30 hours later I learned the fate of the wounded lady on the table at the herbalist in White Orchard. It kind of blew my mind. I suppose I'd have learned what happened way earlier if I'd gone to a specific area earlier, but I didn't. And I'd forgotten about her. And now I know what happened. Amazing.
I'd like to know this too. I thought it was just "lesser" that was 0 for some reason, but "greater" is too. I tried putting one in my sword, thinking maybe the 0 was like relative to base damage and couldn't show a number in the inventory or something, but it's still +0 damage...
Bonus points to CDPR for making sure that the tower interior is pretty dark regardless of time of day. It's impossible not to get the right atmosphere there.
I just did the bog quest in broad daylight and that ruined it a little bit. :/
30 hours later I learned the fate of the wounded lady on the table at the herbalist in White Orchard. It kind of blew my mind. I suppose I'd have learned what happened way earlier if I'd gone to a specific area earlier, but I didn't. And I'd forgotten about her. And now I know what happened. Amazing.
Shit, just found out there is a missable gwent card in the first area. Must resist urge to start over.
Without spoilers, could I have come acrossyet? I'm level 13 and just met up withLethofor the first time.Roach
How do you learn about her? I did the mission but there is no talk of her.
I failed this quest. What happens to her?
I've failed one quest.
I'm so sorry Lena, the quest was confusing ffs.
What card? I thiiiink i cleared out everything but good to be sure.
Shit, just found out there is a missable gwent card in the first area. Must resist urge to start over.
Cat gear question:Glowing purple barrier: how do i get past
I failed the bitter harvest mission am I missing much?
Shit, just found out there is a missable gwent card in the first area. Must resist urge to start over.
He's in Velen in a quest that you totally think is filler when you get it.
Just bought Xbox One version from fellow gaffer.
Couldn't resist.
Excited yo
to the person asking about the 70 weight saddle bag. I found it.its in the Baron's castle area... a lady next to the dwarf crafter sells it.
Witch Hunter set looks quite awesome. I wish we could wear the hood cloak from the first CGI trailer. I know it's in the game because an NPC listed as "shady person" walks around in Novigrad wearing it. Geralt looks SO badass in it.Witch Hunter Geralt looks pretty badass (though I need better pants)
There's a quest that explores this.
Velen is so big though, I don't know where I'm going to find this quest. I've done almost all the quests I've come across.
You can go back to white orchard...
You can, but you can't get the card.
Shit, just found out there is a missable gwent card in the first area. Must resist urge to start over.
where is the mission located?
The leader one you can buy off the innkeep girl? Or beating the tutorial guy in the same inn?
Need some help with the Baron quest
been to Novigrad etc
but it saysexplore all leads in velen to find the mother
not sure what to do?
Need some help with the Baron quest
been to Novigrad etc
but it saysexplore all leads in velen to find the mother
not sure what to do?
You can go back to white orchard...
Continue with the other main quest. Whenever a quest ends in a dead end, that's the answer.
Lindenvale, first village east of Crow's Perch.Velen is so big though, I don't know where I'm going to find this quest. I've done almost all the quests I've come across.
Not to taunt you, but it's the best card I've seen. I rely on it in every match.yea its bs... but apparently they are gonna patch in a new innkeeper so u can get it. they need to hurry cause that card is so strong and i could use it
I failed this quest. What happens to her?
Which ones that? thanks
Ok, so I just failed the Fake Papers quest, but paid the guy 100 for the pass. But when I go up to the guard there is no way to get through, he just repeats the same dialogue. I can't find the pass in my inventory anywhere, do I have to equip it?
Any help would be appreciated
You can't miss it, butit stems off of another seemingly unrelated quest.
I got both of those, i didnt miss any others did i?
For folks wondering the witcher sets do evolve in the game, I just upgraded my Griffin set and it has some changes to it for sure.