Does playing this game sometimes feel like work to anyone else? I'm really trying to enjoy it, but sometimes there's so much stuff you have to manage, it just gets to be both tiring and overwhelming.
For example, on top of your traditional questing and what not, you have to constantly repair weapons and armor, apply oils to your blades, boost weapons/armor at appropriate tables, boost signs at appropriate stones, craft weapons/armor/potions, etc.
I often feel as if the game would actually benefit from less complexity, which often manifests itself in the form of mundane micromanagement. Do weapons and armor really need to degrade over time, for example? Other than annoying the player, what does that even accomplish gameplay-wise? And why must we constantly coat our blades with different types of oil? I understand that it makes the player feel more like a witcher preparing for battle, but even then the player is expected to do busywork just to perform his/her best in combat. Perhaps it wouldn't be so incredibly annoying if the oil didn't run out so quickly, and if you didn't have to go through several steps each time you want to re-coat your blade (open the inventory, go to the proper tab, choose the proper oil, apply to the proper sword).