Question about the quest: A Matter of Life and Death, specific about Triss:Or did I fck up with her?At the fountain should I have kissed her? Will I get the chance again to choose her or Yen?
I went with Cerys andDamn, King's Gambit was fucking great
I loved the moment when the game actively lied about the monster I was facing. The lock-on said "Bear", but I recognize the red fur, the face scar, and the bear's health bar was white! I'd been expecting a fight with berserkers since the dungeon with Keira!
I went with Hjalmar just so he wouldn't do anything dumb and get himself killed and shame his family for no benefit. I guess that was the way to make sure he'd become the king, eh, I can live with that. I might have preferred Cerys but this was natural and it was 55/45 anyway because I don't think rest of Skellige would have been very obedient to their new ruler during Nilfgaard threat.
But, I never officially found out the mastermind behind the attack. I highly suspect it was the former Queen. How she'd get her family to rule Skellige and wasn't going to bargain for it, makes so much sense in that context.
I just let Hjalmar kill the druid without finding the mastermind's identity. Would it have been possible had I stopped him?
Or is it something only Cerys can figure out, or do I get to finish this subplot in Act 2... or did I simply goof up?
If it's something only Cerys can do, I guess her branch would have still left their family name a bit tainted, I'm guessing
I'm on my phone so I can't see it that well, but is that just golden nilfgaard armor, or a different design?While exploring. Was in random chest.grounds of the Kaer Morhen
I'm on my phone so I can't see it that well, but is that just golden nilfgaard armor, or a different design?
Came across rather shiny armor.
I recommend everyone to do 'plough everyone' -playthrough atleast once
What are the best glyphs for a melee focused build? Freeze and poison? Should I just sell off the other lesser glyphs i have?
Mastercraft Gryphon armor looks awesome, really grown on me. Very Knightly with the golden chainmail. Pictures really dont do it justice
One question, I assume so but just to check, we end up doing all those quests incorrect? One doesnt impede the rest?Final Preperation
So, Im playing on act 1 and my level is 5 almost 6, but I still have the same silver sword, in the prologue I found skematic for the silver vyper sword, but the Esmerald Dust is 500+ orens to buy, should i just get that or wait? Im compjetley overpowered by enemies right now with my current sword.
So, Im playing on act 1 and my level is 5 almost 6, but I still have the same silver sword, in the prologue I found skematic for the silver vyper sword, but the Esmerald Dust is 500+ orens to buy, should i just get that or wait? Im compjetley overpowered by enemies right now with my current sword.
So, Im playing on act 1 and my level is 5 almost 6, but I still have the same silver sword, in the prologue I found skematic for the silver vyper sword, but the Esmerald Dust is 500+ orens to buy, should i just get that or wait? Im compjetley overpowered by enemies right now with my current sword.
You have topick three correct choices out of five possible ones:
1. Have a snowball fight with Ciri.
2. If you take her to see Emhyr, don't accept the reward.
2. Don't accompany her when she has to talk with Phillipa and Margarita.
4. Encourage her to trash Avallac'h's lab.
5. Let her go to Skjall's grave.
Also, taking her to see Emhyr at all will decide what Ciri does afterwards.
Pretty sure that's it. I just finished it this morning, getting theending and I loved it. I'm gonna take a break, play some other games and then start again, this time on the hardest difficulty. Hopefully they'll have fixed most of the bugs by then."witcheress"
Thank you !Where in no mans land i can find wraiths?
The noonwraith is the one by the well?
I thought Yen was difficult person, but then I metLambert
Just beat it, fucking amazing game. Only have bugged out things left now., and a novigrad quest I can't continue for some reason which got bugged last patch. Oh and I missed a few missable Gwent cards so can't do that. Besides that I've done everything there is in the game. Every quest, question mark, explanation mark. Took me 103 hours according to Steam, but I had a bunch of crashes that might have lost a bit of time here and there.The statues with Triss thing
I did however not see the mission with the vampire where that funny gif comes from. Anybody know where that is supposed to be? I really think I did everything there is to do, unless it has something to do with thosewhich I can't do anymore..statues + Triss
Hm I just beat it and I did 1 and 5 only. And I got the same ending you did. I'm gonna go read up on all the different endings and other things possible now. Get some easy achievements tomorrow, then do the same thing as you, wait till after Batman at least and start up a new game, perhaps NG+ if it allows a difficulty change to Death March, Broken Bones was fun, but wanna try Death March.
for the ending conditions
If you don't visit Emhyr, it's enough to do two of the things. If you do visit him, you need three of the things.
Ugh, the devs really fucked up with the whole 2 potions and 2 bombs setup. I have a ton of different potions and bombs and if I want to switch between them (which I do a lot), I constantly have to go into the menus.
Yeah, had the same issue here, and when I turned it in the key moved to the junk category.The sunken chest, part of the secondary quest The Price of Honor, is bugged. Got the key, but it just won't open.
One of the main reasons I don't use a lot of potions/bombs in combat. They really needed a system similar to the Souls games where you can queue up several different items and scroll through them quickly.
As is, it's too annoying to constantly jump into the menu essentially after each fight to switch bombs. It's much faster to just meditate and use the same potion/bombs over and over.
So like, I ran into a bunch of bandits burning a house with an elf inside in Velen. But they were level 10 and I was level 3. So I ran away like a punk bitch.
Now that I'm level 6 I'm pretty sure I can kill them all with my hands tied behind my back. But I can't find them anymore.