Move on to another quest for now.Need help on a quest from ' family matters'
It saysinvestigate all remaining leads in Valen and find the Baron's wife
I'm not sure where to go. It says she could be inbut I'm not sure where it is on the map.Crookback Bog, Tamara
Need help on a quest from ' family matters'
It saysinvestigate all remaining leads in Valen and find the Baron's wife
I'm not sure where to go. It says she could be inbut I'm not sure where it is on the map.Crookback Bog, Tamara
you canyou canget with as many women as you want but when you have to decide between Triss and Yen you have to choose onebut it's not recommended.theoretically choose both
" think of something before we die Geralt! "
Damn I want to kiss you Yen
I also like the Megadeth reference in the " The King is Dead, Long live the King " quest name
The underground portals from the Wandering in the Dark quest.Can someone tell me what these swirly things on my minimap mean?
Just finished the quest Towerful of Mice and got no exp reward, wasn't the no exp bug supposed to be fixed with the 1.05 patch?
Killed the Griffin, was pretty fun.
I realize I can cheat by meditating lol...ran out of healing items.
What's recommended for the mutagen item? It says I can make a potion or something, is that better or equiping it as a mutagen?
Regarding themission where you saveVernon RocheVes when she is attacking the village. Should I kill the remaining soldier? I don't want Roche to die.
Level 10 second playthrough and my god the Igni Flamethrower is overpowered as fuck, its beyond amusing setting people and huge beasts on fire. Thought Puppet would be better but so far its pretty average as your control doesn't last long.
Wow the Jenny of the Woods quest is by far the hardest quest at this point of the game. Reminds me of the spider queen contract in Flotsam in Witcher 2 which was also harder than anything else at the point in the game.
I think I'll just come back to this when I'm 10 levels higher.
Anybody?If I'm planning to go the Cat School build route, is it worth crafting the Griffin medium armor set at level 8 to hold me over? Or is there a better light armor I should be looking for?
Makes sense if you read the books. She has a thing for geralt. And most people are kinda shady one way or the other in this world lol.So, yeah, the Witcher 1 in context of what we know is hilarious. (Also pretty terrible to play after this one, but that's to be expected). Triss says "So, you don't remember anything? Okay, great! Let's have sex!"
Girl is shaaaaddyyy. Yenn should've thrown her out the castle window, tbh.
This game is so damn amazing. Can someone tell me if a Witcher 2 character makes a return?
I'm just looking for a yes/no and if it is hard to find.
Is Iorveth in this game? I really liked him in Witcher 2 and have seen some other characters but not him, yet.
Can someone tell me what these swirly things on my minimap mean?
One bandit matter-of-factly informed me that my mother was a hamster and my father smelt of elderberries.I also think I found the rabbit from Monty Python's The Holy Grail. I'll upload a pic later, but I was lucky to escape with my life since I didn't have any holy hand grenades.
None at all.Minor-ish romance spoilerz
So uh how bad isgonna bite me in the ass later in the game?sending Keira to Kaer Morhen after doing the dirty dirty with her while romancing Triss
Crappy gif for it
I also think I found the rabbit from Monty Python's The Holy Grail. I'll upload a pic later, but I was lucky to escape with my life since I didn't have any holy hand grenades.
And those boots. Gold is so tacky.All I can focus on is that horrible outfit Geralt is wearing.