Hah, before going to Kaer Morhen I went to Novigrad to get a beardcut (clean shaven Geralt = best Geralt), checked my quest log...hmmm everything done...except the gwent tournament...so I joined and another gem, just awesome quest all around, even met a minor character from the books, which was a cool surprise..too bad my Geralt is faithful to Yen
Even managed to win it, "Sasha" was the hardest opponent, she used like 6 spies against me

And then I get to Kaer Morhen and first the beauty of the place is just stunning and then the pitch perfect dialogues/bitching starts, with Lambert and Yen...
This game is just so masterful, Sapkowski himself wouldn't be able to write it any better.
I am 160 hours in. Just arrived in Kaer Morhen. Yeeeeeah.