It was an item you had in your pocket since Novigrad, you could get it to her than, but apparently you did not.what the fuck was up with the completely randomquest?Soldier Statue
Geralt just. Also its a lvl 14 quest and I only randomly got it at the end game (when Im 32 lol)pulls a statue out of his ass and asks Triss to change it back to human and its some random guy and thats it, nothing happens...whut
What am I missing?
Dammit, just did Triss'Now or Never quest, except I didn't mean to. I was going to her for a different quest, the one with the magic statuette and it railroaded me into her final quest and now she's gone and the quest I meant to do is uncompleteable.
Most of the time the overlapping quest design is great, really adds to the game but I really feel like it dicked me over on this one.
check the spoiler from Rhaknar