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The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt |OT2| Wanted to find Ciri, but everything Gwent wrong

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Took all my armor off cuz I just felt like roaming around :D


Yup. I basically just followed the quest marker to the contract giver, and went into the tavern there. A cut scene is automatically triggered.

First level of bear armor. Still using griffin gloves though :)

I just walked into that quest by accident (Wanted to explore that amazing looking location), knocked on the guys door and it started. Didn't even get the contract until later!

I might have to get that Bear Armor now! :)

Stupid question maybe, but what do you guys use to re-size and convert your screenshots? I use steam raw capture to take mine.



My game looks so much better in-game though, my screenshots really don't do it justice. :)
Does playing this game sometimes feel like work to anyone else? I'm really trying to enjoy it, but sometimes there's so much stuff you have to manage, it just gets to be both tiring and overwhelming.

For example, on top of your traditional questing and what not, you have to constantly repair weapons and armor, apply oils to your blades, boost weapons/armor at appropriate tables, boost signs at appropriate stones, craft weapons/armor/potions, etc.

I often feel as if the game would actually benefit from less complexity, which often manifests itself in the form of mundane micromanagement. Do weapons and armor really need to degrade over time, for example? Other than annoying the player, what does that even accomplish gameplay-wise? And why must we constantly coat our blades with different types of oil? I understand that it makes the player feel more like a witcher preparing for battle, but even then the player is expected to do busywork just to perform his/her best in combat. Perhaps it wouldn't be so incredibly annoying if the oil didn't run out so quickly, and if you didn't have to go through several steps each time you want to re-coat your blade (open the inventory, go to the proper tab, choose the proper oil, apply to the proper sword).
early on i had to constantly repair my weapons but around level 15 onwards i dunno...my swords rarely ever got damaged. and honestly you'll get so much gold (more than you ever know what to do with) that you can buy 10s of repair kits.

and i haven't used an oil once since the white orchard tutorial. it's unnecessary. rarely ever used it in 1 or 2 either.

edit: sword degradation was a huge problem for me too for the record, but around 15 or so it just became kind of a non-issue. i think because i was using more of a mix of strong and heavy attacks and also i turned off the weapon damage indicator on the hud so if it ever did get damaged i wouldn't notice unless i checked the inventory


So i just finished the Tower Of mice. An amazing side quest and i couldnt help but have
Sex with the lady

Hope that doesn't come back to bite me on the ass later.

Wait I assume you mean
and not the

Cause if you can then uh how?


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
For example, on top of your traditional questing and what not, you have to constantly repair weapons and armor, apply oils to your blades, boost weapons/armor at appropriate tables, boost signs at appropriate stones, craft weapons/armor/potions, etc.

Ehh. Some of this I wouldn't count as busywork instead important parts of design and character progression. Like crafting. In most cases you only have to do it once, and that's why they have upgrade trees. I don't really see that as any different to upgrading your character.

Repairing I guess, but it never happened frequently enough to bother me. And if you've got kits on hand (which you should if you're doing a lot of looting) you rarely need to go back to town for full repair.

Oils you don't need to apply. They're a very useful buff, but you can get by without them well enough.

I never consciously sort out sign boost stones/places of power. Only used them when I found them and pretty much exclusively for that extra point.
Ehh. Some of this I wouldn't count as busywork instead important parts of design and character progression. Like crafting. In most cases you only have to do it once, and that's why they have upgrade trees. I don't really see that as any different to upgrading your character.

Repairing I guess, but it never happened frequently enough to bother me. And if you've got kits on hand (which you should if you're doing a lot of looting) you rarely need to go back to town for full repair.

Oils you don't need to apply. They're a very useful buff, but you can get by without them well enough.

I never consciously sort out sign boost stones/places of power. Only used them when I found them and pretty much exclusively for that extra point.

It sounds like I'm probably obsessing too much over being the best I can possibly be when it comes to combat, when in fact I can do just fine without coating my blades, boosting my signs, etc.

I just wonder why those features exist at all if they aren't even integral to the gameplay.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
went from 25 to 27 (almost 28) from just the
Isle of Mist
quest lol. xp distribution is so jacked in the game :p


Does playing this game sometimes feel like work to anyone else? I'm really trying to enjoy it, but sometimes there's so much stuff you have to manage, it just gets to be both tiring and overwhelming.

For example, on top of your traditional questing and what not, you have to constantly repair weapons and armor, apply oils to your blades, boost weapons/armor at appropriate tables, boost signs at appropriate stones, craft weapons/armor/potions, etc.

I often feel as if the game would actually benefit from less complexity, which often manifests itself in the form of mundane micromanagement. Do weapons and armor really need to degrade over time, for example? Other than annoying the player, what does that even accomplish gameplay-wise? And why must we constantly coat our blades with different types of oil? I understand that it makes the player feel more like a witcher preparing for battle, but even then the player is expected to do busywork just to perform his/her best in combat. Perhaps it wouldn't be so incredibly annoying if the oil didn't run out so quickly, and if you didn't have to go through several steps each time you want to re-coat your blade (open the inventory, go to the proper tab, choose the proper oil, apply to the proper sword).

Are you really repairing your weapons that often? Feels like it takes a really long time for my weapon to even hit 50%, in the same time my armor peices are still > 90%. Oils, weapon/armor/sign boosting, ... None of that is necessary unless youre fighting something 8 or 9+ level above yourself.


I never actually repair my stuff in the wild. I turned off the notification and if stuff is broken then whatever, it still works. I repair everything when I talk to a smith, which is fairly periodic, anyway.


Anyone know if the "World of the Witcher" book is safe to read as a refresher before playing the Wild Hunt? Been sitting on the game since launch waiting for the book to show up (and patches) but hasn't considered it could have spoilers for the game.

It's fine, just don't read the last few pages. I thought the entire book was simply explaining the lore / myth of the world as well as the events up to the end of Witcher 2, but it actually even reveals the events at the end of Witcher 3. Unfortunately I discovered that out too late as I was flicking through. Luckily the little spoiler I glanced at was an obvious event.

These 2 Witcher Retrospectives should also be watched -

It sounds like I'm probably obsessing too much over being the best I can possibly be when it comes to combat, when in fact I can do just fine without coating my blades, boosting my signs, etc.

I just wonder why those features exist at all if they aren't even integral to the gameplay.

Where you see optimizing those things are mostly nice bonuses. Would you really want all those things to be integral? You sound annoyed.

I agree on the durability issue. It seems like the base level swords from the witcher sets break faster. The Places of Power, they're a nice bonus the main reason for seeking them out is the extra ability point. Never not once did I got to one (on the highest difficulty) for the express purpose of boosting a sign for a particular battle. If you aren't on Death March don't worry about oiling up. Oils are for contracts where you know exactly what it is you're gonna fight and fights go fairly quick anyway. As of now, you don't really need them that much on Death March either.

Don't go out of your way unless you need to.


What difficulty setting should i choose if i want a "normal" experience? Or maybe Witcher 2s normal-mode.

I would go for blood and broken bones. You might die a few times, especially in the beginning, but at least there is some challenge.


What difficulty setting should i choose if i want a "normal" experience? Or maybe Witcher 2s normal-mode.

I'd say Blood and Broken bones. It's tricky at the start, but once you get a few hours into Velen it starts getting dramatically easier. I'd consider it "Normal" mode.

Though I switched to Death March about 30 hours in, and I haven't noticed much of difference in challenge.


Does anyone have any tips how I could perhaps up the difficulty for my second playthrough?

Not using Axii and Quen is probably a given though the first one is needed for role playing purposes. Maybe one should just skip magic completely and go from there. I really hope CD Projekt implements NG+ elements in the upcoming patches, because the situation is completely similar to Witcher 2. Game offers a nice challenge in the beginning but then you just become completely overpowered and I hate limiting my options consciously.

Souls series and various other games like Ninja Gaiden sigma or isometric RPG's have completely spoiled me. ;_;
Stupid question maybe, but what do you guys use to re-size and convert your screenshots? I use steam raw capture to take mine.

I'm capturing my screenshots with ReShade and I always downsample and convert to JPG via FastStone Image Viewer. It's free and has the lanczos2 downsample filter, which is my favorite.

Here's a few more screens before I go to bed



I'm capturing my screenshots with ReShade and I always downsample and convert to JPG via FastStone Image Viewer. It's free and has the lanczos2 downsample filter, which is my favorite.

Here's a few more screens before I go to bed

Fuck sake those are gorgeous.
I'm capturing my screenshots with ReShade and I always downsample and convert to JPG via FastStone Image Viewer. It's free and has the lanczos2 downsample filter, which is my favorite.

Here's a few more screens before I go to bed

New wallpaper time!

I really should start playing with that free cam cheat engine mod, you're getting some really incredible results.


So I just beat Keira Metz storyline. Is it just me or
did the whole "seducing Geralt" part of her plan make no sense whatsoever?

If she didn't come out with the whole "romantic dinner in the woods" idea, Geralt would just leave her and go his way after clearing out Fyke Isle, so she could go there and get the notes in peace. He wouldn't even know what she's up to. All she achieved was drawing attention to herself when she went to get the notes, and antagonizing Geralt in the process.


Just finished it.

My ending:

Complete victory of Nilfgaar and Ciri as empress. Ceyris as queen and romance with Triss.


So I just beat Keira Metz storyline. Is it just me or
did the whole "seducing Geralt" part of her plan make no sense whatsoever?

If she didn't come out with the whole "romantic dinner in the woods" idea, Geralt would just leave her and go his way after clearing out Fyke Isle, so she could go there and get the notes in peace. He wouldn't even know what she's up to. All she achieved was drawing attention to herself when she went to get the notes, and antagonizing Geralt in the process.

Yeah, I agree. That part bothered me as well.
Is there more than one quest on Undvik? There's still some unexplored terrain for me after completing Lord of Undvik.

there's hidden treasure, i found a treasure map on the ground at the entrance of the village where you meet the jarl's son.

there are also the master armorer tools you'll need for Fergus.


witcher parties are the best

even though
i decided not to call that sorceress and went to bed...wondered what would have happened there...but yen probably would have torn my balls off...

anyway,the order of the quests in this game has some strange problems..
.you are bound to get people like letho,triss,keira as allies very early on in the game..but they simply are not in kaer morhen when you get there..just to show up (probably) later when you gather your allies..at this point wouldn't have been better to let the questline for all those allies end after the kaer morhen part?or just let the people you already gathered show up at kaer morhen?

also..little spoiler question about the gathering
of allies...would bring both letho and Roche (that i suppose is one of those allies i can bring to the fortress) give any problems?logicallyy it should given what happened in withcer 2,but I'mm not sure if the game will aknowledge that


Damn, one of the fistfighters in Kaer Trolde really has some practiced jabs. Really compact and hit like a truck, need to bait him to throwing haymakers from the distance


Golden Boy
So I just beat Keira Metz storyline. Is it just me or
did the whole "seducing Geralt" part of her plan make no sense whatsoever?

If she didn't come out with the whole "romantic dinner in the woods" idea, Geralt would just leave her and go his way after clearing out Fyke Isle, so she could go there and get the notes in peace. He wouldn't even know what she's up to. All she achieved was drawing attention to herself when she went to get the notes, and antagonizing Geralt in the process.
She obviously needed that special Witcher tending, if you know what I mean.


Finished up Lamberts questline even though the quest is already grey, just sat there casting axii while Lambert went ham. So technically
I didn't kill him.

Also did the Morkvarg quest,
lifted the curse, asked about the reward and as he was on his way I just pulled out my sword and went into one of those killscenes.

Geralt really is starting to feel like one of those greasy mafia bosses.


I finished the game earlier today. I'm happy with my ending after I read up on the other ones.

ending spoilers:
Ciri got to be a witcher, Nilfgaard conquered the lands and Geralt lived happily ever after with Yen.
So I just beat Keira Metz storyline. Is it just me or
did the whole "seducing Geralt" part of her plan make no sense whatsoever?

If she didn't come out with the whole "romantic dinner in the woods" idea, Geralt would just leave her and go his way after clearing out Fyke Isle, so she could go there and get the notes in peace. He wouldn't even know what she's up to. All she achieved was drawing attention to herself when she went to get the notes, and antagonizing Geralt in the process.
From memory
didnt she fish some extra information out of Geralt at their romantic dinner? I assume she felt that with a few glasses of wine and booty on his mind Geralt would be more forthcoming with the final bits of information she was seeking, and following through would arouse less suspicion than turfing him out after the meal.
That's my take anyway.
Quick question. Playing on STEAM and I got a prompt about the DLC in the tutorial menu, but I don't see it, nor do I have an option for Yen's alternate look or whatever.

Does this mean I never downloaded it?



The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
so when can I get back to freely questing? First
battle of kaer morhen
and now ciri
wants to go kill the dude that killed vesemir
so its very linear all of a sudden and im getting so much xp from the story quests I fear my sidequests (which were all higher lvl than I was when I started all this with
isle of mists
) will become gray at this rate

speaking of, how about that
battle of kaer morhen
huh? that was pretty fucking epic
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