I need help deciding which of the following two spells to spec into: the Axii alternative (convert enemies into allies) or Quen alternative (life-regenerating shield).
I was initially leaning towards Axii since the idea of turning enemies into allies seemed so cool, but after performing some tests, I'm actually more impressed with the Quen one. It seems like an awesome ability to cheese in order to regain health in dangerous areas. For example, you can kill off a pack of enemies until there's just one remaining, then bait it into attacking your shield and giving you back all your life before slaying it as well. It could also be invaluable in dire situations in which your health is really low and you need to pull something out of your sleeve in order to survive. Near death? Evade enemies until your stamina is full, pop the shield, let them whale on it, then roll away!
The Axii alternative, on the other hand, seems way more situational since it takes forever to cast and doesn't last very long.
So what do you guys think, especially those of you who've spent time messing around with both spells? Is the Quen life-regeneration shield the more useful of the two, and is the Axii one as situational as I'm thinking it is?