What kind of quests give the most money
Almost always Contracts.
What kind of quests give the most money
Bearded Geralt is best Geralt.
Also, ponytail Geralt is canon Geralt.
So swipe up on the touchpad reveals the world map?
Is this a bug, when I'm removing upgrades from stuff I'm not getting the glyphs or runes back?
so the sidequest to assassinatenever goes anyware? was hoping for a payoff laterRadovid
So I'm preparing to fight theDo I still have a lot to go or am I near the end?Wild Hunt at Kaer Morhen.
I would say you're 60-70 % done with the main story. There's quite a bit to go.
I have so many alchemy ingredients in my inventory lol do you guys collect every plant you see or only when trying to make a specific potion?
Also is there any way to see the area where specific plants grow?
Almost always Contracts.
So, I got the 'bad' ending.
I'm bummed out. What a depressing, low-key ending.
Can someone please tell me the key decisions I need to make to get the right endings? Spoiler tag the shit out of it, please. I'm bummed like hell right now!
how much of the main quest do i have?
just survived the attack on kaer morhen, and now with ciri on bald mountain
i assume mid way spoilers, so dont click if your not hat far in.
What in the actual fuck
I wish I was in the future playing the inevitable Enhanced Edition right now
By the way...why does Dandelion sound so old during the loading sequences?
Thought it was Vesemir at first...makes more sense it was Dandelion, just didn't realize it until the story telling loading screen where he mentions himself.
It's not Vesemir. It's old man Dandelion.I thought I was the only one. It really sounded like Vesemir.
Finishing it up. You have 4 hours more of play.
The Experience system is so weird. Just did a quest that's fairly near my level and got 5XP, an hour ago I talked to some dude, gave him some meds and got 50 XP.
Really wish there was New Game Plus in this. Finished up and I'd really like to revisit the world and experience the entire story over again, but knowing I'd have to start at level one again is a really discouraging thought for me.
Really wish there was New Game Plus in this. Finished up and I'd really like to revisit the world and experience the entire story over again, but knowing I'd have to start at level one again is a really discouraging thought for me.
Really wish there was New Game Plus in this. Finished up and I'd really like to revisit the world and experience the entire story over again, but knowing I'd have to start at level one again is a really discouraging thought for me.
I agree completely would prefer to do Death March on New Game +Really wish there was New Game Plus in this. Finished up and I'd really like to revisit the world and experience the entire story over again, but knowing I'd have to start at level one again is a really discouraging thought for me.
It's not Vesemir. It's old man Dandelion.
Have got stuck into this big time over the last two days, up to about 18 hours played now. I'm in the middle of thequests and have done a good few quests forBloody BarrenKiera (just slept with her).
Initially I was annoyed by the bugs but it's amazing game overall. They've made such an effort to keep the quests interesting. One thing is the map is fucking covered in question marks now and I doubt I'll ever get to half of them, but I guess there's no point in complaining about too much content.
That's the bug. I'm still getting XP for them, but not a lot. I'm trying to clean up my Novigrad and Velen backlog before I head to Skellige, and some of the quests are only giving me like 5xp.One of the complaints that people are making about the game that I agree with is that you get no XP for quests which you are way past the recommended level.
I think NG+ is rumored for free dlc
Isn't NG+ confirmed to come as free DLC soon? Or was that just a rumor?
think someone found a new game plus script or some of wizardry. so there's a chance it will be a dlc feature in the future.
just finished up the game myself last week. doing a death march run now. level 11 and trucking! things definitely hit harder but not really super difficult (I played on the sword and story or whatever mode the first time through)
gotta finish before batman comes out! XD
Sounds like you got the same ending I did.. lol.well i royally bollockesed up that haunted tower quest. I'm sure that won't come around to bite me in the arse in 20 hours. Lived with it though.
not what i want to hear