If I chose the right doll.....what happens?
Anna turns back into a human
If I chose the right doll.....what happens?
Really is worth it, and haven't had any difficulty in tackling monsters or quests 8 levels or so higher then me. Just gotta make good use of potions/oils and good use of quen.should speak enough of the game that it took me 25 hours to decide to restart on death march from the beggining for the proper challenge and I didnt even get bored redoing stuff
been a while since I did something like this
Anna turns back into a human
So what does that mean? If I was to use this exploit, does it mean I'll get banned on Steam (since developers have the power to do that now)? Or will there be some other in-game penalty? I could really use some more gold, but it's definitely not worth getting banned over.
More into detail please?
It rained for the first time in my game today after 20 or so gameplay hours. I was beginning to think that my game was glitched or something. I hope it rains more often.
At least in my playthrough, she turns human and then immediately dies. I freed the tree spirit.
At least in my playthrough, she turns human and then immediately dies. I freed the tree spirit.
I don't like how caves and monster dens don't go grey when you go in and do your thing. It's driving me nuts, I keep thinking I forgot to do something.
Good, because you did! You should be looting the monster dens after you blow them up. They only contain monster parts and some other materials so dont worry about missing out on good stuff. Also caves should gray out after you have looted all the items in them.
Wait wait....blow them up? I didn't see anything about that! Also there is no more loot in the cave I checked!
Whats the best controls to use for keyboard? the default doesnt have the power attack mapped to anything
Whats the best controls to use for keyboard? the default doesnt have the power attack mapped to anything
Oh wow............I fucked up lol.
Wait wait....blow them up? I didn't see anything about that! Also there is no more loot in the cave I checked!
Ops, sorry. Yes i meant monster nests not dens. But monster dens should be grayed out after you loot all the items. I am sure of that as i have a couple grayed out.
Quest ending SPOILERS:
Shit, I can't believe the Baronjust hanged himself, I feel like a fucking monster...
Hm....wonder what I missed....what about just the caves?
Shit, I can't believe the Baronjust hanged himself, I feel like a fucking monster...
Some places in skellige I really don't want to tackle,too many underwater points of interest and water in makes makes me really paranoid.
wait WHAT???did you not help him find his wife or something? how the hell did that happen?
I see all the caves are still white on my game. I mistook a couple of monster dens as caves. Sorry for the misunderstanding.
Shit, I can't believe the Baronjust hanged himself, I feel like a fucking monster...
There's one in Oxenfurt.
I love that little stagger at the end. HahahahHow cool would it be if the game had snowboarding? FF VII style!
wait WHAT???did you not help him find his wife or something? how the hell did that happen?
Found some caves before, ruins not yet still exploring skellige only touched like 2 clusters of islands so far.Have you found any underwater missions? like exploring underwater caves or ruins,not just finding items...
If you choose to save the,thenchildrenBaron hangs himself in the end
Well I already finished the quest. UnlessJust keep playing.You'll find out the consequence of that choice.The Bloody Baron conversation will help you find out which doll to choose. The results of your actions are really heavy hitters here.
Amazing quest
Well I already finished the quest. Unlessthe tree spirit(demon mare) and the witches play a bigger role later on.
Probablyfreed the spirit in the tree roots and I think the crones kill the baron's wife in that case. Personally I killed the spirit (why unleash another unknown, powerful evil in the world?) and the baron went off with his wife seeking help from a medicine man somewhere in hope of restoring her sanity.
I love it how many of these quests you have to choose the lesser evil, and there is always a trade-off, and no real happy endings. It's refreshing.
Monster dens do go grey though eh? Guess I better go back lol.
Someone just told me that oils refill themselves while meditation Oo
shit I better make every single oil and potion now no point in saving the materials.
What makes these go grey? I scoured one and it's still white.They should, took a screenshot of one of my dens.