so.. should i rememberthat witch with blonde hair? was she part of the previous games or she is in the books?
Book character.
so.. should i rememberthat witch with blonde hair? was she part of the previous games or she is in the books?
Horse combat is OP.
Witcher 3 has probably the most well-realised and varied open world that's evern been made. The quality bar for every piece of content is of the highest order. Every quest feels like a main-line quest, where care and thought was put into its design and overall place in the world. There are no meaningless quests, no trivial tasks, and only one collectathon which is a veritable game in and of itself (i.e. the card game gwent). Witcher 3 has minigames like GTA5, but in this they're actually fun; it has Biowarian choice & consequence peppered throughout every dialog; it has deep and engaging mechanics that take time and skill to master; and above all it has an immense open world that ties every single aspect of the game together.
It's a truly remarkable achievement - one of the densest and largest open worlds I've ever had the pleasure of inhabiting.
Yeah its easy to miss.Wait, you have to equip skills for them to do anything? I thought the right-hand part was just to get mutagen bonuses. >_<
So I kind of completed a quest before I was officially assigned the quest. It was a treasure hunt quest at white orchard called "dirty funds", something about deserters in some camp that I have to kill, except I already killed them a while ago and cleared the area. Basically the quest is asking me to read a letter and after doing so a marker is meant to be placed on my map but nothing happens. Going to ignore it but I guess its glitched.
I'm stuck on theI try to roll away from those attacks, but he hits me more often than not. I haven't found a consistently reliable way to dodge him yet.Wild Hunt guy with the axe in the elf's hideout.
Kinda feel like relic weapons should be unique. I've used three different versions of Maugrim for basically the entire game now.
Still super early, but if I get a chance to aid the Church of the Eternal Fire in anyway I'm doing it without hesitation.
So I ended up getting this game. Quite possibly the worst controls I've ever seen in a big budget triple AAA game. Especially jarring considering how well crafted other stuff in the game is. Pretty fucking weird that they thought it was acceptable or a good idea.
Game seems interesting. Sometimes the writing is horrible. Sometimes it's actually good. It's a fun time waster for sure. Riddled with bugs though.
TLDR: Typical Western style RPG fare but made with more attention and with an interesting story.
Still super early, but if I get a chance to aid the Church of the Eternal Fire in anyway I'm doing it without hesitation.
could geralt move any worse lol. Did no one play this game and be like "uhhh he moves like shit". I can't believe they all developed and thought goodenough.jpg.If you hate the controls in Witcher 3, Witcher 2 will make you claw your eyes out. I love W3 in comparison.
Yep me too.Velen sidequest spoiler:so when I got the quest from the one priest to burn the bodies, I knew he was crooked from the start.
This is infinitely better than Inquisition in terms of stuff to do in the open world. The side quests are meaty and unique and the points of interest, while more cookie-cutter as far as presentation goes, actually have exciting loot or cool rewards.
Witcher 3 has probably the most well-realised and varied open world that's evern been made. The quality bar for every piece of content is of the highest order. Every quest feels like a main-line quest, where care and thought was put into its design and overall place in the world. There are no meaningless quests, no trivial tasks, and only one collectathon which is a veritable game in and of itself (i.e. the card game gwent). Witcher 3 has minigames like GTA5, but in this they're actually fun; it has Biowarian choice & consequence peppered throughout every dialog; it has deep and engaging mechanics that take time and skill to master; and above all it has an immense open world that ties every single aspect of the game together.
It's a truly remarkable achievement - one of the densest and largest open worlds I've ever had the pleasure of inhabiting.
I liked DA:I, but this game is on a whole other level. This will go down as one of the greatest RPGs ever made, on the same pedestal as Fallout and BG2.
From what I've played, I totally believe this is the case. Sorta crossing my fingers it doesn't pull a DAI and pull the wool away half-way through, but that seems highly unlikely from everything I've seen so far.
Loving the game so far.
Quick question, are the sidequests (and quests in general) time sensitive. ?
Because i want to fuck about playing gwent and exploring, but i'm afraid too.
From what I've heard, there's a reason. Also, she's still fun as hell to play. I'd really like a game built around her style.Wow Ciri is overpowered as fuck.
is there any way to tell, do you know. ?Some side quests will go if you go too far in the main story.
Finished the BB quest line including his sidequest. Wow... amazing writting when I think I probably just did the coolest quest, the next one top it off.
is there any way to tell, do you know. ?
Who is BB?Finished the BB quest line including his sidequest. Wow... amazing writting when I think I probably just did the coolest quest, the next one top it off.
is there any way to tell, do you know. ?
I keep seeing people say the open world in Witcher is more like GTA than Ubisoft collectathon/Dragon Age
Who is BB?
The Woodcher
o you guys think this praise is just in a honeymoon phase like DA:I?
No. You have to figure it out how the quest is presented. If there's a sense of urgency it's probably timed.
Ahhh. ok thanks guys.Not as far as I can tell. It just warns you in the book that some will become failed quests.
Still nothing. I don't know. Swam the whole river between both bridgesDive underwater in Velen, near the bridge south of Mulbrydale
I'm seriously getting to the point of putting the game down until they fix this inventory crash. It happens about 50% of the time when I go to open it.....
You find them on notice boards, if the notice board icons on the world map are yellow, there are contracts you pick up from them.How are you guys finding the witcher contracts?
You find them on notice boards, if the notice board icons on the world map are yellow, there are contracts you pick up from them.