Had my first broken quest I thought CDPR was above all this.
Witcher Contract Apiarian Phantom.
I got the key to the cellar and when I used it the door unlocks but the quest doesn't progress and ask me to unlock the door again but the key is gone. No event happens in the basement.
The doors wouldn't unlock for me, but after mashing x a cutscene started with the doors still locked. I have one failed quest as well the missing brother one in White Orchard.
Griffin school's gauntlets look horrible, sadly, and the trousers are not as good as my assassin's trousers.
(Though I look like a damn fool with bright blue trousers on lmfao)
Uggggh I got hit by the suspend/resume bug and just lost a couple hours of work. I was wondering why it wasn't saving (despite saying it saved my progress during the quest). I really don't want to do the escort quest in the swamp again :/
For the tree part,
is trusting the druidess tree heart demon thing the right thing to do
Is there any stashes or anything in this game? I have so many books and documents and general crafting stuff and some old witcher gear that I'm always 2/3 full. This better not be DA:I... :|
They're actually extremely generous with the weight limit in this game. I've only been overburdened exactly one time throughout my play through. In WItcher 2, Oblivion, the Fallout games, etc, I was almost always overburdened. Always.
Had my first broken quest I thought CDPR was above all this.
Witcher Contract Apiarian Phantom.
I got the key to the cellar and when I used it the door unlocks but the quest doesn't progress and ask me to unlock the door again but the key is gone. No event happens in the basement.
The doors wouldn't unlock for me, but after mashing x a cutscene started with the doors still locked. I have one failed quest as well the missing brother one in White Orchard.
The doors wouldn't unlock for me, but after mashing x a cutscene started with the doors still locked. I have one failed quest as well the missing brother one in White Orchard.
I think I'm getting close to getting done with the second game. I hope so anyway. The thing I've noticed in things I've seen that I really like is the returning characters.Witcher 1 character talk:
I'm enjoying this game, I really am, but it does have it's share of flaws I think sadly. I just really wish movement, and combat responsiveness was better. There have been so many times when my timing on the parry has been perfect, but my character simply does not do it. I wish the combat kinda worked a little more like a Batman arkham game, because it kinda feels like it should. While you can lock onto enemies, I just feel like that is not always ideal when you have multiple enemies, and when you don't lock on, he does not always target the character i want him to target, and it kinda pisses me off.
I know I've mentioned this sorta in the last thread also, but man, why the hell isn't this game just you playing as
Ciri? She's so much more fun to play as when you do get to play as her, and I like her personality so much more. Geralt is so boring with his emotionless personality, which I know is intentional, but he still kinda sucks because of it I feel. Not sure if Ciri had the same mutation, but even if she does, she seems more likeable to me. I mean, this whole game for me so far in my 36 hours playing has been just following in her footsteps, so why couldn't this game have been about playing through what she is doing instead of being behind? Have her do the contracts, and shit.
Either way, it's not to say I don't like the game, because I do, but it's not perfect.
They're actually extremely generous with the weight limit in this game. I've only been overburdened exactly one time throughout my play through. In WItcher 2, Oblivion, the Fallout games, etc, I was almost always overburdened. Always.
Bought a +70 saddle from an armorer and have yet to come across anything better. Main Story recently handed me a +50 or so, so I imagine anything better is a ways away.
sidequest on Death March? The one in Velen right at the beginning of the area. I'm level 8 now and this level 7 boss is just impossible to take down. There's no way to deplete his health fast enough to counter the regen without being torn to bits. But without killing it I can't work out it's weaknesses either. I'm stuck using Cursed Oil and it really doesn't seem to be enough, or even half as effective as the stuff Ciri used.
Had my first broken quest I thought CDPR was above all this.
Witcher Contract Apiarian Phantom.
I got the key to the cellar and when I used it the door unlocks but the quest doesn't progress and ask me to unlock the door again but the key is gone. No event happens in the basement.
thanks. hmm it's second branch and I haven't dropped a single point in any of the alchemy stuff. all my points are on the DPS melee stuff and signs >_>
I'm enjoying this game, I really am, but it does have it's share of flaws I think sadly. I just really wish movement, and combat responsiveness was better. There have been so many times when my timing on the parry has been perfect, but my character simply does not do it. I wish the combat kinda worked a little more like a Batman arkham game, because it kinda feels like it should. While you can lock onto enemies, I just feel like that is not always ideal when you have multiple enemies, and when you don't lock on, he does not always target the character i want him to target, and it kinda pisses me off.
I know I've mentioned this sorta in the last thread also, but man, why the hell isn't this game just you playing as
Ciri? She's so much more fun to play as when you do get to play as her, and I like her personality so much more. Geralt is so boring with his emotionless personality, which I know is intentional, but he still kinda sucks because of it I feel. Not sure if Ciri had the same mutation, but even if she does, she seems more likeable to me. I mean, this whole game for me so far in my 36 hours playing has been just following in her footsteps, so why couldn't this game have been about playing through what she is doing instead of being behind? Have her do the contracts, and shit.
Either way, it's not to say I don't like the game, because I do, but it's not perfect.
Ciri in cutscenes is brilliant. Playing as Ciri is a different story, her walking/running are really bad. Her dash just reminds me of Infamous. The voice acting isn't that great either.
thanks. hmm it's second branch and I haven't dropped a single point in any of the alchemy stuff. all my points are on the DPS melee stuff and signs >_>
Same here, I'm like 95% all in on signs with a little in melee. I feel bad ignoring alchemy but I don't really want to dump stuff in the initial skills for it.
Ciri in cutscenes is brilliant. Playing as Ciri is a different story, her walking/running are really bad. Her dash just reminds me of Infamous. The voice acting isn't that great either.
not as much time was put into her as a playable character because she was not the focus, but what was there I think had potential. With more work, those issues you had could have been worked on. I don't mind her VA honestly...no worse than Geralt's boring gruff voice.
Same here, I'm like 95% all in on signs with a little in melee. I feel bad ignoring alchemy but I don't really want to dump stuff in the initial skills for it.
Big advice to everyone after having just beaten the game:
1.Make a save before beginning the late game "Payback" quest and don't overwrite it!
2. Don't use a guide to plan your choices.
I got the best ending, but when I looked at the criteria for each afterwards, it seemed really random. I had no idea how important some seemingly minor choices were when I was making them.
That said, it was fantastic. After watching the others on Youtube, they seem quite profound in their own ways. Just be sure to do the above, in case you're dissatisfied. Might still lose a few hours, but it's better than having to restart everything.
Any of the survival skills, or whatever they are called - beside mutagens - worth it? I got that vitality one but it doesn't seem as useful as I thought originally.
Help... Doing the well quest. Found the bracelet, and the burnt grass around the well. Got the one armed skeleton out.. But I am still getting find evidence of spirits presence using senses. I heard about a dried body??????
Depends on builds. My build is throwing bombs since I have like 7-8-9 of each, especially the poison one followed by the flammable cloud then the fire bomb against multiple enemies. I don't even need to move!
On 1v1 Target I use poison, blind and anything that can block the Monster special ability.
Add this the Oils that poison too and everything fall fast. Sign wise it's Igni/Axii and of course Quen.
Spoiler question for Keria Metz/Triss/Yen romance:
Does my choice to sex Keria earlier mess up my decision to go with Triss or Yen? I've already told Yen I didn't love her and Triss that I did. Wondering if that encounter with Keria is gonna come back to bite me in the ass