Probably well known, but keep in mind:
Probably well known, but keep in mind:
Probably well known, but keep in mind:
Yes, Yen cheated several times on Geralt, but initially they weren't...so close. I mean, they just used to have sex together
I might pick up the game today.
Should I wait for the next patch, or its it pretty solid right now?
I've heard there is an XP glitch, will that effect me?
I might pick up the game today.
Should I wait for the next patch, or its it pretty solid right now?
I've heard there is an XP glitch, will that effect me?
Question and spoilers for Carnal Sins quest.
Will I still be able to find Hubert Rejk? I completely lost the chance to find the guy since I was lost in Novigrad and I couldn't find the morgue and ended up just reporting to Dandelion. Now that I found the morgue, the dude apparently escaped. Is he gone for good or can I find him somewhere else?
I feel like I didn't complete the quest *sigh*
Saw the game start to update and got excited. Update was only 3.4mb
you should stumble upon notes and a body while running around novigrad, geralt realises the killer is still at large.
I never ran into him again but I gotta visit the morgue after dark to see if he appears now that Geralt came across the body. you should be able to find him again.
Could be the hot fix for the exp?
That's just the way it is in early game. Once you get around to level 7ish that should change easily.So I'm just a few hours in but every story mission seems to recommend a higher level than I am. Am I supposed to just wander towards the various question marks and fight enemies to level up?
Never saw it like that. I guess you're rightIt's whenYen talks with Triss to an enchanted device, and she soon notice Triss isn't alone and there's Philippa with her.
And next two W3 DLCs (will be out next week)
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - 'Ballad Heroes' Neutral Gwent Card Set
- The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt - Fool's Gold
Check the XP in your inventory screen (top right). For some strange reason it doesn't always popup when you complete a quest but it does increase the amount of XP you have.This isn't good. Didn't get any XP for Count Reuven's Treasure either.
Where is the heck is that patch?
Anybody got a screenshot of default Yen? Can't decide if I should use the alt look because I don't remember what she normally looks like lol
Got a link to this? Gwent cards sound great but I'm curious what Fool's Gold is.
Check the XP in your inventory screen (top right). For some strange reason it doesn't always popup when you complete a quest but it does increase the amount of XP you have.
Nope. Had a checkpoint right before the quest conclusion and nothing.
Secondary quests and contract still give XP though
Kinda bummed that everyone's gonna end up wearing the same gear. Gimme that cloak from the trailers or mastercrafted wolf school armor and I'd be happy though
Unfortunately we are limited with options, unless you want to look like a color blind court jester.
What colour was the quest? Green or grey?
The armor set and Nilfgaardian crossbow can be purchased from the Barons Quartermaster in No Man's Land.
The Skellige crossbow can be bought from Skellige Kaer Trolde Castle Blackmsmith.
The Elven crossbow can be purchased from the Novigrad Fancy Shop Owner.
Dandelion quest spoilersgod dammit this game...so funny, getting money for Dandelion through his bandit ruse...and then such gut punch with Prisscila getting attacked
Got damn, this fucking game. I experienced an awesome chain of quests tonight in Skellige. Side Quest spoilers:
Decided to clear out more greyed-out quests from my log tonight and one of them was the "Black Pearl". Had to travel to one of Skellige's islands and dive for a black pearl for this retired soldier's wife. Finding the item was easy enough. But once I had found it, I needed to meet the old soldier back in Novigrad. So I decided to run over to the nearest fast travel point I had already discovered by buying a few maps from a Skellige merchant.
It turns out that that fast travel point was on another smaller island with a lighthouse. Cool, no big deal. Except the lighthouse turned out to be haunted by several Wraiths and even had a Witcher Contract for the "Pentinent" after talking with the lighthouse care taker. So I figured, what the hell, I'll knock out this contract while I'm in the area. About 15 minutes later, and a reloaded save due to a death, the contract was cleared. But now I had to travel to the local village to claim my reward. Again, no worries, I had fast travel unlocked. So I pop on over and head into the local tavern to meet the actual quest giver. Upon entering, two local Skelligan give me a hard time and the quest giver actually sticks up for me. Then I sat down with him, had a drink and collected by reward.
As I go to leave the tavern, the two local give me some shit again. This causes myself and the quest giver to get to into a fist fight with these idiots. But one of them pulls their sword half-way through the fight and mortally wounds the quest giver. So of course I proceed to literally cut them in half. After paying my respects to giver and hearing his final words, I walk outside to the father of the two idiots crying on about how I murdered his two idiot sons and ended his line. Of course I killed enough for one day so I agreed to be arrested and brought forth to the local Jarl for trial.
It turns out that Jarl was one of the dudes I met at the King's wake with Yen, just after first arriving on Skellige. So he basically lets me off the hook with the condition that I help his son prove his honor in the Cave of Dreams. Cool, no big deal. So I ride out to meet this son and his small band of warriors. We arrive at the cave, wipe out a few Nekkers and proceed to take some hallucinatory drugs to go on a vision quest in order to confront our deepest fears. Que flying ghost whales, flying ghost fish and a few other surprises.
I make it through the cave with the Jarl's son and friends intact and I'm free to go my own way now that I have completed the favor to Jarl. I remember that I still have to turn in the quest for Black Pearl Novigrad still I pop over there.
Turns out the old soldier was getting this black pearl as a gift to his wife, But the kicker is that his is basically in a coma and has been non-responsive to him for several years. They used to joke with each other about him finding her a black pearl and he though if he finally found one, that it'd snap her out of coma. But it didn't work. Damn, I genuinely felt bad for the guy.
I'm only 65 hours in, but this is the game of the year. No doubt about it.
wow, I will let you know how this happened for me.
first of all, I did this quest twice because I replayed quite a portion of skellige because I amde a bad decision.
the first time I did not go to jail, I think it was because I solved the "penitent" quest differently, if you search the lighthouse you will find log books that show that the guy who lives there actually manipulated them, you can choose to exile him if you found that out.
that was my first palythrough and the dude in the inn did NOT attack me.
now the second time I did not search the lighthouse, I could not exile him and imagine my surprise when the dudes attacked me at the inn and I got in jail.
and the jarl released me because I did the quest with his son already, the game reacted correctly to that.
This isn't good. Didn't get any XP for Count Reuven's Treasure either.
Where is the heck is that patch?
you mean the runes with the various +3%/5% on signs and so on?
in that case you have 2 option..remove the rune ,but then it gets destroyed,or dismantle the item and get back the materials,including any rune attached
Thanks man! A bit new to the game where do I dismantle?
Also do I have to leave White Orchard in order to find blacksmith?
that was the quest that convinced me to get serious about using oil and bombs.After about 15 tries starting at level 6, finally beat "Jenny O' The Woods" at Level 12, with nothing more than Yrden. So far that's by far the roughest encounter I've had and I've done contacts with higher level creatures, with little or no problem.
I found a vendor that sells the schematics for enhanced moondust, I bought it, but I can't seem to craft it. Is there a quest that I have to do or a certain level I need to be for that?
Thanks man! A bit new to the game where do I dismantle?
Also do I have to leave White Orchard in order to find blacksmith?
Blacksmiths can dismantle weapons, there's one in WO nearby the bulletin board.