Level 4 and just enter Velen. . All of the question marks I go to end up being like warewolfs and level 10 dragonsI did all the tasks in white orchard so am a bit confused
I'm wondering this too.
I found this video and you can apparently find it during the Woodland Beast contract, I didn't though. Even went back to the camp afterwards and it wasn't there.
Video in question
No, justandKeira, Triss, Roche, Ves, Zoltan Chivay, ErmionHjalmar.)
You need to progress in the storyline.question about the Gwent: Big City Players questline.
I am trying to collect the Ciri card for my card collection and apparently its part of the Gwent: Big City Players questline. I already finished this quest though without getting the card. When I talk with the npc that you are supposed to play for the card there is no option at all to play gwent.
Am I bugged? Is there no way for me to get this card at all?
Yeah, there will be points of interests with monsters with higher levels that you.
Follow up the story line quests for a bit, do side quests (of similar levels to you) and you'll level up to fight bigger/badder monsters.
30 hours in and I just got to Novigrad. Is that common?
Not unusual.30 hours in and I just got to Novigrad. Is that common?
Crow's Perch.Anyone know where the blacksmith is located in Valen? My sword is in desperate need in repair.
Finally got all the school armors Mastercrafted, I think Bear/Ursine looks best consistently. Cat starts off great but each upgrade makes it look less cool.
Those of you complaining about the way gear looks... Find a Witcher set as soon as you can. I just got the "Cat" set and I look so much cooler than I did before, and am significantly more powerful.
Witcher sets are also upgradeable so they can last you through the whole game.
Thanks! I think the main quest has a 'recommended level 7' so I'm trying to buff up before going onto the bloody baron quest or whatever is next!
Is there any reason to keep old letters/books? I'm sick of looking at them in my inventory and want to just dump them off, but I don't want to be screwed for something later on if I do so.
Is there any way to fix the bug that resets your play time? Mine is constantly going back to 0.
Is there any reason to keep old letters/books? I'm sick of looking at them in my inventory and want to just dump them off, but I don't want to be screwed for something later on if I do so.
30 hours in and I just got to Novigrad. Is that common?
Is there actually a way to check how many hours you've played? I'm on PS4 and the save doesn't seem to say it.
I did just get to Novigrad too and I'm probably more than 30 hours in.
How do you even check this?
I'm guessing you're on pc?.
What's the best way of restoring health if playing on second highest difficulty setting? I'm using food but it's pretty expensive so I was wondering if there were better ways I'm overlooking.
Nope, PS4. You scroll to character and press R2.
and lot's Alcohest. Get it when you can. I have like 80
Should also note that meditating is required (cuts down on re-framing)
yup, and also a helpful hint he might not know, swallow(and all potions) and bombs replenish their stock when you meditate, it just uses 1 red alcohest each time.Swallow.
Saved a guy from drowners in Velen. 50 hours later I stumble back upon himOh man.to see he and his band have killed a camp of refugees.
Saved a guy from drowners in Velen. 50 hours later I stumble back upon himOh man.to see he and his band have killed a camp of refugees.
Saved a guy from drowners in Velen. 50 hours later I stumble back upon himOh man.to see he and his band have killed a camp of refugees.
Folk asking a lot of "should I X instead of Y" and "how do I get my waifu". Just role play, dudes. Witcher games are always the best for that and the reality is you can't see all outcomes and get all results in one playthrough. Not knowing the consequences of your actions is half the fun. If you wanna end up with Yen but are lusting after Triss, maybe stop thinking with your virtual dick.
yup, and also a helpful hint he might not know, swallow(and all potions) and bombs replenish their stock when you meditate, it just uses 1 red alcohest each time.
yup, and also a helpful hint he might not know, swallow(and all potions) and bombs replenish their stock when you meditate, it just uses 1 red alcohest each time.
Yeah I have about the same. Plus about 40 dust as well.
How do you have so much dust? (I'm assuming emerald/gem)
Yo, I need more. Didn't think about it and meditated after practically each fight, now in Velen and am low. Don't seem to have the required materials to craft alcohest. Any easy way to farm them? Or cheap places that sell lots?Yeah I have about the same. Plus about 40 dust as well.
Yep level 21 cat gear is 13-14 but I haven't had to change it yet, nothing better so far.Those of you complaining about the way gear looks... Find a Witcher set as soon as you can. I just got the "Cat" set and I look so much cooler than I did before, and am significantly more powerful.
Witcher sets are also upgradeable so they can last you through the whole game.
Yo, I need more. Didn't think about it and meditated after practically each fight, now in Velen and am low. Don't seem to have the required materials to craft alcohest. Any easy way to farm them? Or cheap places that sell lots?