Well shit. I'm guessing I sxrewed up lolSpoiler for those who take the romance side seriously.do not say you I love you to BOTH yen and triss in their personal quests if you want to end up with one of them.
Well shit. I'm guessing I sxrewed up lolSpoiler for those who take the romance side seriously.do not say you I love you to BOTH yen and triss in their personal quests if you want to end up with one of them.
PoisonHow the hell i can kill the fuckingin the quest 'Now or Never' ? That damn thing keeps regenerating itselfKatakan
Spoilers ffs (if youre on about this 1)
How much is regen improved by wearing full light armor compared to medium armor with the regen perk?
It sucks because I have to know which kind of armor I want now so I don't waste perks.
Khan Moran
How is Wandering in the Dark a level 5 quest? I'm 4 and it's brutal.
I have no clue, I wish someone would test this:
All you need to do is put on full medium armor (mastercrafted griffin) and use the medium perk that boost regen, see how fast your stamina regens.
compare it to
Full light armor in battle (mastercrafted feline)
This game keep looking better and better!
This game keep looking better and better!
sorry I didnt realize that spoiled anything
I hate the camera during the fists fight, I can't evade and control the camera at the same time.
A little more detail? Don't know what you're talking about.
This game keep looking better and better!
While I'm sure you're referring not just geographically but also tweak wise, just wait till you get to SkelligeThat shit puts Skyrim (even with enb+mods) to shame. Atmosphere is mind blowing.
The game is totally blowing my mind every time I play it.
Finding new villages, new towns, new quests, etc. Everything is amazing so far.
I haven't been to Novigrad yet, is there at least more interesting stuff to do there then there was at Oxenfurt?
Oh yes, oh yes indeed. Oxenfurt is very empty quest/story wise compared to Novigrad. There's like 10 hours of stuff in Novigrad.
I chose both of the options that you did not chooseI think I said something wrong to Triss when I encountered her in the main story. During the rat house she asked me how Yen was and I said "Not so bad" and she was super disappointed. Am I already forever alone?
My oh my, there is one missiondark stuff right there.where you have to find what happened to a girl by the name of Hanna. Turns out her sister was in love with her husband(werewolf) and during the full moon she lead Hanna to be eaten.
Just saw the Keira thing through.
I ended up spending the night with her and sleeping with her. I dunno man, it felt like the thing to do...Geralt got caught up in the moment and he can't say no to a witch.She ended up trying to take the documents but I talked her into going to Kaer Morhen and asked for the documents back. That was a dicey situation because I really didn't want to fight her. She seemed reasonable the entire time so I didn't feel it was necessary to press her too hard.
Super impressed with the voice acting and writing of the children in this game. It's better than most films.
Also, Family Matters quest is one of the best I've played in an RPG. Didn't expect it to get that emotional.I love that they make you sympathize with the Baron even though he's a huge asshole. Good stuff!
My oh my, there is one missiondark stuff right there.where you have to find what happened to a girl by the name of Hanna. Turns out her sister was in love with her husband(werewolf) and during the full moon she lead Hanna to be eaten.
So I just went to the whore house in novigrad...
i came and i slayed. However...The baron's daughter is one of the girls?Geralt seemed to question her a bit and they seemed to know each other too. She looks just like her too.
In regards to the Romance options in the game
If I say I love you to trust, but turn down Yennefer will I be in a lock for for Triss?
Any chance you can share you set up for this and how I install it? Loving the way yours looks
I took Project Reality as a template and modified it a little. It's the most satisfying result I've had so far. Now I'm all set to play the actual game!
I've posted the settings here:
Some low-light shots for you guys using the last SweetFX preset I shared.
INI settings:
Thanks! Quoting myself from the PC performance thread. It has SweetFX settings as well as INI tweaks. Hope you have a high end rig to handle it as it's going to need resolutions higher than 1080p to yield good results.
Hmm probably couldn't run it then. I can run the game at Ultra at 1080p with 40+ fps but not gonna go higher really. If knock shadows to high instead of Ultra I can get a locked 30fps ar 1440p.
OC 780ti, 16GB RAM, 4770k CPU at 4.3 ghz
I'm still on the normal version of each, and I don't have the medium armor perk, but with full feline I have 18/s on stamina regen during combat
With griffin on without the perk is 14/s, so with the perk it would be 16.8/s
Wearing light armor doesn't seen like too much of an improvement? And not only that, you are losing sign intensity.
Anyone know where griffins typically spawn? Aside from first boss of course. Tired of just seeing those rooster bird basilisks.
Do you mind keeping me (and this thread) updated.
Is sign intensity even that important once you have better mutagens? I would argue that it is not. I can have 90% sign intensity from mutagens.
Wouldn't higher sign intensity just be overkill when the opportunity cost to have something else would be more important.
I am far more interested in other things than sign intensity. It can be arbitrarily improved through many means like weapon upgrades etc, though a strong Axii helps with dialogue so that is mega important IMO (plus I love stunning a human opponent and seeing the kill animation, I absolutely love those can't get enough). I expect other skills will be far more useful (like the adrenaline for casting one, that is an absolute MUST for difficult battles).
Also, are the witch hunters after mages ifyou chose to save triss at the end of Witcher 2 and staved off the massacre at Loc Muinee?
I beat him using the thunderbolt potion and yrden. There is also a bomb that stops the regen but I'm not sure which oneEr, the Now or Never quest in Novigrad, where you have to defeat the....is this shit bugged? He regenerates health from the moment you get your first hit on him, and it regenerates far too rapidly. Or am i just shit at the game?Katakan
I've heard Black Blood potions negate the ability but they're doing absolutely nothing of the sort.