Don't let her go to Rad
long gone to Kaer Morhen
Don't let her go to Rad
Found out/saw a shot of what happens if you allow Keira take the documents to Radovid
You don't have multiple saves?
The game doesn't force side quests
Why are you doing a quest with enemies 20 levels above you
How do people not have 300 different saves in a rpg?
I was able to cheese my way through it. I just shot arrows and kept them away from me using knock off. Took 30 minutes but I finally killed everyone.Quests have level requirements, you know. Stock up on weapon repair kits if you want to avoid this in the future.
You find her impaled Cannibal Holocaust style in the middle of Novigrad.
I've already passed that quest but did a different choice. What happens if you let her go? Do you have a link?
I've already passed that quest but did a different choice. What happens if you let her go? Do you have a link?
Eh, you are contradicting yourself. How can you be reckless and aggressive if you are holding down the shield? Reckless and aggressive would mean you go in swinging and countering back by trying to score more critical attacks before the enemies can react and lowing your HP that you need to heal up. Every second you stand still to regen then you are being passive.
I.... I have no words. That's gruesome. Especially after seeing the (late act II spoilers)she got in my game.happy ending with Lambert
I hear what he's saying - it's not about scaled vs non-scaled I don't think, it's more about logic. In early Velen I've come across a handful of deserters in a huge camp with full palisade walls and they were only level 5 and 6 guys. Then at another sleepy hut in the middle of nowhere there's a massive group of level 16 deserters with full plate, etc. To me it would have made much more sense to switch their positioning around, for example. It's all a bit arbitrary I guess, but you also expect the monsters to become more fearsome the further from the beaten path you stray; that doesn't always seem to be the case in Witcher 3 though. It's a pretty minor quibble though, I'm loving the gameNo level scaling has its drawbacks, but the alternative is far worse in the long run. In the end, it leads to a more varied and interesting gameplay experience, where there are player-driven dips and climbs in difficulty that will naturally change between playthroughs. The alternative - level-scaled encounters - leads to monotony and boredom, which is something you never want in a 100 hour game.
Just keep in mind where you couldn't go for later on, when you'll be ready for 'em.
Consoles have limited save slotsHow do people not have 300 different saves in a rpg?
God damn
Keira spoiler
Couldn't go with any other option than sending her to Kaer Morhen the second time around. You've gotta expect a sorceress is up to something and if you think about it her reasons were innocuous and fairly rational for someone in her predicament. She's a total sweetheart. Too bad she chooses never to voice her plan to Geralt until the very end (a trait damn near every sorceress possesses) so he could talk her out of that terrible idea sooner.
Its the heavy sword. Haven't found a replacement for it yet. I'm level 9.
I can't find that scene on YouTube, I can only find KEIRA OUTCOME SPOILERGeralt fighting her as a boss
I hear what he's saying - it's not about scaled vs non-scaled I don't think, it's more about logic. In early Velen I've come across a handful of deserters in a huge camp with full palisade walls and they were only level 5 and 6 guys. Then at another sleepy hut in the middle of nowhere there's a massive group of level 16 deserters with full plate, etc. To me it would have made much more sense to switch their positioning around, for example. It's all a bit arbitrary I guess, but you also expect the monsters to become more fearsome the further from the beaten path you stray; that doesn't always seem to be the case in Witcher 3 though. It's a pretty minor quibble though, I'm loving the game
Consoles have limited save slots![]()
How do the value of items work in this? Like I have a sword I want to sell that is worth 78 gold according to my inventory, but when I go to a merchant it is only worth 9?
And limited save slots on consoles? What a bummer. You'd think with the PC-like hard drive space they could come up with a better solution than that nowadays, with memory cards being a thing of the past.
Oh, right... Good point.There are multiple slots that they can use, but you also have to remember that cloud saves are a thing, so they have limited space to use.
Ayye yo, how much video game I got left? I justgot to Skillege in search of the Sunset Stone or whatever
You're practically near the end. The next story sequence leads to the end.
Ayye yo, how much video game I got left? I justgot to Skillege in search of the Sunset Stone or whatever
On the gems? I noticed that
Was reported already and acknowledged by CDPR Just so you know so you don't feel unheard.
It still applies 2%, 3%, 5%
Wait. That gruesome image. That's notis it?keira
Wait. That gruesome image. That's notis it?keira
It is.
Radovid does not forget and Radovid does not forgive.
you don't have more than an hour of main story. Well depending how quick you are.
What do I have to say to avoid that???
Wow, seriously? I might just wrap this up tonight then.
What do I have to say to avoid that???
Radovid is a piece of shit of unbelievable magnitude.
He should've been the main villain.
Damn you Eredin there are just two kings in this game and they are both evil and you're still the lamer one.