Does anyone remember how to check how much time you've put into the game? I remember seeing it somewhere in the menu/tabs but can't find out where it was. PS4.
Does anyone remember how to check how much time you've put into the game? I remember seeing it somewhere in the menu/tabs but can't find out where it was. PS4.
I think you can find it in your character stats page.
1. love skippable intros. Really can't emphasize this enough. Its petty, but if you want to get into my good graces from the start, skippable intros are a great start.
Two questions (as I'm in Sweden and won't be playing until after work, like 10 hours from now):
1. Highest difficulty vs Souls/Bloodborne?
2. Are the choices in the OP confirmed to be the real ones? I'd actually like to know this going in, as I want to make sure I remember everything I did in TW2 correctly.
Once you've made a specific potion or bomb with alchemy you will restore them every time you meditate, yesYou can make many different kinds of potions and bombs though.
Can't you just choose another quest to follow in the quest menu? Or is it one of the primary quests?Anyway to abandon quests? I am on one and for the life of my can't continue to the next part.
I am on PS4.
Quoting myself, as I'd really like to have this answered:
You have to have alcohol to restore, that's what it said when I meditated.
So apparently at the very beginning of the game the crystal bird skull that you see in the opening movie can be picked up as a quest item, but once you kill the griffin it's gone.
Anybody have any idea what this thing does, is it worth it to go back and load an older save game and lose 2 hours of progress for it?
Quite disappointed by how movement and combat feels, feels very light and floaty, no sense of inertia or momentum, feels like I am hitting the enemies with a feather.
Quoting myself, as I'd really like to have this answered:
This is really disappointing to hear. I wonder just how much I'll feel that way about it, especially when I'll be alternating between this and the last portion of Bloodborne.
Extremely similar impressions here on hardest difficulty since Saturday.
Then, I have to say, combat is not that bad you'll see, coming from Bloodborne too and yes, it seemed like a mess at first but it ends up being pretty enjoyable after you get used to.
It's a damn polished game in terms of gameplay designs. I play without map and without quest (in fact everything in the right half of the screen is disabled) on hardest difficulty and, while it's pretty engaging (I killed the "first boss", you know the flying beast ^^ a little unprepared and it was painful lol), I'm really enjoying so much, it's even better than Bloodborne. I'm searching through the world in order to progress (and making the world evolve too) and I have, you know, that Souls game feeling when you find something "hiding" for you to discover yourself. It's great. I have to find "ways" to progress and not engage packs of enemies (or simply enemies too powerful for me) while searching for power.
And when you search for power in an RPG, furthermore open world, greatness is delivered. Thanks based CDPR.
Anyone else resorting to meditation to restore health instead of items
Is that the only point of it?
I think I've probably been spoiled with BB, everything just feels so weighty and meaty in BB.
I cant even get into the actual game! Title screen music glitches over the top of the intro music then the game just never loads!The game has frozen twice already in the inventory screen. WTF? I'm sure that I am not the only one with this problem. Is there any solution?
Quite disappointed by how movement and combat feels, feels very light and floaty, no sense of inertia or momentum, feels like I am hitting the enemies with a feather.
BB is far superior to TW3 in combat. I just played a bit before TW3.
So apparently at the very beginning of the game the crystal bird skull that you see in the opening movie can be picked up as a quest item, but once you kill the griffin it's gone.
Anybody have any idea what this thing does, is it worth it to go back and load an older save game and lose 2 hours of progress for it?
Wait until after the first area.
Anyone else resorting to meditation to restore health instead of items
Is that the only point of it?
I'm counting on Obama to put some diplomatic pressure to increase that font size. Petition your congressmen, people!Even current Polish president said today, that he knows what he will be doing when election silence will occur in a few days, while commenting receiving his witcher copy. He also mentioned that he will have to give Obama a copy of this game to "refill" his collection
Whereabout on the map did Geralt and Vesemir rest in the beginning?
I'm still very early in the game, so I'd like to go back and pick up the crystal (I had no idea it could be picked up), but I didn't pay attention to where exactly on the map the starting place was.
Near the Crossroads signpost. To the north of it.
How do you re-equip the crossbow? I have both the crossbow and bolts in the slots but I can't use it battle somehow.
Yeah, some big control issues, i was hoping that by now cd projekt would understand the finer points of how a third person game should control and animate, but nope... Jank-city.
At least there's some confirmation about my doubts for Wild Hunt. It's really a shame that CDPR doesn't put more effort into making combat feel "good". Obviously, the team spent a great deal of time to make a beautiful world. But why not spend a little time on the actually gameplay. Seems like if gameplay doesn't get nailed down in the first entry of a series, it will most likely never turn into some great.
It also makes me question reviewers once again. As long as you have a pretty open world a game is set for a 9 or 10. Doesn't seem like gameplay detracts much, if anything at all these days.
Works like a charm.How is the lock-on mechanic in combat?
It also makes me question reviewers once again. As long as you have a pretty open world a game is set for a 9 or 10. Doesn't seem like gameplay detracts much, if anything at all these days.