I completed it while half-dosed off due to lack of sleep. Didn't really follow everything. Can someone recap the small story of this quest for me, since it's apparently amazing? All I got wasshe drank a sleeping potion the doctor gave her during the attack and became paralyzed and killed by the mice. The army sent people to attack the tower why? And the boyfriend was part of the army as well, and they sent him along because they knew he would be able to get them in. Didn't really understand the importance of the ghosts/flashbacks and the work the doctor was doing. And then when you brought her bones back she became free, what?
The peasants thought that they had full larders and intended to rob them. The boyfriend gets recruited because he and the daughter were lovers. Then it all goes to shit, the peasants kill the people inside and attempt to rape the girl while he attempts to stop them. She drinks a vial the mage had given her which makes her look like she died. Boyfriend goes all "what have I done" and runs away. She later wakes up from the sleep potion just to find that she can't move and the rats are feasting on her flesh.
The mage was also experimenting on humans trying to find a cure to some plague.
The mage was also experimenting on humans trying to find a cure to some plague.