got that shit on lock breh. while ago
you end up finding better gear fairly early, but having +20exp on monsters for a while is good
oh, god, I'm sure I've missed a ton of stuff. Damnit
got that shit on lock breh. while ago
you end up finding better gear fairly early, but having +20exp on monsters for a while is good
My impressions thus far:
The good:
-The political writing. It is immensely better and more complicated than the plot in Skyrim. This is my first Witcher game and I'm really enjoying the political/war stuff especially. I'm gathering that the Nilfgaardian Empire is sort of a facist/imperialist regime and I find myself usually siding with anyone who is anti-Nilfgaardian. I met that potion lady in the woods who appeared to be anti-Nilfgaard and she seemed like the sort of person that I would ideologically agree with in the real world.
-The quests are much more diverse than your typical RPG.
-The moral ambiguity. Early in the game I thought I was helping someone, but my choices resulted in an excessively harsh punishment for another.
The questionable:
-Combat is still a huge question mark for me. I mainly just think that I'm not very good at it yet (not having played any of the other Witcher games). The game seems to be designed with a heavier sense of movement in mind similar to Dark Souls and Monster Hunter. While I think that is a fine design decision, so far I think that the game does a pretty poor job at providing visual indicators for successfully pulling off moves. I'm specifically talking about parry and block. I seem to be getting the hang of it, but it would be nice if I could actually feel/see when I am pulling off those moves successfully.
-The graphics (Xbox One). The game is very intricate (and sometimes beautiful), but I'm still on the fence about how it all comes together. Sometimes I feel like the colors and textures are a little too overwhelming. I'm someone with relatively good vision and this game's graphics + the small text have been incredibly straining on my eyes. Character facial models are sometimes pretty bad.
The Bad:
-The small text. This needs to be fixed immediately.
-Witcher sense. I'm getting really tired of games that utilize mechanic's like Witcher sense. When you have a game as graphically impressive as Witcher, I think it's ridiculous to include a mechanic that distorts the graphics just for highlighting things in red for the user to click on. This seems to be a trend in lots of videogames these days for example night vision in FPS or abilities to let you see through walls and I just think it sort of ruins immersion. I'll also say that even though the quests are varied, there are too many quests that are essentially scavenger hunts making use of your Witcher sense. From a design perspective I don't see how it's drastically different than some of the fetch quests in games like Skyrim.
-Technical problems like inconsistent FPS.
-Poor animation. Specifically jumping. Also some of the horse mechanics feel sort of janky when running into certain types of geometry.
-Being able to loot pretty much anything and get away with it. It just makes the world feel so much more empty and lifeless. If nobody cares about the belonging's in their hut, it just reminds me that I'm playing a video game.
-Geralt's gravelly voice. Honestly, this is the sort of world where I wish I could create my own character. Geralt is like a blank slate fantasy version of Master Chief. I don't hate him, but it makes me miss the character creation in games like Skyrim.
-The sex/romance writing. Seems very juvenile compared to the fair sophisticated plot points involving the war. Just sort of clashes in my opinion. The sex are tonally very GTA and the political drama seems more like House of Cards or Game of Thrones. I also think that the way the game's camera (during cutscenes) lingers on female characters' body parts is sexist. The developers seemingly tried to counterbalance some of the extreme female nudity by having Geralt take a lot of baths in KY Jelly, but that seems very forced to me. They also don't fragment Geralt's body as much as they do with the female characters. In one of the opening cutscenes there is literally like a 3 second medium shot of butt cheeks. Geralt's body parts are never fragmented in a similar way and his nudity is usually emphasizing the scars on his body or the used for comedic affect like in the opening bathub scene with the scorpion gag. I'm not saying that this is the most offensive thing in the world, but it's the sort of thing that is commonplace in lots of casually misogynistic Hollywood films.
I'm still surprised by the near universal critical acclaim that this game has received from reviewers (or are they advertisers, hard to tell these days). I'm enjoying the game quite a bit, but this game is definitely not for everyone. The inventory system and menus are straight out of an older era of PC RPGs. The movement is clunky, heavy, and inaccurate. The game is clearly not yet optimized/stable on consoles. This game is really odd (and kind of a gem) because it's an example of a game that probably should probably only have niche appeal, but somehow got a massive budget and advertising push.
I just cut a drowner sideways in half. It was so satisfying I almost jumped for joy lol. No bullshit quick time event or fancy cinematic. Just a clean cut like a light saber. Feels good, I love the gameplay.
Light attacking them will get your ass kicked, use strong attacks only against those guys.
Hi everyone,
I hope you are all enjoying the game, how is it? I passed at the last min.
I don't understand Witcher economy. How am I supposed to make money?
I sold these and he put them for sale at 89 orens.
Geralt can't haggle for shit. No wonder he always needs more money.
About the bloody barons questany hints?I have no clue where to go to find his wife i searched the bog and still nothing
I'm afraid to play it because it might end.
Royal Griffin fight on Hard is very unbalanced. Not having fun at all. Doesn't help that Geralt moves like shit in this game.
Royal Griffin fight on Hard is very unbalanced. Not having fun at all. Doesn't help that Geralt moves like shit in this game.
Whatever you sell to a merchant disappears after you leave, really sucks if you want to buy something back. Lost my witcher sword, which I found out later can be upgraded. Oh well it's no big deal as there is a ton of equipment later in the game significantly better than the equipment you start out with.I'm scared to see how much the early merchant will sell me back my witcher armor for lol
Hi everyone,
I hope you are all enjoying the game, how is it? I passed at the last min.
You're right and, man, do I wish the game didn't do that. It's the kind of thing that sounds neat in concept but is just a time-wasting pain in the ass for the player in the long run.Are you actively selling things like that to the correct shops? I think blacksmiths buy silver for the most, for example.
My experience was similar to Eatchildren's.
There was a line regarding (Friends with Benefits Spoiler)Keira not liking Yennefer treating Geralt like a dog, but that was in reference to Geralt saying 'you shouldn't go to Radovid', and the response being in the tone of we can't always get what we want
Hoping that what went down doesn't come back to bite me later, lol.
You can always turn down the difficulty if it's too "unbalanced," you know. That's sorta the whole point of difficulty settings.
You can still ride a horse.How do I get out of the Overburdened state? You can't run and the camera stays close to Geralt. It's annoying the hell out of me lol
Royal Griffin fight on Hard is very unbalanced. Not having fun at all. Doesn't help that Geralt moves like shit in this game.
Fuck. Apparently witcher armor is required for late game armor.Ah playing on normal anyways. On replay ill follow guide to the teeWhatever you sell to a merchant disappears after you leave, really sucks if you want to buy something back. Lost my witcher sword, which I found out later can be upgraded. Oh well it's no big deal as there is a ton of equipment later in the game significantly better than the equipment you start out with.
There is a side quest related to the bog and the house with the children. Follow through that, it ties in.
You're not going to have to worry about that for a while. I've been playing it practically non stop since the midnight launch and the end is nowhere in sight yet from what I can tell.
I use light attacks, dodge back and launch a light attack, their guard should'nt be up since you're far away and since Geralts animation launches him forward find the sweetspot and dodge attack dodge attack, at least on BaBB
Read the bestiary, it tells you the weaknesses of monsters. Griffins are weak to arrd so whenever he's on the ground use it and it stuns him, hit him a few times then roll away. Rinse and repeatRoyal Griffin fight on Hard is very unbalanced. Not having fun at all. Doesn't help that Geralt moves like shit in this game.
Use igniAnyone find anything to stop the freezing on PC?
Anyone find anything to stop the freezing on PC?
Anyone find anything to stop the freezing on PC?
niceUse igni
Anyone find anything to stop the freezing on PC?
The more I play the more I love the world they've created here.
It only makes the terrible combat even worse in comparison.
So I should turn down the difficulty because the first boss fight is unbalanced. To me this reeks of poor game design. BTW I have Quen active with a bonus but the boss deals way too much damage. When it lands after I hit it with the crossbow the camera makes it really hard to actually hit it. It's Bloodborne all over again.
Whatever you sell to a merchant disappears after you leave, really sucks if you want to buy something back. Lost my witcher sword, which I found out later can be upgraded. Oh well it's no big deal as there is a ton of equipment later in the game significantly better than the equipment you start out with.
Use igni
if you have the fps limited to 30 or 60 turn it to unlimited.
thats the only thing I changed two days ago and I havent had it freeze on me while in menus since.