Yes, and it's one of two.
1. Valen (Novegrad + Dead Man's Land)
2. Skellige Islands
White Ochard, Vizima, and Kaer Morhen are mini worlds. And there may be others.
There's a general skill that gives you slow vitality regen when its daytime. Try using that. I've also found that I run out of food quickly, so having the skill is super helpful when I need to heal up.Is there anyway to cook your own food? I'm always running out and I'm always low on currency.
It's on the left side of your health. Shares the same pool as spells. And please try to not roll so much. The problem with rolling is when you do it you separate yourself from the enemy and miss out on free hits. The only time you should roll is if a group is surrounding your or if the enemy has some charging attack.I'm not enjoying the combat so far. But i have to admit i don't fully understand it yet.
I'm just rolling a lot and spamming light attack. I know sidestep is better in some situations but i instinctively use roll.
Is there a stamina pool like in the souls games?
Loading times after dying are unforgiveable on PS4, as well as random loading for seconds-long cutscenes, loading through fast-travel, etc. So bad that I would rather quit the game than sit through them.
Stuttering in cutscenes, framerate drops all over the place, popping - it all just feels horribly unoptimised. If they already had to delay it and this was deemed acceptable to release, then I dread to think how the game was pre-delay.
- loot system needs to be improved, wandering around a corpse to find the specific area to get the "Loot X" prompt to appear is not fun
- same with mounting Roach, walking around him in circles pressing/holding X is frustrating
- NPCs saying "follow me/I'll lead the way" and then just loitering around is terrible, I may as well just run ahead because they're so slow, and then they speed up
- checkpoint/auto-save during missions is awful; dying, sitting through a 30 second loading screen to find you're miles behind is an instant mood killer
- parrying/dodging sometimes simply doesn't work
- audio sometimes doesn't play even though you've hit an enemy and health was taken off
- loads more
I hope they patch all of this because as of now I'm really disappointed. Hype deflated.
Please tell me the voice during the recaps at load isn't Dandelion.
Holy fuck that voice is so bad. It's beyond bad.
Is there anyway to cook your own food? I'm always running out and I'm always low on currency.
What's the best deal on this on the PC at the moment guys?
Is there anyway to cook your own food? I'm always running out and I'm always low on currency.
Combat isn't clicking with me or feeling as reliable as Witcher 2's so far. I like that dodging feels like it has i-frames, but group fights feel super messy and I'm not quite getting it. I also don't care for the potion system, where you basically have to go into inventory mid-fight. Or maybe I don't understand things too well yet. I started Witcher 2 on dark, and I eventually got it.
But I agree totally on the sentiments with the general controls. Game feels either sluggish and too quick. General amount of super-clunk holding me back from enjoying it too much.
I'm not enjoying the combat so far. But i have to admit i don't fully understand it yet.
I'm just rolling a lot and spamming light attack. I know sidestep is better in some situations but i instinctively use roll.
Is there a stamina pool like in the souls games?
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Despite the fact that we now have a horse, I still find myself traversing the world on-foot 99% of the time lol
This is probably going to wind up as one of my favourite games ever. It's almost perfectly, exactly the kind of game I've wanted for a very long time.
Combat isn't clicking with me or feeling as reliable as Witcher 2's so far. I like that dodging feels like it has i-frames, but group fights feel super messy and I'm not quite getting it. I also don't care for the potion system, where you basically have to go into inventory mid-fight. Or maybe I don't understand things too well yet. I started Witcher 2 on dark, and I eventually got it.
But I agree totally on the sentiments with the general controls. Game feels either sluggish and too quick. General amount of super-clunk holding me back from enjoying it too much.
This is a very good post and excellent points.Loading times after dying are unforgiveable on PS4, as well as random loading for seconds-long cutscenes, loading through fast-travel, etc. So bad that I would rather quit the game than sit through them.
Stuttering in cutscenes, framerate drops all over the place, popping - it all just feels horribly unoptimised. If they already had to delay it and this was deemed acceptable to release, then I dread to think how the game was pre-delay.
- loot system needs to be improved, wandering around a corpse to find the specific area to get the "Loot X" prompt to appear is not fun
- same with mounting Roach, walking around him in circles pressing/holding X is frustrating
- NPCs saying "follow me/I'll lead the way" and then just loitering around is terrible, I may as well just run ahead because they're so slow, and then they speed up
- checkpoint/auto-save during missions is awful; dying, sitting through a 30 second loading screen to find you're miles behind is an instant mood killer
- parrying/dodging sometimes simply doesn't work
- audio sometimes doesn't play even though you've hit an enemy and health was taken off
- loads more
I hope they patch all of this because as of now I'm really disappointed. Hype deflated.
I wish I was able to attack and kill anyone whenever I want and have consequences for such actions.
This game needs more of that. Side quests that lead to more side quests. Some just kinda end there.
There's actually loads of stuff that isn't highlighted on the map which means there's actually a reason to explore, great!
Same here. The game is really picking up. I just love that nothing is locked regarding the map. Going to see if I can get the money together and travel to Skellige prematurely...Despite the fact that we now have a horse, I still find myself traversing the world on-foot 99% of the time lol
same here.Despite the fact that we now have a horse, I still find myself traversing the world on-foot 99% of the time lol
This is probably going to wind up as one of my favourite games ever. It's almost perfectly, exactly the kind of game I've wanted for a very long time.
Difficulties seem bugged too. I ended up dying, having to redo a previous nest fight and after I was at pretty low health. Since this was the second time I had done this, and just rushed my way through it from impatience, I lowered the difficulty to normal to see if I could regain health from meditating.
Nope. Seems like if you start a game on a harder difficulty, you're locked out of the benefits of the lower difficulties, even when selecting them later and that it's a one way progression. You can go up, but not down..
Any place that I can get a summary of the books? I can't start to read through all of them before the weekend when I have time to start playing.
Any place that I can get a summary of the books? I can't start to read through all of them before the weekend when I have time to start playing.
they weren't kidding about the second area being more impressive than white orchard, the ride to the inn was feckin stunning
What's the best deal on this on the PC at the moment guys?
I swapped from hard to normal last night and was able to meditate and recover HP just fine.
This is probably going to wind up as one of my favourite games ever. It's almost perfectly, exactly the kind of game I've wanted for a very long time.
Loading times after dying are unforgiveable on PS4, as well as random loading for seconds-long cutscenes, loading through fast-travel, etc. So bad that I would rather quit the game than sit through them.
Stuttering in cutscenes, framerate drops all over the place, popping - it all just feels horribly unoptimised. If they already had to delay it and this was deemed acceptable to release, then I dread to think how the game was pre-delay.
- loot system needs to be improved, wandering around a corpse to find the specific area to get the "Loot X" prompt to appear is not fun
- same with mounting Roach, walking around him in circles pressing/holding X is frustrating
- NPCs saying "follow me/I'll lead the way" and then just loitering around is terrible, I may as well just run ahead because they're so slow, and then they speed up
- checkpoint/auto-save during missions is awful; dying, sitting through a 30 second loading screen to find you're miles behind is an instant mood killer
- parrying/dodging sometimes simply doesn't work
- audio sometimes doesn't play even though you've hit an enemy and health was taken off
- loads more
I hope they patch all of this because as of now I'm really disappointed. Hype deflated.
Well good for you. It just reinforces my point that it's bugged.
edit: PC
My pick for Favorite music track of a game of 2015 has already been solidified :
Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Lazare
........Do the mission lolIs it normal to not have a crossbow yet...? level 3,ready to bait the griffon in the tutorial region,and doing all the sidequests and exploration question marks...could of swore I saw some trailers and lets play where they had a crossbow for the Griffon fight...