Can't have a troll that close to the town. Sorry.
Plus his name is shit, his theme is shit, and I didn't want to do some dumb puzzle for him.
the puzzle was nothing really,
all you had to do was buy paint.
Can't have a troll that close to the town. Sorry.
Plus his name is shit, his theme is shit, and I didn't want to do some dumb puzzle for him.
Yeah definitely I think too many people put off Skellige for too long, it has alot of quests that are lower level then Novigrade.
Axii really trivializes 95% of the fights in this game. Everything is a joke lol.
I can even Axii some "bosses".
So is it almost pitch black in caves for anyone else? Can't see shit in them.
Can't have a troll that close to the town. Sorry.
Plus his name is shit, his theme is shit, and I didn't want to do some dumb puzzle for him.
Just wait until you try Quen. Although honestly a lot of the tougher enemies in the game become rather easy to evade, you can still Quen your way through the mobs that love to get cheap shots in.
I'm still trying to kill him. Tough fight
the puzzle was nothing really,all you had to do was buy paint.
So yeah, I'm pretty invested in this game, had trouble making a pretty minor decision.
A Greedy God quest:Do I reveal to the peasants that the god their village has been worshipping and giving offerings to for over a century was just a selfish dick or let them live the lie. In most games I would go with the obvious option of revealing the misdeed because whatever, but these are people who are having super tough times with the war, why destroy one of their few hopes by showing how they and their forefathers were exploited.
So is it almost pitch black in caves for anyone else? Can't see shit in them.
I'm currently level 8, just met the Bloody Baron and Gretka for the first time. Baron seems like a great character and Gretka is about the cutest little video game girl I've ever seen. I'm positively terrified as to what may yet befall the both of them.
When should I start looking into finding the Witcher school armors? I found some stuff for Cat school but it's way ahead of my level. What's the best armor currently usable for me? I just made some upgraded hunter or mercenary armor (the yellow and black one) that has 64 defense.
Do you mind keeping me (and this thread) updated.
Is sign intensity even that important once you have better mutagens? I would argue that it is not. I can have 90% sign intensity from mutagens.
Wouldn't higher sign intensity just be overkill when the opportunity cost to have something else would be more important.
Anyone found the standard Cat school or Bear school gear yet? I'm interested in what they look like.
Why the hell aren't smiths marked on the map after you have found them? You can't make notes on the map either. Pretty shitty.
Nah, Quen runs out. Easy to get hit consecutively. Also, not to mention Quen takes your whole bar while you can turn enemies into allies with a sliver of stamina.
Axii, puts them on your side, and then you chop down your "ally". You won't even get attacked once if you do it right. Fighting multiple groups? Axii a couple of them and they'll kill each other until there's one left.
Why the hell aren't smiths marked on the map after you have found them? You can't make notes on the map either. Pretty shitty.
Really? Didn't give me any trouble on death march.i oiled me blade
Seems to be glitched, since everything else sticks. You can find the damn fish head salesman anytime you want, after all.
I actual fast traveled out of Novigrad in the middle of a quest to repair my shit, then fast traveled back. Hope it's fixed soon.
and since im OCDIt's composed of three Acts. If you just focus on the main storyline, you should be able to complete it in 12-20 hours.
Around 30 if you take your time, The Witcher 2 is relatively short for an RPG although there is somewhat unparalleled branching for the second act which makes a second playthrough very worthwhile.and since im OCD
how many hours with side quests?
So i need some advice regarding Keira Metz:If i had sex with her and let her go to Kaer Morhen does that complicate things up with my LI (Triss or Yen) ?
I'm digging the bearworks here.Hairworks looks so good on bears.
At level 8 you can go get the griffin gear items. The quest isn't too difficult and the armors are unlocked at level 8 anyways. It's a lot of fun and has a good story behind it if you pay attention to the notes.
Oh ok, where do I go to start the quest?
Know where I can fibd an easy to locate weaponsmith?
Know where I can fibd an easy to locate weaponsmith?
For anyone with the Lamp:
If the Place of Haunting in Frishlow (haven't found any others) bugged for you. Nothing happens.