunic. No shoes, but his feet look pretty clean too. Hygiene is important


You can't see his face but he's excited to be in W3.

do you all agree with this articles statement regarding difficulty?


Hell yeah.

I posted earlier:

I'm playing on Blood and Broken Bones, and aside from the opening hour or so when I was relying on food for health and had no oils yet, It's been great. It really forces me to use all the tools I have available to me. Stumbling on a nest of Ghouls isn't just a situation I can run in and clear out easily. I'll camp out on the outskirts, pull up my bestiary and see what they're weak to, then I'll set up my potions and oils accordingly, and have to be really strategic in how I handle the encounter. Loads of fun!


How are we going to fix this david?

I've got a crazy idea. Hold on to your butts.

[Font size 10» font size 20]

Then half the user interface wouldn't fit the screen, subtitles would run off screen etc. It's doable, but it would need lots of designers, coders, QA, managers and producers in one room, then the coding, then the QA, then the certification etc.


So is there a breakdown of what all the difficulty tiers do exactly? Or is it just straight damage added + the no heal on meditate?
So can anyone make heads or tails of this map yet? I was in Skalige after completing the missions there and decided to see if I could sail back to the main land. From memory of the large map I knew the Isles were West of the mainland so I sailed East and hit a warning saying end of world. Turns out the Isles were North East of the mainland which was now to my West. So disorienting.
I'm really enjoying my time so far, but I feel a bit overwhelmed. I usually don't play RPGs and the sheer amount of things to do here is quite shocking.
I'm not far into the story, I'm right now doing a quest with
this witch thats naked in a magic bathtub when we meet her
. But I lost track of all the other sidequests and stuff I started. I also have no idea what to do with all the stuff I pick up.
I know that I can craft and do alchemy, but I have no idea how. Sometimes I find blue stuff(what does that mean?), sometime the UI give me notice when I pick something up(is this important?).
I already have some quests that are for levels higher than I am, so I guess I missed some other quests.

This game seems really massive and I can't wait to spend more time with it. I really want to learn how to craft things :D


do you all agree with this articles statement regarding difficulty?


I agree with it hard

keep in mind you can change it mid-game so if its boring just turn it up

blood and broken bones might be a bit tough since the game has more nuanced systems than your typical console RPG (no idea where you're playing it / your experience with the series) but Sword and Story can feel like a joke.

I wish CDPR made it a bit clearer considering this game is much easier than TW2 so far.


honestly? I feel like the MAIN thing that jumps out at me so far is that this game feels much more personal in terms of characters and Geralt's relations to them, which reminds me of the first game.

the second game felt like a pawn in a bigger plot thing, which is fine I guess, but I like characters and I like caring not being told to

having Ciri here is so, so great.
That stuff is not missing in W2! I just played it last week for the first time and what you're describing is exactly why I loved it and bought W3. Geralt's relationships with Roche, Triss, Dandelion, Zoltan, Letho and the Vipers, Ves and everyone else is what kept me interested. The kings murdering each other and playing the game of thrones was pretty whatever to me in the end (even if I liked following it as it happened).

Can you not parry monsters? They seem to break you parry in one hit?

I just started the game.
Signs and dodging, man. Parrying is for jerks.
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