I'm on this part as well, got a 50inch and sitting like 10-15ft away. I think the bandits on horseback were keeping him hostage so I killed them. I thought I got a key off of them, but guess I saw wrong :-(, unless it's a glitch.
I'm on this part as well, got a 50inch and sitting like 10-15ft away. I think the bandits on horseback were keeping him hostage so I killed them. I thought I got a key off of them, but guess I saw wrong :-(, unless it's a glitch.
Can you buy as many as you like, or are you limited to one?I've found out where you can buy a respec potion. It's in Norvingard. It's a shop near the Northern Notice Board North of the Notice Board in Hierarch Square. 1000 coins.
thats an exaggeration right?
Some upgrades require the original piece to be upgraded. Though I'm not sure if it takes it if you're wearing it. For example I got a Griffin Witcher Armour and to upgrade it I need to use that armour to improve it. Maybe that's what happend?
OK so I'm stuck on "Wild at Heart"
I've looked at the body's remains, the wolf, the tracks, and the ones leading up the tree. Can't find anything else. This is driving me crazy.
LMAOreference caught me off guard.that 50 shades of gray
Press left trigger at the inventory menu. Play time is displayed at lower left of screen.
Nice set of Temerian armor you got there![]()
Have you found the tuft of fur? There's a scent leading from there.
The dwarven blacksmith at Crow’s Perch (the bloody baron's place) is journeyman level I think.Thanks!
So I have two trophies now, where do I sell them? Because the mission NPCs don't want them...
can next OT be called
The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT| Get out of the hinder- I mean Velen?
so much quests. not bad about them, but SO MANY
Regular merchants. Don't sell all your trophies though, they're valuable as equipment. Plus that Griffin head looks badass on Roach's hip.
Geralt's beard is disappointing. It stops growing way too early, was hoping I'd be able to get to at least semi-bushy state.
Yeah the Griffin head isn't going anywhereThe noonwraith though, it's just a burlap sack so I have no use for that.
Can you brew and craft with the trophies?
What about The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT| Pam Perram Pam Pam Perram?
I just remembered the exchange with the Bloody Baron where he explains everything and he mentionskilling his wife's lover after he discovers their relationship and Geralt says, "So that's why they call you the Bloody Baron."
Baron says, "What?"
"Your name, it makes sense."
"Ohhh, no. That's a completely different story"
That character was entirely too good for what was necessary.
That would be cool though :/ Just seems weird to stop the beard growth at such a low level. Need that Harden look.But then by the time you got toit wouldn't look distinguished at all. Just shaggy and unwashedVezima
But then by the time you got toit wouldn't look distinguished at all. Just shaggy and unwashed.Vezima
Not so far as I know. "Monster specific" brewing is restricted to decoctions, which rely primarily on unique mutagens.
Can you buy as many as you like, or are you limited to one?
Same here. Skipped it unfortunatelyStarted the game today and already two crashes at the exact same time trying to pass playing my first game of gwent. Sucks. Guess I'I'll forgo on passing.
Nice! Thanks.Looks like he restocks when you reenter his menu
Is it just me or do all the women look like Skyrim mods and all the men look like they're from Shrek?
The 'Cabaret' questline is pretty amusing, and a nice change from the usual suffering and depression of the setting. That said I'm half expecting everyone involved to end up hanged by the Eternal Fire.
Is it just me or do all the women look like Skyrim mods and all the men look like they're from Shrek?
Can you buy as many as you like, or are you limited to one?
You can get a different outcome to that quest.I just finished the tower of rats quest... man... that was fucked.
Ok, I should've expected something was up when Annabelle contradicted herself, but the poor thing was eaten alive by rats! Was I so wrong in believing love would lift the curse? Now an innocent man in dead and a plague infected wraith is loose. Damn it all.
I am about 12-13 hours into the game...
I am thinking of starting over because of the Gwent cards I missed.
What a bummer :[
Velen has some ugly-ass men, yeah.Is it just me or do all the women look like Skyrim mods and all the men look like they're from Shrek?
I don't know if it's a glitch or even if the card is unique, but the blacksmith in Blackbough (or something?) refuses to talk to me after the werewolf quest and he had a card you could win. That kinda bummed me out, even though I had already won the card. I hope that doesn't happen with other gwent players before I can beat them...They are patching it so the card from the first inn isn't missable.
Are there other missable cards?