Git gud.This games combat is pure shit.
Do you not use normal dodge or something?
Git gud.This games combat is pure shit.
If there's a gap between yourself and the main quest then the game us telling you to do side quests. If you don't have any in your level then just ride to every notice board and stock up on quests. You should also run into some on the countryside.
This games combat is pure shit.
I said screw it and just went with the main quest for a bit because the side quests do not give a good amount exp. And Velen has many level 13+ enemies while the player is around level 3-4. On Death March you'll get KO'd in two hits.That werwolf fight was bullshit, things hitting you for 500 damage is a little unfair.
I'm level 4 in the second area, is it just me or do you level too slowly? I can't find any EXP to bridge the gap between where I am and where I should be, should I go back to White Orchid? All these quest just want to kick my ass in this area.
I'm about to rage quit at this Botchling fight. I clearly came in vastly undersupplied/levelled.
Got that on PC tooEncountered my first glitch. The woman is churning butter with an invisible stick :\
Got that on PC too
Fyke Island Quest lvl 6-7
The Witch mentioned the curse can be lifted by a priest albeit the option of getting Graham to lift the curse. Where is that priest?
Where do you go to buy the extra storage for your horse again. I forgot
Anyone playing on PC with a gamepad feel like there's a lot of input lag?
Picpar.comWhat's the best website for hosting screenshots?
Disagree. The small text is pure shit however
Anyone try GOG Galaxy? I think I'm going to download the game that way.
Why did they redesign the King of the Wild Hunt..
From this
There's a downgrade thread for that.
Why did they redesign the King of the Wild Hunt..
From this
Gwent is kinda bullshit. If your opponent has better cards than you, there's just no way around it. I've spent the last hour trying to beat the second gwent player you meet, the nilfgaardian noble, and he has like 5 or 6 10 strength cards and a bunch of others that just wreck my shit. I bought all the cards from the first inn, but I just can't stack up. If I get him in the first round, it takes all my cards or just about to do it, and then he automatically wins in case of a tie.
Can you come back and face this guy later? Cause this is infuriating.
Also, what do you actually slot into weapons and armor? I played a lot of TW1 and 2, but between the UI and the revised rules and systems I can barely make heads or tails of crafting and such,.
Can anyone confirm if fights against humans with a weapon that has bludgeoning damage will end not-deadly?
- Inventory. Why are we overwhelmed with so much crap so quickly? Which we have no idea when or why will be useful? I have a shitload of alchemy ingredients and have yet to craft more than one potion. I have armor schematics as a level 4 that I can't use until level twenty-something. Where there should have been a gradual introduction to this stuff, instead its, let's just throw all this shit at you and let you figure it out.
. . .
- Just to reiterate, why are we filling our bags with so much shit we barely understand right at the beginning of the game?
My first moment of regret wastaking the arsonist to the blacksmith.They hanged him for it which wasn't really a desired or fair consequence.Taking his bribe seemed bad but this was unexpectedly far worse.
It stung me.
It didn't phase me. He earned his punishment.
I apparently killed a man with my bare hands, so I don't think so.
.such a brutal world.
Just found the last hidden treasure in White Orchard, got the Butcher of Blaviken achievement. There were like 20 wolves guarding that shit.
Has anyone been able to get the stuff underwater near the Nilfgaurd dudes in White Orchard? Every time I try drowners get me as Im coming back up, I stopped trying.
Gwent is kinda bullshit. If your opponent has better cards than you, there's just no way around it. I've spent the last hour trying to beat the second gwent player you meet, the nilfgaardian noble, and he has like 5 or 6 10 strength cards and a bunch of others that just wreck my shit. I bought all the cards from the first inn, but I just can't stack up. If I get him in the first round, it takes all my cards or just about to do it, and then he automatically wins in case of a tie.
Can you come back and face this guy later? Cause this is infuriating.
Also, what do you actually slot into weapons and armor? I played a lot of TW1 and 2, but between the UI and the revised rules and systems I can barely make heads or tails of crafting and such,.
I was, just swam in and out. It was garbage IIRC, though maybe I missed something (the icon went gray though).
So the only piece of Geralt's original armor/gear that you need to keep is the chest piece and the swords right?
Uh question, i picked up every quest from the board well at least i got every paper of it but i only seems to give me two quests? Is this normal? Or are some of em just simple notes.
What for? I kinda discarded them....
You need to make better use of weather cards it sounds like. Foltest's leader ability has one that nukes ranged (middle tier) characters, so if you can get the two that nuke the other two areas and you'll be set. Play weak cards till you see where he's building up, weaken em with weather and focus on other slots. Or bait him into using all his good cards and winning the first round.
The Clear Weather card is great too for when they try the same tactic on you.
You can come back to face him if you want.
So the only piece of Geralt's original armor/gear that you need to keep is the chest piece and the swords right?
They are components for stronger gear later I believe.
Nearly died the first time. Kept doing backflips in the water!sweet fucking christ, has there ever been a game with worse underwater controls?
wow I guess I shot myself in the foot then
You need to keep the swords? I still have the armor I crafted up to something else with a diagram, but I sold the swords before leaving White Orchard cause I found diagrams to make ones much better.
Why did they redesign the King of the Wild Hunt..
From this